- O U R U N I V E R S E -

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FOUR       YEARS       LATER

august 14, 2022


Hot water ran down Teddy's face, steam rising above the shower curtain in wispy spirals. He could hear the birds chirping over the rush of the water streaming out of the nozzle, bright and cheery. Fitting for the day, he thought.

He rinsed the soap from his sopping hair, closing his eyes as he tilted his head back. The door to the bathroom swung open with a bang, and Teddy frowned. "Junie?"

"I have a problem!"

Teddy groaned, "Go away, Rory!"

"I'm the bride!" Rory reminded him. "You have to be nice to me. And I need your help!"

The frazzled young woman paced around the bathroom, hair up in at least dozen rollers. She was dressed in a ratty shirt with holes and a pair of gym shorts Teddy knew belonged to James. Her lips were pursed. In short, she looked exactly like Teddy expected Rory Wood to look on her wedding day.

"Go away!" Teddy repeated, irritated at having his shower interrupted. The only person who got to interrupt his showers was Juniper. And psycho bride Rory was not an encounter he'd wanted to deal with. She was more than a little wigged out.

Rory was still pacing, ranting, "...and I don't know what to do, because I can't tell if James will—"

Teddy was doing his best to block her out.

"Are you even listening to me?!" Rory whipped the shower curtain open, arms crossed.

"Hey!" Teddy cried out in horror, scrambling to cover himself with the curtain..

Rory's brow furrowed in confusion, "What?"

"I'm in the fucking shower, Ror!" he exclaimed, failing to understand how she didn't understand.


"I'm naked!"

Rory rolled her eyes, "For fuck's sake Lupin, I don't bloody care. It's not as if it's a big deal."

Teddy's mouth fell open in betrayal, "Erm- that's hurtful."

She rolled her eyes for a second time, "Sorry- your dick is spectacular, Junie's a very lucky girl." Rory tapped her foot impatiently, "Can we get back to me now?"

Teddy yanked the shower curtain closed in response.

"Lupin—!" Rory started but she was interrupted by another call.

"Teddy!" James barreled into the bathroom. "I need to talk to you!"

Teddy breathed out a sigh of relief. About time. James was here to save him. There was no way he would be cool with Rory in here while Teddy was undressed. "Thank god," Teddy muttered. "I'm so sorry, buddy. She just came in here I didn't—"

"Huh?" James's forehead wrinkled.

"I just— I assume you don't want your fiancé in here while I'm...you know," Teddy explained. Merlin they really were perfect for each other. Both of them were as thick as it gets. Did he have to spell it out? "Since you wouldn't want her to see me...aren't you worried or angry or—?"

James ignored him, "I don't know what you're on about mate, but I need your help." He reopened the curtain, in the same brisk manner as Rory.

"What is it with you people and the shower curtain?! It's there for a reason!" Teddy howled indignantly, having to cover himself yet again.

James shared a look with Rory, remarking, "He is touchy today."

"I know," Rory nodded in agreement, "You'd think he was the one getting married."

Teddy's eyes darted from Rory to James, in total disbelief. "Maybe I'm touchy because people keep intruding on my privacy!" he yelled.

Now they were arguing over who got to talk to Teddy first.

"I was here first!"

"He's my best friend, Wood!"

"He's mine too!" Rory retorted, stamping her foot indignantly. "Which is entirely your fault!"

"I need—"

"Potter, so help me godric I will—"

"Here's a fun idea!" Teddy shouted over the noise. The water was already beginning to get cold. "LEAVE ME ALONE!"

The door swung open for the third time in five minutes. Teddy wanted to scream. Who was it now? The bloody Queen of England?!

"What is all the shrieking about?" Juniper asked indignantly. Teddy had never been so happy to see her, even if she did call his very manly yelling, shrieking. Surely, she wouldn't be okay with Rory and James in here. Hell, maybe she'd even join him. He would not be opposed to that. No sir.

"Oh, hey you guys," Juniper smiled, greeting Rory and James. "What are you doing in here?"

"Welcome to the party," Teddy growled, glaring at both Rory and James. "Now make them leave!"

Juniper cocked her head, "What? Why?"

"They're in here!" Teddy said, waving his hand wildly. "I'm showering! I'm naked! Doesn't that bother you?"

"Erm— no..." Juniper laughed to herself, "why would it?"

That was the last straw for Teddy. He shut the shower curtain closed with a crash of metal, roaring, "OUT! All of you out!"

Rory and James started to protest, "We still need your help!"

