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juniper's pov:

I yawned, hopping out of the warmth of my four poster bead and dragging myself into the shower. It had been a long week. Sixth year was already kicking my arse, advanced Potions killing me slowly and brutally. Thank god Rory was my partner, I had absolutely no idea what I was doing. Which absolutely sucked because both my mum and my dad had been top of the class in Advanced Potions. Of course James and Teddy goofed off the whole period and then proceeded to concoct the best potion of the day. So unfair. Rory had a cow when Professor Parkinson deemed them the winners of the challenge.

I had my first DADA class today, as well as my first History of Magic with the new professor. Advanced Transfiguration was today too. Needless to say, I was not excited about any of these prospects. Usually, I loved DADA, but this would be the first year with my dad teaching it, and I couldn't even picture it. I mean, c'mon, the man used one spell. Oh well. Might as well get it out of the way, first class and all.

I washed my hair in the ice cold water, letting my thoughts drift. I hadn't had much time to think lately, about anything. Not about the date with Xavier today, god was that really today? And I was definitely not thinking about a certain hazel eyed boy. Couldn't be me. Ugh. I didn't understand him. One second we were at each other's throats and the next he was being all sweet and asking me if I'm ok. Then before I know it he has me shoved up against a wall and flustered beyond belief.

Make me

Merlin. Why had I said that? It just popped out of my mouth and there it was, lying out in the open. My cheeks burned just thinking about it. His hands firmly planted on the wall on either side of me, boxing me in. The intensity in his eyes, dark gaze staring into my very soul. Pure, unadulterated heat were the only words I could use to describe it. And then I woke up the next morning and he was dozing on the opposite end of the couch, while I was under a blanket. He'd stayed with me the whole night, probably put that blanket over me too. Seriously what was his deal?!

"J you almost done in there?" Vivian's call snapped me out of my early morning daze.

"Yeah!" I replied, shutting off the water and wrapping a towel around my torso, "One sec." I stepped out of the shower, padding across the carpeted floor and back into our room. Jade and Rory were up by now, but to my surprise Rory wasn't ready yet. Usually she was impeccably dressed no later than 7:15. And now here we were, 7:45 and my calm, collected best friend hadn't even changed out of her pajamas yet.

I watched with amusement and light concern as Rory paced frantically around our dorm, flinging parchment and school supplies at random. She looked downright frazzled. I tousled my hair and slid my uniform on, whispering to Jade who was dressed in full, "Is she...ok?"

"Not sure." Jade mumbled back to me, suppressing a giggle, "I don't think she slept..."

"Right." I raised my eyebrows as Rory continued to rampage about the room.

"I can't find it. Can't find it. Can't-" She muttered, raccoon circles framing her eyes.

"Hey Ror?" I put a calming hand on her shoulder, asking tentatively, "You ok babe?"

"Mmhhm yup. Yup. Yup. Yup." Rory voice rose in panic, nodding her head aggressively, "I just can't- OH! There it is!" She reached down for a piece of parchment tucked under a large library book, scanning the words at the speed of light. She started talking to herself again, muttering words of horror and grabbing fistfuls of her ordinarily maintained brown hair.

"What's going on?" I said to Jade, gesturing to Rory, who had now begun scribbling on the already filled parchment, feverishly flipping through books.

"It's McGonagall's essay." Jade explained, "She's been up all night working on it."

"Glad we're not in Advanced Transfig, right Jade?" Vivian gave a short laugh, quickly braiding her hair.

"Tell me about it." Jade echoed, grabbing some knee high socks out of the drawer. Her and Viv dropped Transfiguration and Potions this year, both of them focusing on other areas. Charlie had also dropped Potions, but he was still in Transfiguration

Now I understood. Minnie had assigned a six page essay on Animagi at the begging of the week. That woman wasted no time. I hadn't thought it was too bad though, and if I wasn't having trouble, how could Rory?

"Ror." I gently took the parchment out of her hands.

"No it's not done yet I need-" She reached for it, but I nimbly tossed it over to Vivian.

"Rory" I said again, guiding her to the closet, "Let's get you dressed okay?"

