Chapter Five: "Now We Contact the League"

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Chapter Five

“Now We Contact the League.”

-Quote from Aqualad


September 18

The Watchtower


Nightwing’s Point of View


            “So what’s the plan?” Aqualad asked as the senior members of the Team (Artemis, Superboy, Megan, Aqualad, and I) and the rest of the League were finally gathered around the circular table, holograms in front of each and every person as we were determining the best source of action.

            “We all know that the Himalayas are extremely cold and are subject to avalanches even at the slightest knock on some snow. Very dangerous territory. However, we don’t know who in the Light is guarding that place. We can’t afford to lose members of the League or the Team by simply not knowing who we’re up against. That’s reckless,” Batman informed the lot of us.

            “So, in other words, you’re implying that we should contact Adrianne and Roy,” I commented.

            “Want to do the honors?” Batman gave me a light smile as he tossed me the signaling device.

            “Not like I can just toss it back at you,” I muttered as I pressed the recording device. “Hey, uh, Adrianne. Watchtower in ten? Or, like, now?”

            Batman deadpanned, “Really? That’s how you plan on convincing her to get her here as quickly as possible?”

            I faked a cough, “Ahem.”

            “In any case,” Black Canary continued the conversation from the awkward tension between Batman and I. “What are the conditions in the Beetle Ruins?”

            Batman returned his attention to the main holographic screen, switching the computer screen to another slide for everyone at the table to view.

            “The Beetle Ruins are located under the main grounds of the Bialyan castle. Of course, Queen Bee is most likely placing it under high security, as they are most probable into finding the piece of the ‘Lyatle’ enclosed there.

            “Before we continue onward,” Batman continued his speech. “I must discuss with you what the Lyatle is and what we know it can do. It is similar to the incident with Tiamat, where you needed to assemble the keys to unlock the doors to the creature. This is a similar case, except on a much larger scale. Archeologists have not yet found this artifact, and Helena Sandsmark is already made the matter her highest priority.

            “Now onward to where the other pieces of this key is located . . . There is one in the Atlantean ruins, which is heavily guarded by mystical magic and spells. Aquaman has confirmed that Black Manta has somehow escaped prison, placing a clone of himself there instead . . . We’re still not sure how that happened.

            “Next: Yosemite State Park—home to many species of wildlife and rare calcites, graphites, and minerals. This is the place where the fourth part to the key is supposedly held. It can be pretty cold in winter, and warm in summer. Though, as of the moment, as it is September, it is considered chilly.

            “Last is Warworld, a planet we saw last by Rimbor. We will most likely need the Green Lantern’s assistance in this part of the situation. I do not know if Warworld has already departed from Rimbor in the past few years, but it could also be stationed by that particular planet. The conditions on that planet is the fact that, under the world’s level grounds, are high-tech missiles and machine guns, built specifically by Mongul himself until his temporary downfall. We also don’t know where he is, but whether Mongul is crucial to this situation or not will unfold later on in the future. Because Aqualad and Artemis served the Light undercover for a few months (Aqualad for a few years), the League will most likely depart those two if we ever needed to go there, of course with an intergalactic being who can travel within the atmosphere.”

            Abruptly, the door creaked open, revealing none other than Arsenal behind the door.

            “Roy!” Green Arrow immediately arose from his chair, coming over to greet his former protégée—giving him a warm embrace.

            “Hey, old man,” Roy joked as he returned the embrace.

            “I didn’t really get to talk to you at Cadmus last time,” Green Arrow exhaled. “We need to catch up.”

            Roy replied with a small smile, “Yeah, sure. We should.”

            “Where’s Adrianne?” Batman narrowed his eyes at Roy.

            “She’s . . . coming,” Roy responded instantaneously, before grabbing the door and peaking his head out into the main atrium, shouting softly. “Adrianne, get over here. Now.”

            “You don’t have to be such a meanie for that,” she spat ‘viciously.’ “I’m here . . . in like, what? Ten minutes? As asked?”

            “Adrianne, good of you to join us,” Batman greeted monotonously.

            “Nice to be back,” she gave that dazzling (in my opinion) smile of hers.

            “Adrianne, there’s an empty seats beside Nightwing,” Batman told them passively, and I mentally thanked him for arranging the seating order so that Adrianne could be near me. “Roy, beside Green Arrow.”

            The two of them immediately took their seats. After taking her seat, Adrianne took the honors of kicking my leg under the table as the meeting proceeded—an act we both did to one another when we were children.

            “Now,” Batman continued the meeting. “Would either of you two care to share what information you have?”

