Chapter Fourteen

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Logan and Patton swayed together on the dance floor for a while before returning to the sidelines, watching the other couples whisk around the ballroom. They retrieved drinks that were filled with just water fortunately. They stood close together and watched the beautiful spectacle before them.

Patton sighed happily, gazing at the lights of the ballroom. The chandelier above glittered with what he could only assume was real gems and crystals; their modern day plastic substitutes hadn't been invented yet. He looked around at the fire-lit lamps that hung from the pillars and the candles placed on all the tables. It was dazzling how well lit the ballroom was even without electricity. 

"It's amazing how beautiful it all is!" he said, turning to his boyfriend. "I mean, I can imagine how long this palace must have taken to build, but all these lamps and the chandelier... without modern technology, it's just astonishing how they managed to do this."

Logan nodded in agreed as a small smile spread across his lips. "Yes, it's one of the things that I find fascinating about history. These people have no idea about electricity, and yet, this room is brightly lit. They don't have cranes or other power tools, but the ceiling of this room alone is easily fifteen feet high at the least. It's one of the most spectacular marvels of the human race, that we managed to create these works of architecture without the science and technology of the 21st century. I don't think that older forms of architecture get enough attention... well, aside from those with some sort of religious affiliation. While cathedrals and churches are without a doubt beautiful buildings, there are more examples of fantastic architecture out there to be discovered and studied."

The logical young man stopped, taking a sip from his glass. He then looked toward Patton. He blinked upon realizing that he was just staring at him with starry eyes and an awed expression. "Apologies, I do tend to talk too much," he hurried, clearing his throat.

"Never, ever, apologize for that amazing brain of yours," Patton cut him off. He reached up and cupped his cheek, smiling almost giddily. "I want to listen to you talk for the rest of my life."

Logan flushed but smiled, looking down as he scuffed his foot against the floor. "Well, let's not jump ahead to marriage or anything just yet," he advised. "We've got plenty of time to enjoy being with each other before we make that kind of commitment. After all, we are only high school students."

The other boy busted out laughing. "Oh my gosh, I wasn't trying to propose to you or anything," he giggled. "No, that's for later in life, for sure."

They shared smiles between them, and were about to begin another conversation when a familiar voice spoke up. "Ah! There you are Patton!" Milo greeted. They turned to him, and the boy gasped. He looked even more stunning in his dress under the light of the chandelier. Milo grinned and allowed for Patton to gush.

"Oh my gosh, it's even prettier in here, Milo!" he said, grabbing his arms excitedly.

"Sorry, who's this?" Logan asked as he cleared his throat.

Milo turned to him and a smirk spread over his lips. "Oh, so this must be Logan," he said. He let go of Patton and approached him. He tilted his head as he looked him up and down. "He's just as cute as you described him Pat, I'm obsessed with the fancy suit. Classy, it definitely works on you."

"What?" Logan stammered, looking between the newcomer and his boyfriend.

Patton laughed and hurried to ease his confusion. "Lo, this is Milo Dawne, I met him while I was out shopping for my dress," he explained. "He helped me gain the confidence to actually buy a dress and helped me get to the palace on my own."

"A pleasure to meet you, Logan," Milo said, shaking his hand with a kind smile. "Your boyfriend is an incredibly kind man."

"Yes, yes he is," he replied. He'd regained his composure now that he had context.

Patton grinned and looked at Milo. "So, have you run into your date yet, Milo?"

The other man in a dress shook his head. "Oh no, he's not down here yet, he should be any minute though," he said, fighting back a smile. "He can never resist a delayed and dramatic entrance."

"Oh?" Patton replied curiously.

Milo opened his mouth to respond when people around them began clapping suddenly. The three of them looked toward the source of the excitement, seeing a man in a regal suit entering the ballroom from a different entrance. He was walking down a different set of stairs and his appearance was striking even from a slight distance. 

His suit was a deep magenta color with red and purple embroidery. He had a cape that just barely hit the floor behind him as he walked; it looked heavy and made of velvet. His hair was a platinum blond and appeared almost silver. It was tied back in a pony tail.

Patton stared, mouth hanging open slightly. "Wow, who is he?"

Milo looked at him, laughing as he blushed a little. "That's Prince Namor, obviously."

The younger man looked at him and then had a moment of realization. "No way, your date is the freaking prince?!" he whisper-yelled. "You're kidding!"

"I'm not, I'm seriously not," Milo reassured him, looking flustered all of a sudden. "We... We just really like each other, and get along really well. He's been trying to court me for months. It was a really luck happenstance. I was in the right place at the right time."

He took a swig of whatever was in his glass. "I'm really good with horses, and the royals have too many to keep all of them in their stables. They built a second stables around the edge of the town for the less prized ones. I moved here just as they were looking for a caretaker. The rest is history. I only met the prince because his favorite horse was moved to my stables by mistake."

As Milo finished his story, a deep chuckle resonated from near them. They looked to see the prince standing before them. "Yes, what a fortunate mix-up that was," he said. He then stepped toward Milo and bowed, offering his hand. "May I dance with you?"

"W-Well, if that's what his Highness desires," he replied, blushing as he took it.

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