"Dressed?" Her brow furrowed in confusion and then she gasped, "Oh my merlin I'm not ready yet! What time is it? Is breakfast over? Oh my-"

"Deep breaths Rory." Jade advised, slinging her bag over her shoulder, "I've gotta head to the greenhouse before DADA. Junie?"

"I've got it." I reassured, Vivian and Jade walking out of the dorm as I steered Rory to the bathroom, uniform in hand. "Ror did you sleep at all?"

"Maybe?" Rory winced, staring at her reflection in the mirror. "Transfiguration is so bloody hard this year, I just can't- and this essay- she's such a harsh grader and we're getting our tests from the other day back. I just know I failed and-"

"Rory, it's only the first week." I handed her her blouse and tie, "You're always top of the class, why are you worrying?"

"Ugh, I'm just so stressed J." She sighed, brushing out the knots in her hair, "I keep overthinking and my essay is utter crap, half of the words make no sense whatsoever and I have absolutely no time to-"

"Transfiguration's not til last period." I reminded her, "We have plenty of time to revise, I've got a free after History of Magic, I could help you. Though I'm sure it's perfectly fine."

"Really?" Rory hugged me, "Oh thank you!"

"No problem." I chuckled, "If worst comes to worst we can always pull a prank for you. The number of times James and I got out of homework by-"

"Junie!" Rory exclaimed, swatting my arm, "Don't tell me these things! I'm still a prefect." She straightened said perfect badge on her lapel, placing a simple headband in her hair.

I smiled, "There she is.  I was wondering where you went."

"C'mon then." Rory linked arms with me, walking briskly to the door, "We're going to be late."

We weren't late, just barely making it to class as the final bell chimed in the clock tower. Rory and I took our seats hastily, avoiding the pair of eyes identical to mine looking at us. I still couldn't believe my father was here, at Hogwarts. It felt so foreign.

Teddy, James, Leo, and Charlie were in their seats, skiving off of class and throwing balled up parchment at one another. Of course the one time they're actually early for class and I'm almost late. Figures.

My father cleared his throat, "Ahem, er- hi there." He gave a small wave and I heard a faint snicker from the back corner of the room. I nearly died of embarrassment. After thirty something years in the spotlight, you would think my dad would have grown past the awkwardness. Alas, it was not the case.

"So- er I'm your new DADA professor." He wrote his name up on the board. Like everyone didn't already know exactly who he was. That lightning scar was not easy to miss. "My name is Harry, Harry Potter. Erm- I mean Professor Potter. Many of you may know who I am."

I rolled my eyes, sharing a look with my brother across the room. No kidding dad.

He brightened for a moment, "I actually have children here at Hogwarts, you might know them too."

I wanted to curl up in a hole and die right there as all eyes turned towards me and James. If our last names weren't a big enough hint, you could easily look to our messy black hair, my green eyes, James's sharp jaw. The list went on and on.

"Okay." He clapped his hands, pulling out his wand. " We're going to start with some simple non verbal spells, I'll demonstrate but I need a volunteer." Harry searched the classroom, "You there, Mr?"

"Bell. Colin Bell." Colin rose and joined my dad at the front of the room.

"Ah." Harry nodded in recognition, "Played Quidditch with your mum back in the day."

Please don't ramble on about some story from your youth. Please don't ramble on about some story from your youth. Please don't ramble on about some story from your youth. I prayed silently. Thankfully, he didn't, and actually, the rest of the class was p pretty great. My expectations ad been low, but dad was funnily enough, a pretty good teacher. He was engaging, and really good at defensive spells. He whipped out some curses I hadn't even heard of, had the whole bloody class speechless.

Eventually, we paired off and practiced non verbal spells on our own while he observed, walking around the room to lend a helping hand. Where had this teaching persona come from? Who knew he would be so proficient at this?

When Dad finally came around to where Roy and I were practicing I made sure to focus extra hard. Had to maintain the Potter image right? My father nodded approvingly, and I took it as an opportunity to ask about mum, "Psst, Da- I mean- er...Professor Potter." I could hardly say it with a straight face.  "How's mum?"

I noticed his eyes dim slightly, "I haven't actually heard from her yet, but as soon as I do-"

"You'll tell me." I sighed, "I know."

His face softened, "Junebug this is normal, don't worry."

