Sometime its good to being selfish

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Anika came in the room sobbing silently and set on the floor hugging her knees. She felt pain remembering about kamini words. It's been six months she is married to him and till now no one knows about her being married with him. She is still a Anika who has nothing but herself only. She is just worker here. If other does their house hold then she handle their everything. She always stood by him whether if about tia's allegations or about their wedding or murder case. She always took his side of him. She always proven that what a life partner does when other one is in problem but what about her. He don't even take her side when his mom scream at her. He just pretends like he don't know her. She is just a stranger to him who is staying with him. Sometime she feels like people says right she is his mistress who is staying with him without any valid relationship. She didn't feel bad when kamini said she is outsider and can't give gifts to priyanka. But she felt bad when shivaay said to her to go inside and why won't he not say her when she is nothing to him and a outsider for him whom he used when he had needed. She is stupid who think about him always. He don't deserve just don't.

Anika. Anika sniffles and immediately wiped her tears folding her legs playing with her fingers ignoring to look in his eyes

Shiv. Anika wo I didn't have any other choice That's why I said to you to go inside. I just wanted to

Ani. You just wanted to safe your reputation by using me like always. It's ok shivaay I've habit to bearing all this. Though why will I feel bad when I know that what I've place in your life. I was just replacement for you. Whom you used to hide ugly truth which would had ruined your respect. I'm ok like this. Just waiting for six months to pass on so that I could see my way and you see yours. After that you don't need to undo me. She wipes her tears and got up shrugging her clothes.

Shiv. It's nothing like that Anika. I was just

Ani. I know that like always you don't want to hurt your family because of outsider like me. It's ok I can understand.

Shiv. No Anika. You know na she is an evil lady. She would had make issue if I won't had ask you. That's why I did it. I agreed I did for priyanka but I wanted to save you as well from humiliation. That's why I asked you to go.

Ani. You feel ashamed to being with me. Why don't you say infront of my face ha. I won't mind if you will say.

Shiv. Nooo

Ani. It was not my mistake that my upbringing happened in orphanage. It's not my fault that my parents left me out there. It's not my fault that I don't have any surname or lineage. I'm just This which is standing infront of you. My ownself describe myself nothing else. But I'm sure these things matter to you that's why you are not able to accept me as your wi.... she chocked. But it's ok I don't mind about it. Though I also don't wanna live with that person who consider my surname and linage more than myself. I've enough bear in my life and don't wanna undo more. If you want you can search a good girl for you infect I'll help you in that but just don't insult me infront of people again and again. This is request is from me to you.

Shiv. What are you saying Anika. I can't leave you. I just.

Ani. Why you can't leave me. What's going on in your mind shivaay. Why you being so selfish like always. I'm human being yar. I also want peace in my life like a Normal person but you are the one who is stuck on one place. One side you don't wanna leave me and other side you can't even accept our relation. Tell me shivaay what you want. I'm fed up. I'm fed up with all these. Inside of mine is something is breaking which is unbearable for me. For once just once think about me. Why don't you consider me human why you don't. I've feelings shivaay. I've emotions as well. Im also like priyanka. I pretend to be strong but I'm not. I'm also sensitive like her infect more than her. It's just she has family to share and I don't have. I've to handle things on my own. Try to understand shivaay. It's getting out of control now. If this thing will continue for more then might I would take that stand which always scared me to take. She sobs sitting on the bed holding her bedsheet

Shiv. Anika Anika I'm trying na. I'm trying to understand our relationship.

Ani. till you will understand I'll go so far away from you that you won't able to find me and that day you will regret to not take early decision. She hiccups looking in his cyan eyes.

Shivaay got horrified after hearing her.

Shiv. What what do you mean by that

Ani. There are loads of meanings shivaay which you all understand it's just pretending to not know. Do somethings soon otherwise things doesn't take time to happens. She wipes her tears and left from there leaving him in dilemma.

At night

Shivaay comes in dining table and look around to seeing Anika but he got confused when he didn't find her.

Shiv. Where is Anika.

P. Why you ask for her. She would be around somewhere. You don't think about her. Come and have food.

Shiv. But mom she didn't have anything from morning

Jhanvi. Shivaay kamini Ji is here and I don't want her to make issue because of your wife. Try to understand it. It can affect my daughter

Shi. Badi maa she is part of this family and

T. She is not part of family shivaay. We didn't bring her here with our will. She is just here because of your so called hidden marriage otherwise she is nothing but equal to our servants.

