chapitre sept (ending one)

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lacking knowledge or awareness in general.~


eddy has never felt more depressed in his life. the jeers and the teasing got to him, and they were more than ever before. his nails were long and jagged and the feeling had never gotten this strong before. 

he had been healing for a bit. the torments seemed to eventually become normal, and he would cut only a few times-still bad-but an improvement. eddy's scars were healing slowly and, eventually, he wasn't dizzy or light-headed. he came out a little more often to get food and water, still trying to avoid brett's view. his body is almost bones, with just enough room between his skin and his bones to cut and bleed. whenever he cut, he could see the bone right away underneath the blood. his eyes were tired and baggy, but he hadn't cried for a while. he'd sometimes fall asleep, sometimes the illusions would keep him awake.

now, eddy never felt sadness overwhelm him like this. words echoed in his ears and they danced around his head. his eyes were red and puffy, like he wanted to cry but couldn't. every word seemed to penetrate deeper into his body and heart and each jeer seemed to mean something more than ever before. his heartbeat was raised, he panicked and each breath felt like something sharp digging into his throat. eventually all he heard was die die die, all that came out of their mouths. the satisfaction of blood trickling down his arms never came, only shiny pink and red cuts glistened in the light he never turned off.

eddy felt a head close by his face and the cold, short breaths it took. the air became cold as three words were whispered into his ears by a familiar voice. "i hate you." eddy clenched his fists and his whole body tensed and recoiled from the whispers. soon, the jeering of everyone became simple commotion and conversation, where a cloud of daggers seemingly formed around him. every time the voice whispered, a dagger would prick him, dance on his skin, but nothing to bring him relief, of which was then followed by an eerie silence-one held for a little too long. 

time silently went by as eddy shivered in the icy air for what seemed so long. the clacking of shoes cut through the silence and a wave of heat blasted through the room. he felt heat rush back into him and his face turned upright as he saw a kind face, a woman about 170, 171cm tall, short brown hair and wearing a simple black dress. she had a kind and concerned look on her face. "hey, eddy, are you okay?" her soft voice seemed to erase everyone around them. the man merely shook his head. the familiar woman held out her hand and said "grab on and follow me." eddy stood up and reached his hand out, but she turned to mist as he touched her, and he collapsed to the floor. his eyes turned to the back of his head and he felt the weight of his head bounce back as his head hit the floor, and he felt himself falling through and endless hole before the sharp feeling of nothing.


brett's fingers danced along the fingerboard as he played the lark ascending. he felt himself flying, surrounded by larks as the sun began to rise. he danced in the sky with the small larks and he up high through the soft clouds and right above the sea, his fingertips skipping across the water.

he felt himself fall back to reality as he miraculously played it perfectly-to what he wanted to feel. brett heard a simple melody outside, and he looked out to see two larks happily singing together. he smiled at the two little birds, thinking maybe they're mates, mates for life.

the man was making tea, in a weirdly jolly mood, when he heard a thud come from eddy's room. he dropped the kettle onto the table and instinctively ran towards his friend's room. his hand grabbed the doorknob and turned it, but stopped himself from going into the room. he let the handle click back into place and rested his hand by his side. "he's fine," brett whispered to himself. he walked back to make his tea, his heart tugging to go into his best friend's room, but he didn't let himself give in, even as much as he felt something was wrong. 

as he practiced, his hand was heavy and were always slightly off, his bow never flowed like it used to and he could never find his spot in the music after needing to find it. even when he was happy, a string pulled his heart tighter and he never felt truly elated. he was never depressed, just never truly happy, and the string always tugged towards wherever eddy's room was.

but brett never acted on anything, and simply disappeared off the face of the internet, along with eddy, and just ate, practiced and slept till he grew old and tired, never tearing the string off his heart. he never felt truly content, even when his surface thoughts forgot about his friend.

as much as the universe tries, it's not perfect and some of things that are meant to happen never will.

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