"I will talk to Rory, then you James. Okay?" Teddy gritted his teeth. "After I finish my shower! Clear? NOW GET OUT!"

The three of them obliged, grumbling about what they thought was a gross overreaction. Juniper had no idea why he was so bent out of shape. They'd all seen his junk before.

"He's such a drama queen," Juniper said under her breath, as they walked out the door.



Juniper headed into the bridal suite, a spacious room with fluffy pillows in every possible place. The view from the window was spectacular, overlooking the cliffs of Cornwall. It was a perfect, summer day. The sun was shining on the crystal blue water, dancing as waves crested.

Of course Rory and James were getting married in Cornwall. The very place where they'd first kissed. Juniper was glad that they'd had their first kiss in such an appeasing location, and not in an alley somewhere. No, Rory and James were to be wed in a flower dotted meadow, perched atop one of Cornwall's mountains. Her brother finally got his dream fairytale wedding.

She needed to get changed before Rory returned, or she was certain that her best friend would have an aneurysm. The snafu this morning with the place cards had nearly sent her over the edge, let alone how stressed out James was.

He was dealing with the butterfly release issue, apparently the Magizoologist they hired had gotten stuck in Greece? Juniper didn't know. All she knew was that James had spent two hours biting anyone's head off who even tried to talk to him.

Thankfully Henry had stepped in and saved the day. It was a good thing him and Leo had ended things amicably, because otherwise it wouldn't have been an option.

Juniper carefully took her dress of the hanger, knowing Rory would absolutely murder her if anything happened to it. It was a gorgeous dress, expertly tailored to Juniper's body. It fit her like a glove. And because she was the maid of honor, it was a little different from everyone else's, which she liked. It made her feel special.

She slipped it over her head, and glanced at her reflection. The blush pink satin hugged her curves nicely, it was simple, with a small slit to show off her legs and an open back. The other dresses were the same color satin as well, but while Juniper's was strapless, theirs were one shoulder or off the shoulder. It varied. Rory hadn't wanted them all wearing the exact same thing. Vanessa, Cali, and Vic were bridesmaids. It was a balanced wedding party. Teddy was James's best man of course. And his three groomsmen were Alex, Charlie, and Leo.

Juniper slid on the spindly heels, twisting and turning in front of the mirror. Her hair wasn't done yet, or her makeup, but she was pretty happy with what she saw.

"You look beautiful," Teddy's voice came from the doorway, soft. His eyes met hers, full of love.

Juniper ducked her head, blushing. Even at twenty-two he could still make her cheeks pink like a shy schoolgirl. "Shut up." Juniper took in what Teddy was currently sporting, a towel wrapped loosely around his waist. That was it. There was water dripping down his abdomen, and Juniper inhaled sharply. "You're not too bad yourself, Lupin."

"Oh yeah?" Teddy made his way over to her, but Juniper held her hands up in defense.

"If a single drop of liquid gets on this thing I will be dead, buried six feet underground, and you can never kiss me again, " Juniper warned, backing away from him. It took a lot of self control to do that, since he was staring at her with the dirtiest look she'd ever seen. He dragged his teeth across his lower lip and Juniper wanted to punch him. "Besides, don't you have to talk to Rory?"

"You mean the scary bridezilla who's invaded Rory's body?" he replied pointedly.


Teddy winced, lowering his tone, "I should probably go before she spontaneously combusts."





"Go!" Juniper pushed him out into the hall, lest a third wizarding war begin. She was pretty sure those two would be fighting until the day they died. Probably past that, if she was being honest. She could see it now, the two of them as ghosts, bickering over who had a better death and why.

After changing into his suit and towel drying his hair, Teddy ventured into the room that Rory had designated as her "planning space". She was sitting cross legged on the carpet, painting her nails a shiny champagne color with laser like focus.

"Hey, Ror."

Rory did not raise her sight to greet him, only muttering sulkily, "Don't you mean Bridezilla?"

"Aw babes, did I hurt your feelings?" Teddy pouted, plopping him himself on the floor across from her.

She scowled, huffing, "How many times do I have to tell you not call me that?"

"It's been five years, babes," Teddy threw her a shit eating grin. "How many times will you have to ask before you realize I'm never stopping?"

"Sometimes I think you were born to spite me," Rory sighed heavily, blowing on her daintily splayed fingers. They were expertly painted, a fine coat over each perfectly shaped nail.

