chapitre six

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a series of thoughts, images, and sensations occurring in a person's mind during sleep~


get. out.

two words with immense power. unfortunately, the people in his room didn't follow. instead, they stayed, they teased. whatever they did was to hurt eddy.

his heart was shattered and his mind was gone. after a while, their words didn't penetrate him and he could only feel their kicks and punches. but then, a few words found its way to eddy, and it was his worst nightmare.

he looked up too see brett smooching toni, over and over again. eddy was crushed, feeling more betrayed than ever before. "i love you." "i love you, too." his ears furled back at the words and his soul was crushed. brett looked smitten at toni, and laughed when he looked down at eddy. "pathetic," he spit. toni laughed along, saying, "what a child." the room became a household of laughing, and the couple would get up into eddy's face. he'd been forced to sit up and see them in clear view. he tried to block them out, and night came.

something lulled him to sleep, a voice and a violin. eddy lay his head softly on the pillow and looked at the stars. he forgot everything and let himself be taken away to sleep by the mysterious music.

eddy has another dream about 'the one'. he was having fun and was laughing and then finally saw her... his face. brett...? he was surprised but then relishes in the fact that it's his best friend who's always there for him. he has an amazing time with brett in his dream.

"小孩子, where would you like to go?" brett asked. eddy scrunched up his face, " i am not a small child! i'm taller than you!" brett laughed. "you're still younger than me," and booped him on the nose. "only by one year!" eddy retaliated. he then broke and started laughing. brett asked again, "where'd you like to go?" eddy thought for a bit. "gong cha!" he said. brett smiled. they both remembered the first time they went out together, outside of tutoring and orchestra. they were the best of friends, and everyone knew so. especially when they got to high school, people would say stuff like "they're almost boyfriends" and "they might as well be together" but of course that was nonsense, two guys couldn't be together, they're just best friends.

"look at us now," eddy said, in reference to the time when lgbtq+ people weren't accepted. brett smiled and placed a small kiss on the taller's nose. this caught eddy off guard and his had was quickly grabbed soon after and they ran out the door through the streets.

surprisingly, gong cha wasn't super crowded. they both got their favourite teas and sat at one of the small tables. they talked and laughed and they were just so happy. something clicked in their hearts, like a small bit of a puzzle that could only be found if the rest was completed. eddy leaned in and closed his eyes and brett followed.

when eddy opened them again, he found himself lying on his bed and with two distinct laughs behind him. he turned around and saw toni clinging onto brett and kissing him. the memories came flooding in, and so do the cuts.

1, 2, 3, might as well be dead


brett sat looking at the score of a song. for some reason, he decided to play and sing not a lullaby, but a disney song. his heart called to it, and he followed it.

he practiced the song and his eyes instinctively closed. the lyrics slipped out on a soft thread of wool. brett thought of eddy and the words were clean and soft. he played the instrumental part beautifully and full of emotion. when he began singing again, he felt like it was the leaves rustling and blowing with the soft wind. when he finished the song, he felt a little happier. the atmosphere in the room lifted a little and he felt what the words meant to him.

evening settled in and the sunset was beautiful. brett whispered the lyrics to himself as he watched the sun disappear behind the buildings of a busy city. soon, the only lights shining were the stars in the sky and the soft shine coming from a few windows.

brett prepared his violin and began to sing.

"a dream is a wish your heart makes, when you're fast asleep. in dreams you will lose your heartaches, whatever you wish for, you keep.

have faith in your dreams and someday- your rainbow will come smiling through. no matter how your heart is grieving, if you keep believing- the dream that you wish will come true."

brett played the instrumental part, his emotions were strong and prominent. his heart flowed with the music and told the story of love and wishes. his heart yearned for eddy to hear and to sleep softly with a wish. brett let the violin soften and began to sing again.

"a dream is a wish your heart makes, when you're fast asleep. in dreams you will lose your heartaches, whatever you wish for, you keep.

have faith in your dreams and someday- your rainbow will come smiling through. no matter how your heart is grieving, if you keep believing- "

brett hesitated for a bit. his heart pounded and he was shaking. one's dream is a wish that a heart yearns for, maybe...

"the dream that you wish will come true."

brett packed up his violin softly and the words lingered on his tongue. his mind swirled with thoughts and the wish was strong. he went soundly to sleep with the stars twinkling just a little bit. he was with eddy and laughed and was so happy. they were sitting on eddy's bed with no plans in their heads, just love in their hearts.

brett finally asked, "小孩子, where would you like to go?"

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