Shivaay got shocked to seeing his family reaction. He never thought that they will be like this.

J. I think shivaay you should kick her out as soon as possible. Today she is affecting on priyanka. Tomorrow she will affect on others as well. Though every day media is coming and I don't them to know about your being married with her before priyanka doesn't get tie in marriage. I hope you understand.

don't worry mam soon I'll leave this house. Infect. I've done my arrangements. Soon I'll Leave after that neither you have to bear me nor I'll show you my face ever. Anika spoke who was standing listening their talk.

Shiv. Anika Listen

Ani. And yes I'm sure in your eyes I'm nothing but a Filth but atleast this filth doesn't spread venom around like you does in people's life. I didn't ask your son to marry me. He did it infect forced me to do it to safe his reputation so before bad mouthing about me see your inner self. I'm sure you will feel more disgusting when you will get to know about yourself. Anyways enjoy your meal. Saying this she left from there making Jhanvi fums in anger

J. How dare she say all this to me. Shivaay control this girl before I do something worse

Shiv. You didn't right thing badi maa I always considered you well mannered but you proved me wrong. Shame on you. Saying this he left from there in anger

J. Pinky how can you son behave with me like this

P. Which you deserve jethani ji. Such a cheap you are. Always you used my son for your benefits and thought about your kids. But not this time. I won't let you to ruin his life for your own kids. If he want to be with anika then it's his choice. I don't want you to separate him from his wife. She gave her angry look and left from there.

In pool side

Shivaay is sitting on the edge of pool when pinky comes there

P. Shivaay

Shivaay immediately wipes his tears and gave smile to his mum hiding his pain

Pinky goes near him and set besides him

P. Shivaay Kya Ha tumara dil mein. Won't you tell your mom.

Shivaay look at his mother and hugged her tightly

Shiv. I've always loved her mom. She was my first sight love. When I had saw her first time that time only I felt like she is made for me. She had different spark which gave me chill around my body. I never felt like before like that but that day I did. After that when she cAme In this house. My life totally changed. I started looking life with different point of view. She was life changer for me. But I never expressed my feelings because I was engaged to tia and my family respect was tied with it b again I became Bali ka bakra and pressed my feelings inside without letting anyone know. Always I kept my wishes inside from childhood and thought about others. But it's enough now mom I'm fed up to being like this. I wanna be normal like others. I wanna he selfish. When she is my wife then I don't wanna let her go but now again these people are using me for their happiness. They wants me to leave my life. They want me to go back in arrogant and selfless zone. But I don't wanna do it mom I don't wanna do. She is life mom. She is my life my wife whom I love sooo much more than anything and now because of my being thinking about others she got disheartened and thinking to leave me. She said she will go away from me. She don't wanna live with coward like me who can't take stand for her. I'm so helpless mom I'm so helpless tell me what to do. I can't bear this. I just can't. He hiccups squeezing his mom in hug. He always suppressed his feelings inside and never let it go infront of Anyone not even infront of his mother. Maybe that's why she always smeared her decision on his face. But today when she saw her kid crying she felt bad and angry as well on herself who landed him in that situation where he don't have any way out. How careless and selfish mother she is who didn't think about her baby and was being selfish how could she. She sobs and rub his back to console him.

P. I'm sorry baby mumma is so bad who let people to use you. I'm sorry She cups his face and kissed him all over his face crying like anything

P. This time I'm saying you think about yourself. Don't bother about others. Just you and Anika. That's it.she is your wife. Understand your wife. You want her in your life then take her with you and go away. I won't stop you neither let anyone do. Just do what your heart says. Don't think about me or any other person. If you will do then you will loss yourself and ruin your life as well. So go to Anika pack your bag and leave from here where no one can reach you. I don't want my son or daughter bear all those which I did. Hmm just go.