"Love you too, Ror," Teddy chuckled. "So what's up?" She handed him the bottle of nail polish instead of answering. "What's this for?"

"My toes," Rory wiggled her bare feet as if it was obvious.

Realization washed over Teddy. He shook his head vehemently, "No. No way."

"Well, I can't," she insisted. "I'll smudge the ones I just finished."

"I don't even know how to paint nails!" Teddy argued.

"Please," Rory snorted. "I know you and James give each other pedicures."

Teddy's eyes widened in horror. He was going to kill James. "Secret. Secret pedicures!"

"James and I have no secrets," Rory told him. Teddy had already given in to painting her toes, with surprisingly adequate precision. "Anyways, I— I wanted to ask you something."

Teddy wiped an excess bit of polish from her skin, "Shoot."

Rory exhaled, "I don't know how much you know...about my dad, but he can't— he won't be here." Her face fell ever so slightly. She chewed on the inner corner of her cheek, a sure sign that she was nervous. "Look— I don't— I don't have anyone to walk me down the aisle. And Harry offered to do it, but— I was wondering— I was wondering if you'd do it?" She smiled up at him hopefully. "I know you're James's best man, and I don't want to take away from that, so it's alright if you can't—"

"Of course I'll give you away," Teddy hugged her fiercely. He was honored, touched that she wanted him to do this for her. Some might argue the job was even more important than maid of honor. He was so going to rub that in Juniper's face.

"Really?" Rory beamed.

"Really." Teddy nodded. He crushed her in another hug.

"Careful of the nails, careful of the nails!" Rory reprimanded, but hugged him back all the same. A huge weight had been lifted off her shoulders.

There was a knock on the wall, "My turn yet?" James leaned against the doorframe, tapping his foot.

"Hi, Potter," Rory hopped up from the rug, gingerly tiptoeing her way into the hall, extra cautious so as not to mess up her nails. "Yes, it's your turn, baby. And you cannot come into the bridal suite starting now. No seeing me in my wedding dress til I'm walking down that aisle." In parting she ordered, "Lupin, I don't care how big his puppy dog eyes are. Do not let him even go near the room!"

Teddy saluted, "Sir, yes sir."

"Hey, pretty lady," Juniper waved at her from the chaise lounge, Victoire was doing all of their hair. "Running on schedule?"

"Barely," Rory said, doing her makeup at warp speed in front of vanity. "Help me with my dress?"

"Mmhmm," Juniper waited for a moment for Victoire to finish with her hair, then waltzed over to Rory, dress swishing around her ankles. Victoire had done a damn good job, exactly what Rory had asked for her bridesmaids. A low braided bun, a single flower nestled in it. They matched Rory's flower crown.

"Ooh I haven't seen it yet," Victoire clapped her hands excitedly, moving on to Vanessa's hair. "Is it magnifique?"

"It is better than magnifique," Juniper called from the powder room, carefully helping Rory into her dress. She painstakingly buttoned up the back, which stopped about midway up Rory's spine, leaving her shoulder blades exposed in a wide triangle opening. The skirt was massive, flowing out from the cinched waist in a waterfall of tulle. There was a blush undertone, and the sheer tulle bodice was covered in an overlay of flowers that trailed down the entire gown. The neckline dipped down far enough to show off a little skin, but not so far that it left nothing to the imagination.

After they'd gotten the dress on, Rory finally took her rollers out, shaking out the loose curls into softened waves. With a sheen of lipgloss on and the natural rosy glow of her cheeks, Juniper's best friend was the most beautiful she'd ever seen her. The spitting image of a blushing bride.

"Ta da!" Juniper led Rory back out into the suite, presenting her with flourish. All three girls gasped in unison, their faces filled with awe.

Juniper snatched the flower crown off the vanity and guided Rory to the mirror. "Close your eyes," she instructed. Delicately, she placed the crown among Rory's curls. "Okay, now open." Rory's hand flew to her mouth, chocolate brown eyes glossing over with tears. Juniper was elated at her reaction, feeling a little teary eyed herself, "James is going to shit himself when he sees you."

Rory kissed Juniper on the cheek, clasping her hand, "I love you."

"I love you too," Juniper sniffled, embracing Rory.

"No tears on the dress!" Victoire rushed over, obviously holding back tears as well. "No tears on the dress!"

Rory fanned her face, blinking furiously to stem the sobs that we're about to break loose. Juniper followed suit, dabbing at her eyes with a handkerchief.