"Right." I shrugged, we both knew that was a lie. Mum never went this long without contacting us, especially if she was on Auror business. "And pro tip Dad, you should probably stop calling me Junebug."

Harry chuckled, "Heard the same spiel from you sister yesterday when I called her Cali girl."

"Feel free to call James Jamesie though." I joked, smirking at my brother.

"I'll get right on that." My father replied, returning to his rounds.

The bells chimed, signaling the end of class. Much to our chagrin, Dad had assigned homework. An essay, but it was only a page or two. More of a get to know you kind of piece than anything else. Interests, hobbies, feelings about the class, etc. It wouldn't take long. Didn't stop James from complaining though.

"Shouldn't we get some pass on this?" James griped, as we journeyed to History of Magic, "He already knows me!"

"Yeah." Charlie agreed, "Uncle Harry probably knows more about me than I do."

"There has to be an advantage to having our dad as a professor." James shoved his books into his bag, "Can't we threaten to sic mum on him or something?"

"That would be helpful if we could actually reach mum." I quipped bitterly. I had meant it as a joke, but the mood decidedly darkened. James quieted, mouth flattening into a thin line.

"Dad still hasn't talked to her?"

"No." I bit my lip, twisting my hands nervously. I felt a warm hand on my back, and looked up at Teddy.

"She's fine, Potter." Teddy whispered, squeezing my arm lightly.

"Right." I tried to remain upbeat, if only for my brother. He wasn't used to worrying about things. He liked fixing problems, not having them. I leaned into Teddy's shoulder tiredly, lettIng him put his arm around me as we continued our trek up to the History of Magic classroom.

Jade split off to go to Honors Herbology, and I spotted Nessa coming out of class.

"You just have dad?" She questioned, separating herself from Axel and Cordelia who were waiting in the corridor.

"Yeah." I told her, laughing, "Why is he actually good at teaching?"

"I know right!" Vanessa exclaimed, groaning, "Though the amount of times I had to tell him not to call me Nessie." She shook her head.

"Don't worry, I grinned, I've instructed him to refer to James as Jamesie from now on."

Vanessa giggled, "Perfect."

James scowled, "Couldn't have had just one brother huh?" He ruffled Vanessa's hair and she flung a quick but deadly Jelly Legs jinx at him. He countered with a color altering hex, but Peeves spotted the flash of light.

"DUELING IN THE CORRIDOR! DUELING IN THE CORRIDOR!" He screeched loudly, zooming through the air.

"Are you fucking serious Peeves?" James shouted in protest, "She cast the first-"

"AND HE'S GETTING BEAT BY A GIRL!" Peeves interrupted, blowing a large raspberry in James's face before careening off in the opposite direction. Vanessa smirked, turning on her heel and flipping James off just as Filch lumbered into view.

He cackled gleefully, "That's detention for you Mr. Potter."

"You're taking the ghost's word? Really?" James said in disbelief, disgruntled. Filch hated the lot of us, and it was widely known he had a huge grudge against James in particular.

"I trust him." Filch leered, writing James up.

"You hate Peeves." James pointed out, eyes narrowing.

"Want me to make it two? Three?" Filch threatened. He was so desperate for power.

"Do you even have the authority to-"


"This is-"


"Hey wait a- !"

"Six. Sev-"

"Fine." James responded sullenly, taking his slip of paper with a huff. "Stupid Peeves."  James was still grumbling by the time we made it to History of Magic. I went to take my usual set in the far back, but found the desks had all been arranged in a wide circle.

The new history professor, Spinnet, stood in the center, magenta robes billowing around her, "Take your seats everyone, class will begin shortly."

We all shuffled around the room, taking a spot in the circle. I sat down between Teddy and Leo, admiring the careful decoration of the space. The room was no longer stuffy and dismal, reeking of mildewing books. It seemed lighter, airier, tasteful bookcases wrapping around a second loft level I hadn't known existed.

"Now I'm sure you know all about History of Magic. Most boring class at Hogwarts, least favorite course. I'm sure you all hate it." We were silent, she wasn't wrong...