            “Wait, so that’s the reason why you called us here on such short notice?” Adrianne raised an eyebrow before responding in a serious tone. “You know, Roy and I are perfectly capable of completing this task on our own. Not to sound obnoxious or anything

            “Doing a mission as dire as this solo is not a wise choice, Adrianne,” the Bat reprimanded her, causing her cringe back and remain silent. “We want to complete this quickly.”

            “If you insist,” Adrianne nodded her head in comply. “Roy, plug in the USB into the plug situation under the table.”

            Roy did as he was told as several files concerning the Lyatle appeared onto the screens of all the members at the table.

            “Now, if I may present,” Adrianne gave everyone a warm smile before standing up to represent her speech.

Adrianne Wayne’s Point of View


            “I am quite sure that Batman has told all of you the conditions known of all five locations possibly containing the Lyatle,” I began my monologue. “Before arriving here, Roy and I intercepted a call between Queen Bee and Lex Luthor—in which they stated that the Beetle Ruins were being excavated since its partial ruin when Blue Beetle, Zatanna, Rocket, and so forth went there to extract the Beetle from . . . Forgot his name . . . But you know who he is.

            “In any case, Queen Bee said she was near to getting excavating that piece. However, there are many puzzles to undermine the ruins without being eliminated—like in the pyramids in Egypt. The approximate time period she said she would get to the enclosed piece was about three days. Sportsmaster has gotten farther and farther into solving the puzzles there.

            “Meanwhile, in Yosemite State Park, where Luthor is currently stationed, he has Parasite and Professor Ivo undermining the places there in search for the missing piece. That’s all the information I have on that matter.

            “In Atlantis, Black Manta is undermining the mystical caverns or something of the sort . . . When I say Atlantis, I mean near Atlantis, not necessarily at that specific site. Though I think that you all believe that the piece is held at the main temples of Atlantis, but I believe that there is another tavern underwater that, no offense, Aquaman, we don’t know of necessarily.

            “Hm . . . What else am I missing . . . Oh, yeah. In the Himalayas, Icicle Jr., Frost, and Captain Cold are all in the process of excavating the piece there within the mounts. All they know is that the piece is there, but they don’t know where in the Himalayas that holds the piece. Of course, I believe we’ll need a carbon dioxide-14 tracer, since that is the compound released from old, ancient objects, artifacts, and cadavers.

            “Last on the list is Warworld. I don’t know how we’ll be able to trace it without the help of the Green Lanterns, for their extensive transportation ability throughout the universe, Icon, for his comprehensive knowledge of extraterrestrial affairs, Rocket, for also her knowledge of extraterrestrial law and her meta-human abilities, and Martian Manhunter for his proficiency in alien history and literature. I believe M’gann would be more useful here on earth because of her similar Martian abilities and understanding of alien activity.”

            I finished my rant as I awaited Batman’s reply . . . and as well as the rest of the League.

            “Superman?” Batman asked his peer and fellow founder of the League. “What do you think?”

            “I believe that two of the Green Lanterns, Icon, Rocket, and Manhunter should travel to Rimbor and check whether or not Warworld is still there. Of course, do not land on the planet since we had . . . a past with that planet, and we swore never again to step upon their land,” Superman said wiser than usual . . . no offense to Superman. “In other words, I second Adrianne’s notion.”

            “If I may,” I spoke out yet again. “The Flash and Black Canary will be the bait, in case of any enemy fire, as Batgirl and Superboy gather the piece. At least that’s what I believe should be the plan. But to where they go . . . I believe Yosemite.”

            “Whatever you say, Adrianne,” the Flash placed his hands up in ‘surrender,’ and I chuckled at his response.

            “Remember, these are just my suggestions, so I believe that Batman, Nightwing, Artemis, and Wonder Girl can stay at the Watchtower and cover the intelligence and status report sector,” I continued. “Oh, and, Roy and I were going to go down to Atlantis before you guys called . . . so, we are definitely going there, though I would station Aqualad there as well. I believe Aquaman should come as well if he would like to.”

            Aqualad and Aquaman exchanged glances before Aqualad replied, “We don’t see why not.”

            “Then, it’s settled,” I smiled. “We now just need to re-state who’s going where, and maybe change a few things here and there.”

            “Alright,” Batman said monotonously. “Since I am the leader of the Justice League, I . . . will state who goes where.”

            We all turned out full attention to Batman as he gave out his final orders.