"Alright," Juniper sniffed again, more forcefully this time. It was a wedding. No crying was allowed. Besides, Teddy and James would absolutely make fun of her if they saw her in this state. "I'm going to go see how the boys are doing down at the altar. See you there in a few?" Rory flashed her a thumbs up.

Juniper strode downstairs and up the cobblestone pathway to get to the wedding venue. She gaped when she finally came upon it. It was gorgeous. An arch constructed of bark and interwoven with flowers, glittering canopies and copper chairs. James and Rory had done an excellent job.

The guests were beginning to filter in, and she said hello to several familiar faces. Jade, Henry, Scarlett, Leah, who'd come as Alex's plus one. A fact that Juniper had teased him mercilessly about. She had been right. She hugged her dad, and all her aunts and uncles. Her Aunt Mione was already crying, while Harry claimed he was allergic to the wildflowers.

Even Vivian was there, sitting in the back. She looked better, happier. More like the Vivian Juniper remembered. They shared a brief smile, and Juniper was glad she had chosen to attend. Despite her issues with Rory in the past.

"Trouble," Teddy beckoned from where he was standing with James under the arch, "over here." He kissed her on the cheek, "Hi."

"Hi," Juniper gave him a small once over. The suit he was wearing should never be worn by anyone else, she decided. He looked very handsome. And very hot. She nodded her head at James who was pacing on the grass, looking slightly pale. "How's our groom to be?"

Teddy waved her concerns away airily, "Oh— he's fine. Great, really."

"I'm about to throw up," James piped up, tinging green. "I've never been happier."

Juniper side eyed Teddy, "Yeah, she deadpanned, "he seems super great."

As more guests arrived, and the chairs started to fill up, Juniper noticed an empty seat in the front row. "Who's sitting there?" she asked her brother, confused.

"It's for mum," he replied softly. He glanced skywards. "I promised I'd save her a seat at the wedding."

Juniper's heart twinged a little bit at that. Her mother would have given the world to be there. She had loved Rory like a daughter.

It had been four years since her mother's passing. And each day that went by it hurt less and less. Sometimes Juniper would wake up and not miss her mother at all, rather think of her fondly. Other times, special occasions like today, Juniper would miss her mum so powerfully it winded her.

"She'd like that," Juniper murmured, leaning her head on her brother's shoulder.

James squeezed her arm, "I hope so."

Alex approached the three of them, flanked closely by Charlie and Leo. They looked a bit like a row of penguins all bunched together like that. In fact, Juniper almost laughed at the sight. He jabbed his thumb at the stone corridor behind them, "The bride is requesting your presence." He pointed at teddy and Juniper.

"Requesting?" Teddy raised a skeptical eyebrow.

Alex elaborated, "She mentioned strangling you with a sash, and/or shoving her bouquet down your throat if you're not there in the next five seconds."

"There it is."

James sighed wistfully, "She's the best. I love her so much."

Juniper and Teddy took heed of Alex's advice, neither particularly wanting a bunch of daisies and pink lilies stuffed down their throat. Though, Juniper suspected Rory's threats were largely directed at Teddy.

"Finally!" Rory exclaimed, when they met her behind the wall. She wrung her hands anxiously, heels clicking on the pavement below. "What did you suddenly turn into snails? When I say the wedding starts at three, I mean the wedding starts at three! I—"

Juniper grabbed her by the shoulders, commanding, "Breathe, Rory." She recalled a thousand other times she'd had to do this, when Rory had been freaking out about a homework assignment at school, when her and James had moved in to their own flat. "Get her some water, Teddy."

He summoned a goblet. "Aguamenti," Teddy filled the glass with water, thrusting it at Rory.

"No— I can't," Rory protested. "I'm in this dress for the long run, if I have to pee—"

Juniper was unrelenting, however, not willing to give in. She narrowed her eyes, challenging, "Drink the damn water, Wood."

"I'd do it if I were you," Teddy warned, glancing warily at Juniper. "I've learned to listen to her when she has that look on her face."

Too nervous to argue, Rory gulped down the water. Without getting a splash on the dress, mind you.

Juniper finally released her best friend. "Now, let's go get you married to my stupid brother."

Rory giggled, "He is stupid, isn't he? I love him."

"I know."

The orchestra was warming up their instruments, a signal for them all to get in their places. Teddy was originally supposed to escort Juniper to the altar, but now that he was giving Rory away, he had to go last.

