chapitre sept et demie (continuation of story)

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improve (a situation or problem); be of benefit to~


eddy has never felt more elated in his current life. the jeers and teasing flew past him, and they seemed to have almost disappeared. his nails were disgusting, ugh, how did he get them this long? they're so jagged and blood covered as well-ew.

he had been healing for a bit. the torments seemed to eventually become normal, then nothing, and he would cut only a few times and then maybe only once a fortnight. eddy's scars were healing, and eventually they were merely skin blemishes . he came out a little more often to get food and water, still trying to avoid brett's view, but almost wanting to be seen. his body is almost bones, but just enough to still be alive and decent. whenever he did cut, a normal amount of blood flowed, seeming as they replenished normally without his constant cutting. his eyes felt lifted, healthy, and he hadn't cried for a while. he'd fall asleep sometimes, but the weirdness of those dreams still tingled in the back of his head.

now, eddy never felt relief wash over him like this. pieces started to flow back in his ears and they danced happily in his head. his eyes were clear and he could see properly for the first time in ages. words bounced off of him and the jeers were simply background noise and meant nothing. he slowly breathed in and out through his unblocked nose, taking in the feeling of air through his nostrils. all he heard were the soft pieces that played through his head and the laughs of the people he trusted-for once. why cut when he could relish in his current peaceful state?

eddy felt a head close by his face and the soothing breaths it took. the air became warm as three words were whispered into his ears by a familiar, soft voice. "proud of you." eddy relaxed and almost leaned his head on the other. soon, the simple commotion and conversation became his most trusted coming together and congratulating him, and a cloud of warmth circled around him. compliments showered him, saying how happy they were that he got through this and getting over it.

time quickly went by as eddy smiled for the first time in what seemed so long. so many people he trusted and spent his time around gave a soft celebration, just what he liked. he almost cried in happiness and lifted his head up to see those around him. kind smiles surrounded him, the closest people in his life all there. one of them reached out to him, holding their hand out, "follow me." eddy stood up and grabbed on, excited to go wherever. he was tugged and they ran out of the room, laughing as they moved down the corridor. then he saw a man standing at a music stand, making his violin sing. a wave of realisation flew into him and the illusions all dissipated into mist. eddy just started crying as it hit him, a clash of happiness and sadness in his head. arms just wrapped around him, and he cried some more.

"i'm sorry, brett."


brett's fingers danced along the fingerboard as he played the lark ascending. he felt himself flying, surrounded by larks as the sun began to rise. he danced in the sky with the small larks and he up high through the soft clouds and right above the sea, his fingertips skipping across the water.

he felt himself fall back to reality as he miraculously played it perfectly-to what he wanted to feel. brett heard a simple melody outside, and he looked out to see two larks happily singing together. he smiled at the two little birds, thinking maybe they're mates, mates for life.

the man then heard sobbing behind him and saw a broken, stick-thin eddy balled up on the floor. brett immediately ran over, not even knowing what to say, and wrapped his arms around him. "i'm sorry, brett," eddy said. he started to tear up with him. "sorry about what?" he faintly asked. he rocked eddy back and forth until his crying subdued and turned him around to face him.

eddy opened his mouth and words began spilling out of his mouth. he stumbled a bit, fumbled with his hands, eyes darting between brett and his fingers. he then let slip that his dreams were of him and brett, kissing, going out, and he clasped his mouth shut immediately. eddy looked away in embarrassment, hiding his face in his jumper.

brett smiled at him, sparks lighting in his heart. he placed his hands on the other's cheeks and turned his face to look at him. heat ran to his face, his eyes darted away for a second. brett took a shaky breath in. his eyes quickly met eddy's, and he just went for it. his lips landed on the other's and quickly left.

"let's get you cleaned up," he winked, leaving eddy in shock.

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