Shiv. Shall I mom he sobs making faces like a baby

P. Yes baby. You should go to your wife. Go

Shivaay. Thank you mom thank you so much mumma he kissed her forehead and left inside his room. He comes there and saw his wife is laying on the sofa sobbing silently thrusting her face in that. He slowly move closer to her and lay besides her hugging her from behind

Shiv. I'm sorry baby. I'm sorry. I'm big jerk who didn't think about you ever. I was so selfish who used you everytime and made you cry whether on our wedding day or between all those months since we are together. I was so bad with you ani. I was so bad. But I was helpless I thought if I'll be selfless and think about them then they will also consider my happiness but they didn't. They are asking me to leave you so that their daughter marriage happens smoothly. But what about me what I'll do if I'll leave you they didn't think about it. They are being selfish like always. They wants me to give my happiness to them like always. But I can't do this time. You are not my fav toy which Omru liked and I've given to them. You are my wife and I wanna be with you not with them. Don't leave me Anika. Plz. Baby just don't. I will die without you. I can't express my feelings that's doesn't mean I don't love you. I love you more than anything. I don't care if you don't have surname or anything. I've got you and that's enough for me. You are my family and I'm yours which means we don't need anyone but if you left me then we both will cry for each other which we can't afford so it's better we be with each other like always. Don't separate me from you ani. Just don't. I love you. I love you so much. Anika turns and hugged him tightly bursting into tears

Ani. I love you Shiv I can't live without you. When you were not taking my side it's hurted me. I was feeling so helpless that's why I said I'll leave you. But now I will never. I wanna be with you with my love. With my Shiv.

Shivay sobs kept crying taking her on top of him kissing her numerous times on her head. M

Shiv. I love you ani. I love you love you baby. Anika lift up Her face and peck his dried lips which first shock to shivaay but later he started sucking her lips lovingly. He took her bottom lips and suck it slowly tasting every bit of her Mouth. He always wanna taste these delicious lips and today he did it which Is totally magical for him. After full ten minutes they broke the kiss and hugged her tightly

Shiv. I'm happy to being selfish he wrap his arm around her neck and kissed her lips again. Anika giggle and place soft kiss on his nose

Ani. I love you Shiv

Shiv. I love you too. Anyways come let's go

Ani. Where

Shiv. Just pack your bags we are going

Ani means

Shiv. We can't live here ani anymore so we have to go

Ani. Are you mad shivaay what you saying what about your family

Shiv. You wanna be with me right he said cupping her face

Anika nods yes

Shiv. Then don't say anything. Saying this he took the bags and fetch his and her clothes in that. He gave her teasing smile when he put her private things in bag which made her crimson red.

Shiv. Let's go he hold her hand and left his room giving last glance to It.


All family is enjoying the tea when shkvaua descended from the stairs

Om. Where you going shivaay

Shiv. Actually I'm leaving that house where people don't respect my wife

T. What nonsense shivaay. When on earth you started calling her your wife

Shiv. When I realised being selfless will give you nothing but pain. I'm fed up to thinking about others so I've decided this time I'll think about myself not any other people. Your wife said na my wife can't live here as it can affect your daughter marriage then that's fine when she can't live here then even I don't have right to be here. So I've decided to go

Sha. What about business shivaay

T. Bada papa already planing to make ceo to his one of son so it's up to him he can handle it. I don't. Care about it

D. What are you shivaay billu. Without you our business is nothing. We need you

Shiv. I thought you will say we need you because you can't live without me but I never thought that you are also selfish Dadi who is thinking about her husband business and using her grand son happiness to keep her reputation high

T. How you are talking with maa shivaay. She is right who is will handle business

Shiv. The way you were handling before me mr oberoi. Though I think I've enough contribution in this business which made my more right over it than Omru. So soon my lawyer will meet you and just part my property for me.

J. What ? Shivaay you can't do this

Shiv. I will do this badi maa. I've enough being selfless now I'll thinking about me and my wife no one else though it's legal I'm not snatching anything of yours.

T. Listen shivaay don't do this. We can talk about it.

P. There is nothing to talk jeth ji. Shivay you go I'm giving you permission

D. Pinky

P. Not a word more. I can't let you ruin my son's life. If he wanna think about himself then let him do it. Don't need to push your leg in it. I don't my son and daughter become one more Shakti and pinky. Whom you used whenever you want for your benefits. Go shivaay. Take care of my daughter. Anika and shivaay look at her and took her blessing. Pinky smiles and caresses their head

Sha. Jao shivaay.

Omru. Bhiya Plz don't go.

Shiv. I've to Omru I've to. Let me be selfish. Omru nods and hugged him tightly

Om. Jao shivaay.

Shivaay. Chala. He smiles and hold Anika's hand in his palm

Anika nods and left from there to start new journey with her husband

The end


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