So Juniper took Alex's arm, Vanessa on the opposite side. Here goes. She walked down first, taking her place beneath the arch, and silently congratulated herself on not tripping. Rory, James, and Teddy had had a three way bet going about it, and none of them included scenarios where she stayed upright.

Next was Leo and Victoire, then Charlie and Cali. Finally, it was Rory's turn.

The band struck up the Wedding March, and Rory steeled herself. She took a deep, steadying breath, linking her arm in Teddy's. All eyes in the meadow turned towards the back, waiting for the big entrance.

"You got this," Teddy whispered.

"I know," Rory huffed, lifted her chin haughtily, but she was grateful for the encouragement. Teddy could tell.

They began the walk down the aisle. The look on James's face when she came around the corner was priceless. His gaze never left her, pure adoration flowing out of him freely. He was grinning like a banshee, so wide Juniper thought it might split his cheeks open.

Rory was practically glowing with joy, radiating unadulterated happiness.

Teddy nudged her conspiratorially, muttering in her ear, "I think James might cry."

"No, duh," Rory muttered back, back straight. Her train trailed behind her. "I look fucking awesome. Now shut up and walk me down the aisle, Lupin."

"Sir, yes sir."

Teddy kissed her on the cheek when they reached the end of their trek, stepping into his place as best man. The officiant said a few words, and then asked if the couple would like to share their vows. Juniper knew that Rory had been working on hers since they'd gotten engaged a year ago, and she assumed the same for her brother.

"You know, you're usually the one for big speeches and declarations of love," Rory started shakily. "So, I'm going to keep this short, before you send the whole crowd into sobs with your vows. All I have to say is— once upon a time you were just a strange boy who kissed my hand on the train to school. We'd never met, but that was the first thing you did. And I remember thinking, what an idiot. And now— eleven years later, you kiss my hand and I think, what an idiot." Rory managed a wet laugh, tears shining in her eyes. "And also— god, I am so in love with this idiot, that I must be an idiot too. Two idiots in love, and I wouldn't want to be an idiot with anyone else but you. James Matthias Potter, I want to spend the rest of my life thinking you're an idiot. Because you know what? You're my idiot. And I love you more than anything."

The rest of the ceremony flew by, and everyone was in tears by the time Rory and James finally kissed. Even Juniper. Although she insisted several times that she was definitely not crying. Hey, in her defense, Teddy was bawling worse than she was. The big baby.

Their reception took place in a twinkle light covered courtyard, long tables set up on the grass surrounding it. A sunset with a gradient of orange and pink hues washed the sky, reflected in the ocean below. Stars were already beginning to twinkle above, bright spots against a purply watercolor.

Juniper may or may not have accidentally stabbed Teddy's hand with a fork when he, yet again, teased her for crying. And then he may or may not have screamed like a little girl, in turn interrupting Rory and James's first dance. This caused Rory to accidentally dump ice cold water in his lap once they returned to their seats.

In any case, when the time rolled around for toasts, Teddy had a giant water stain on his trousers. Blatantly visible to everyone in attendance when he stood to give his speech.

"Before I begin, I'd like to preface this by letting you all know that I did not wet myself," Teddy informed everyone, glaring at Rory. "It is water, courtesy of the bride."

"I regret nothing!" Rory tossed her hair, slapping Juniper a high five.

"Got a real catch there, mate," Teddy said, sarcasm dripping off his words. James merely continued to stare at Rory, moony eyed. "He's not listening to me. He's never listened to me when it came to her. Good thing too. Otherwise we all probably wouldn't be here today. See I've known James quite a while, Rory not quite as long, but I've known them both long enough to say with absolute certainty, they are meant for each other. I was there through all the bad poetry and song writing and rejected invitations to Hogsmeade. I was the one who had to listen to him every night when he sung her praises. I thought he was delusional. We all did. We said, never going to happen buddy. No way. But James never gave up hope. He always said, one day. One day, you'll all see. Well, you did it, James. You proved us all wrong. And I am so glad you did." He paused, raising his flute of champagne high in the air, "So here's to Rory and James, and remember babes, I had him first. We got married at eight."

"It's true!" Juniper called, "I officiated the wedding."

"To Rory and James!" The guests cheered, glasses clinking together everywhere.