"I know I did when I was here." Professor Spinnet joked, easing the tension, "But this year's not going to be anything like that." She circled her wand three times, a massive, magical timeline appearing in the air above us in shimmering gold. "I was brought her as part of a new initiative to educate you all on more recent events in history. Specifically, those surrounding the Battle of Hogwarts." She tapped her wand to a point on the timeline, a series of images flashing around us of dust and debris crumbling. A hush fell over the class. Just as quickly as it had appeared, it disappeared.

"McGonagall requested my presence at this school because the history we're going to be covering this year," She paused for dramatic effect, "I lived it." With a wave of her wand the timeline shrunk, rising to the ceiling. "Who better to teach right? In this course we will be using a newly discovered technique for a more...immersive experience." She winked.

Vivian raised her hand, "What do you mean by immersive?"

"In my opinion, the best way to learn and understand is through experience." Professor Spinnet answered cryptically, and that was all she would say.  The rest of the class was spent going over course materials, homework policy, and basic first day information. However, she did tell us to be prepared for when we next met. Whatever that meant. Maybe History of Magic wouldn't be so bad this year.

I ate lunch quickly in the Great Hall, then met Rory in the courtyard to work on her essay. She hadn't been lying, it was kind of a mess. At least by Rory standards. We revised as quickly as we could, but she still wasn't satisfied when Transfiguration finally came around.

"Oh what do I do? What do I do?" Rory wrung her hands nervously, taking a seat at her usual desk, and warily watching Professor McGonagall up front.

"Turn it in and hope for the best?" I offered, "It's one essay Ror. It's not even that bad."

"Thank you for the vote of confidence."

"I said it wasn't that bad!" I defended, laughing.

"Please I'll get a big head Junie." Rory gasped dramatically, "So many compliments."

"Girls." Professor McGonagall reprimanded sternly, passing back our exams from the previous day, "Class has started."

"Yeah girls." The boys teased cheekily, poking their tongues out at us.

McGonagall shook her head disapprovingly, but I could see a hint of a smile on her lips. Those boys were her biggest weakness.

"I'd really love to not give you detention on the first week of school this year."

"Joke's on you Minnie." James grinned, "I've already got detention."

"Does he think he deserves a reward or something?" Rory whispered to me, rolling her eyes.

"Do you think I deserve a reward Wood?" James leaned his chair as far back as it would go to talk to her, running a hand through his hair.

"What could you have possibly done that deserves a reward, Potter?" She shot back.

"I can think of a lot of things." James began to list his attributes, "My hair, my smile, my biceps, my devil may care personality, my d-"

"Don't know why I was worried about getting a big head." Rory stopped him mid sentence, "No one will ever match yours." She returned her attention to the exam on her desk, flipping it over to see her score. I'd done okay. Not the best marks in the world, but not the worst either. I snuck a peek at James's and was annoyed to see he had gotten full marks, no corrections, just a big fat 100 at the top of his paper.

I heard Rory gasp and looked to her, wondering what was the matter. She clapped a hand to her mouth and slumped low in her seat, slamming the paper down on her desk.

"Ah, yes." McGonagall waltzed back over, putting a wrinkled hand on Rory's shoulder, "Miss Wood, I know you are an extremely well rounded student, professors all speak very highly of you, and you've excelled in my class throughout the years. Don't fret, Advanced Transfiguration isn't for everyone, there's still time to change-"

"Change?" Rory looked downright horrified, shaking her head, "I'm not- I mean I can't- I have to stay in this class."

"Well then, may I suggest you get a tutor for this particular subject? It would do you great good." Professor McGonagall said.

"I can do it." I volunteered, and Rory smiled gratefully.

"Thank you Miss Potter, but I was thinking more along the lines of Mr. Potter." She gestured to James, who blinked in surprise.


"Him?" Rory cried, eyes wide.

"You are my best student by far Mr. Potter. Top of the class."

"It was just one grade." Rory protested desperately, "I'll study loads, I-"

"Unfortunately, I'm not sure I can allow you to remain in this course unless you get some tutoring." McGonagall apologized.

"But- but- there has to be someone else!" Rory exclaimed, "Anyone else!" She glanced over at James, who had a huge grin on his face.

"Go to at least two sessions with Mr. Potter next week. If your grades improve then you can stop." McGonagall stated, "That's my final offer Miss Wood."

"Er Professor?" James piped up, raising a hand, "I've got detention all next week."