            “I want John Stewart, Hal Jordan, Icon, and Manhunter to travel to Rimbor and check, do not land on Rimbor, to see whether or not Warworld is still there or not. If it is, you shall go on a covert mission and gather all the information that you can. In any case of trouble, you are to return immediately. Understood? You can depart tomorrow. Go home, rest, and get ready for tomorrow. If you all would like and agree to an earlier date to depart, inform me first before going. You four are dismissed,” Batman stated.

            Both of the Green Lanterns, Icon, and Manhunter nodded their heads before exiting the room.

            Batman continued, “For Yosemite, the Flash, Black Canary, Batgirl, and Beast Boy will go there tomorrow morning. You cannot leave at any earlier time than nine in the morning. You are to meet at the Watchtower, and then, when I allow you to, you may go. This is an extensive mission that we cannot afford to be disorganized. Go home, rest, and get ready for tomorrow. You four are dismissed.”

            The four Batman stated headed for Yosemite State Park the following day got up and left the meeting room.

            “For the Himelayas, I want Kid Flash, Miss Martian, Superboy, and Wondergirl to go there tomorrow. You are to report to the Watchtower at nine, and when I tell you may go, you go,” the leader of the Justice League narrowed his eyes at the ‘children.’ “You are dismissed for now. Go home, get some rest, and get ready for tomorrow.”

            “For the Beetle Ruins, I will send Artemis, Blue Beetle, Zatanna, and Rocket,” Batman declared. “Report to the Watchtower at eight, not nine, and I will do the final check-up on things before sending you off. Since the bioship will already be taken for the Himelayas, you’ll be using other means of transportation. You four are dismissed.”

            At that, Artemis, Blue Beetle, Zatanna, and Rocket bid their farewells before exiting the room.

            “For the last site, the Atlantean temples, I want Aquaman, Aqualad, Lagoon Boy, and, if possible, Tempest. Aquaman, I think he would provide a great asset for this mission. Your three are dismissed. Go home, get some rest, and get ready for tomorrow,” Batman stated.

            I kind of felt bad for him for saying the same thing over and over again. Go home, get some rest, and get ready for tomorrow. Wow . . . A bit repetitive. Wait a moment, I though Roy and I already had dibs on that mission!

            “Batman, I told you that Roy and I had that part covered,” I raised an eyebrow at my guardian.

            “I want you to stay at the Watchtower, and Roy and Green Arrow to their home city where I will have those two cover a Star Labs murder mystery. The death of a mutagen-educated scientist, closely affiliated with the League, was murdered two days ago. Local police have found no evidence, and I had a meeting with him the day previous to his murder. There were no open wounds or any signs of suffocation, but a small, swollen rash on his arm. I would guess black widow bite, venomous enough to kill. Maybe the spider was genetically altered or so . . . In any case, you two will cover that,” Batman said so passively.

            “Tsk,” I muttered to myself. “Why is it that I help them, and this is how things are . . .”

            Nightwing apparently heard what I had said and chuckled beside me, “You’re hopeless, Adrianne.”

            “And you’re saying you’re not?” I bit my lip to suppress my rising laughter.

            We both chuckled softly at our idiocy.

            “Before the rest of the League can be dismissed, the people who will report to the Watchtower at seven A.M. are Adrianne, Nightwing, Robin, Roy, Green Arrow, Captain Atom, and myself,” Batman concluded finally. “Meeting adjourned.”

            At that, everyone immediately rushed out of the meeting room aside from Batman, Nightwing, Roy, and myself.

            “Are you staying over at Wayne’s tonight?” Richard whispered in my ear. “You haven’t in a while. Please?”

            “What about Roy?” I whispered back. “I can’t leave him alone.”

            I felt someone tap my shoulder—Roy, “Hey, I’m going to go meet up with Red Arrow and Jade. Check up on them. So I’m going to stay with Green Arrow for the night. Is that alright with you?”

            “Sure,” I smiled at him, kissing his cheek. “See you tomorrow at seven.”

            “S-see you,” he stuttered as he exited the room.

            Richard gave me a look, “Are you guys together?”

            “Naw,” I chuckled. “We’re friends who do weird stuff, a.k.a. beat villains.”

            “You seem like girlfriend and boyfriend to me,” he laughed nervously as we exited the room together.

            I laughed lightly, “Yeah. I guess. We sometimes act so to get past a few parties and save the day, but, aside from that, not really.”

            “So, um, ready to go home?” he asked me nervously as he stood in front of the zeta tubes.

            I rolled my eyes before mocking an English accent, stepping into the zeta tubes after typing in my destination, “As I’ll ever be.”

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