Juniper adjusted her dress, tapping her spoon on the rim of her own cup. She stood, "Guess I'm up. For those of you who don't know, I'm Juniper Potter. Groom's twin, bride's wife." She winked at Rory, who blew her a kiss. "I've been stuck with James since he had the audacity to join me in utero. And finally, someone is willing to take him. You're stuck with him now, Ror. You know, like Teddy, I was there throughout the miraculous journey of Rory and James. When my scrawny, little eleven year old brother climbed atop a table at our very first Great Hall feast and declared to the entire room that he was going to marry Rory Wood. Now, I was pretty upset, rightfully so. Here he was, making a fool out of himself. Chasing after this girl who could not stand him, and who I wanted to be friends with. He was messing everything up. I actually still don't know how he convinced her to fall in love with him." James had the decency to seem affronted. "I mean, look at her," Juniper gestured at Rory, "she's a knockout. And let's face it, my brother's pretty dopey looking—"

"Is this entire speech going to be about insulting me?" James interrupted, folding his arms.

"No," Juniper stuck her tongue out at her brother, and Harry palmed his forehead. And to think he'd thought the were all grown up now. Some things never changed. "Just most of it. There's some nice things at the end. As I was saying," she continued, "somehow that managed to acquire her. And however impossible, from the moment they were together, I knew that they were endgame. How could anyone not? This right here, ladies and gentlemen, true love. Nothing else like it. And I've never seen either of them as happy as they are then when they are with each other. Congratulations, you did it you guys. In conclusion, I love you, Ror!"

"My wife!" James wagged his finger at his sister. "Back off!"

Rory ignored him, "I love you more, Junie!"

"My girlfriend!" Teddy reprimanded. "Back off!"



Leo rolled his eyes from the end of the table, shaking his head wearily, "Fucking matches made in heaven."

The rest of the night continued on merrily, with much drinking and dancing and laughing. It was one of the best nights of Juniper's life. Surrounded by her favorite people in the whole world. She knew her mum was smiling down at them all, in fact, she was absolutely sure of it.

Teddy and Juniper walked down a pebbled pathway, hand in hand. They'd drifted away from the ruction a little while ago, wandering aimlessly around in the night.

The moonlight shone on Juniper's raven curls, bathing her in an otherworldly shimmer. It was as if her hair had been woven with starlight. Teddy couldn't keep his eyes off her, or his lips. They stopped every so often to kiss. Okay— they stopped every two steps to kiss.

Teddy slid his hands around her waist, "Guess what?"

"What?" Juniper decided to play along, tracing the length of his arms.

"You're just as bad at dancing as you were when we were fifteen," Teddy smirked mischievously.

Juniper swatted him across the chest, "I hate you!"

Teddy chuckled roughly, fingertips splaying out and trailing up to her ribcage. His touch was as electrifying as it had ever been. "It's very cute."

"Whatever," Juniper said, firing back with, "I saw you wipe out during the chicken dance. Who messes up the chicken dance? Honestly—"

"Shut up," he pushed her up against a wall, boxing her in. The cold stone pressed into her back, deliciously smooth. His hazel eyes met hers.

Juniper arched an eyebrow, lips parting, "Make me."

But instead of kissing her, like he normally would've, Teddy dropped to his knee. Juniper gasped as he pulled out a tiny, velvet box, flipping it open to reveal a ruby ring, gold band glinting in the moonlight.

"Juniper Lily Potter," Teddy took the hand that wasn't covering her mouth in his, "will you marry me?"

Juniper's jaw dropped. She had never been more stunned in her life. She was at a loss for words, mind completely blank as she stared at the ring, Teddy's hands in hers. Her heart beat faster than it ever had before.

Teddy grinned, pleased with himself, "Oh my god, I actually rendered you speechless. Nothing has ever worked before. That was all it took? I should've done this years ago, if I'd known—"

"Shut up," Juniper finally regained control of her voice, leaping into Teddy's arms and kissing him full on the mouth. Teddy's hands ran up her throat and into her hair.

They broke apart, breathless. Teddy thumbed her cheekbone, "That a yes, then?"

"Of course it's a yes, you wanker!" Juniper cried, kissing him again. Their lips met with the promise of what was to come, a future that Jumpier had only dreamed about.

With a trembling hand, Teddy slipped the ring on her finger. It fit perfectly. Like it had been meant for her all along. Juniper nestled her body into his, melting into him, "I love you."

He stroked her hair, "I love you more."

After a moment or two, Jumpier broke the silence, laughing slightly, "Did you really just propose to me at my brother's wedding? Our best friends' wedding?" She laced her fingers through his, "Way to steal the thunder, Lupin."

Teddy only shrugged, bending to kiss her again with a smile on his face, "This is our universe, trouble. They're just living in it."

~T H E E N D~

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