"That's right!" Rory was hopeful for a moment, "He's got detention, he can't-"

"Filch's doing?" McGonagall queried distastefully. James nodded and she waved a hand airily. "I can get that cleared in an instant."

James grin got even broader, he raised an eyebrow at Rory, "You hear that Wood? She can get it cleared."

"I heard." Rory glared, banging her head down on her desk with a loud thump.

"We're going to have so much fun." James murmured under his breath as McGonagall started the lesson.

Poor Rory.

Class went quickly, and a growing feeling of uncertainty pooled in the pit of my stomach. The date was mere hours away, and I still didn't know what was going on with Teddy. What should I do? What should I do? I really liked Xavier, but...I don't know. I need to talk to someone.

I heaved a great sigh, glad the week was over, swinging the door open to the boys dorm and heading to Leo's section of the room. The boys had magical barriers separating their beds and private spaces this year. I didn't want to ask why.

"Junie what are you-" I didn't wait for Leo to finish before flopping down on the bed beside him.

"Oof!" Another voice said, and I bolted upwards.

"Who was that?!"

"Hey Juniper." A head full of mussed curls poked up from under the covers, "How's it going?"

Leo face planted into a pillow.

"Hey Scamander." I bit my lip to keep from laughing, "Sorry I didn't realize you were in here I'll-"

"No it's fine." Henry stretched, arching his back, "How can we help?"

"What?" Leo shook his head adamantly, "No. No. Absolutely not. Juniper please get your arse the fuck out of this bed."


"No buts, get-"

"Leo I have to talk to you!" Rory flew into the room, "Oh good Junie you're here too, oh hi Henry!"

"Hey Ror!"

"WHY DON'T YOU PEOPLE HAVE BOUNDARIES?!" Leo cried, attacking us with pillow, "Out! Out! Both of you!"

"Mmm someone's in a mood." Rory teased, and Leo glared at her.

"So help me merlin I will give you both detention, yes you too Rory!"

"We get it , we get it." The two of us made our way out, laughing, "We're going." I moved on to my next victim.

"Charlie!" I exclaimed, flinging myself onto the mattress. I rolled to my back, so I could stare up at the ceiling. Rory lay down on the opposite side in the same manner.

Charlie groaned, "Leo wasn't available then?"

"Nope!" I sang cheerfully, "So here's the thing, Teddy has been acting really weird around me lately. Weird I know. And then Xavier asked me out on a date."

Now Rory was talking too, "So James is also acting different around me. He's being sweet? And considerate? And like genuine? He's like also smart. Which I didn't know. And he's confusing me-"

Our sentences began to overlap, a jumble of problems all meshed together in one. Charlie looked absolutely bewildered.

"Teddy is also confusing me. He looks at me for way too long sometimes. But you know I gave up on-

"And I always said I'd never fall for him, Because James ew. Right?"

"Xavier is such a good guy, and I know he likes me. So I should go on the date right?"

"So what should I do about this whole James mess?"

"Well-" Charlie started.

"Of course I should go on the date. I promised myself that I wasn't going to stress over Teddy anymore, no matter how he's acting. I'm blowing it up too much in my mind. Xavier fancies me for sure-" I decided, clarity washing over me.

"He's still the same James. Just because he started caring about school doesn't change anything. He's still annoying as ever." Rory said with a laugh.

"Well actually-" Charlie couldn't get a word in edgewise.

"That settles it. I'm going on the date."

"James and I are the same as we've ever been. How silly of me to think things would change."

"Thanks so much Charlie!" We hugged him, exhaling and laying back down on the mattress.

"I have two girls in my bed right now." Charlie shook his head in disbelief, groaning. "And I have never wanted to leave somewhere more."

"Rude." Rory snickered, nudging him.

"What?" I teased, smirking, "You'd rather us make out for you?"

Charlie's eyes were saucers, sitting up pin straight and stammering, "You- wha- are you-"

Rory and I burst into giggles, clutching our stomachs, "It's just too easy."

We left the room still giggling, Charlie hurling pillows at us. Rory and I climbed the staircase to o our dorm.

After all, I had a date to get ready for.

i like this chapter better!!

next chap will be about xavier and junie

rant, comment, suggest, have fun———————————>


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