Basic Character Descriptions

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So these are some basic descriptions of the main characters. There will be other, smaller characters as well. These are anthropomorphic animals (like in Zootopia), so they live like humans but are animals.

- Black Eagle
- Male
- 19 years old
- 5'5"
- Adventurous
- "The Scout"
- Hot-tempered
- Also known as "Ro"
- Can't sit still for too long
- Tends to make rash decisions
- Best friends with Alicai and Deka
- Lives in the Bidora Kingdom (Elkfield)

- Amur Leopard
- Female
- 67 years old
- 5'6"
- Protective
- "The Mother/Protector"
- Motherly
- Also known as "Mother Maka"
- Airs on the side of caution
- Very wise
- Lives in the Bidora Kingdom (Elkfield)

- Bengal tiger
- Male
- 21 years old
- 6'3"
- Playful
- "The Adventurer/Hero"
- Curious
- Also known as "Ali"
- Was found at a young age and raised by Makawee
- Best friends with Fero and Deka
- Young and naive
- Learning to fight from Borya
- Lives in the Bidora Kingdom (Elkfield)

- Grey wolf
- Male
- 25 years old
- 6'2"
- Dark-minded
- "The Misunderstood"
- Feels like he was forced to be the villain
- Also known as "Karvy"
- Bad past/childhood
- Is secretly a sweetheart, but hides it
- Introvert
- Not a social person, awkward around people
- Not used to having fun
- Outcast, used to live in the Bidora Kingdom

- Cheetah
- Female
- 22 years old
- 5'9"
- Bubbly
- "The Messenger"
- Love running errands/being helpful
- Also known as "Dek"
- Grew up poor and was abandoned as a child
- Sees Makawee as a mother figure
- Sweet and funny
- Best friends with Fero and Alicai
- Lives in the Bidora Kingdom (Elkfield)

King Malik
- African Lion
- Male
- 42 years old
- 6'4"
- Kind
- "The King"
- Generous
- Also known as "Lord Malik"
- Rules fairly, but with an iron fist when needed
- Married to Queen Rani
- Banished Nazar for treason and Karver for being a threat to the kingdom
- Routinely patrols the kingdom
- Ruler of the Bidora Kingdom

Queen Rani
- African Lion (Lioness)
- Female
- 44 years old
- 5'7"
- Caring
- "The Queen"
- Lovable
- Also known as "Lady Rani"
- Makes sure everyone is taken care of
- Married to King Malik
- Watches over the castle when King Malik is away
- Loves to sing and study plants
- Ruler of the Bidora Kingdom

- Cougar
- Male
- 47 years old
- 6'2"
- Easily annoyed
- "The Medic"
- Grumpy
- Also known as "Doctor Mason"
- Specializes in medicine
- Is secretly a sweetheart
- Worries a lot
- Takes care of everyone, unless he has a specific reason not to
- Lives in the Bidora Kingdom (Elkfield)

- Bengal tiger
- Male
- 42 years old
- 6'6"
- Manipulative
- "The Tyrant"
- Lives for the kill
- Also known as "Moor Stalker"
- Has unquenchable thirst for power
- Cold and calculated
- Lives in the Caves of Noire (outside of  Bidora Kingdom)

- Raccoon
- Female
- 39 years old
- 4'11"
- Nerdy
- "The Librarian/Potion Maker"
- Smart
- Also known as "Harp"
- Loves to read
- Makes potions for Alicai and his friends
- Often joins Mason for tea or coffee and a chat
- Knows a lot about plants and their properties
- Very talkative, but can be quiet at times
- Lives in Triton Forest (outskirts of Bidora Kingdom)

- Fox
- Male
- 30 years old
- 5'7"
- Mysterious
- "The Necromancer"
- Cunning
- Also known as "The Dark One"
- Strong in the arts of magic
- Doesn't often interact with people
- Rumored to work for Nazar, but seems like a neutral
- Often visits Harper to talk about magic/potions
- Lives in the Triton forest (near Harper on the outskirts of Bidora Kingdom)

- Grizzly bear
- Male
- 52 years old
- 6'9"
- Kind-hearted
- "The Fighter/Trainer"
- Used to be in King Malik's army
- Very social
- Loves a good fight
- Is training Alicai to fight
- Very fond of Alicai and his friends
- Loves to eat
- Good friends with Makawee
- Lives in Bidora Kingdom (Elkfield)

- Meerkat
- Male
- 24 years old
- 3'9"
- Energetic
- "The Lookout"
- Paranoid at times
- Also known as "Sharp Eye"
- Keeps watch for Alicai and his friends
- Good friends with Fero and Deka
- Terrified of Nazar
- Lives in the Bidora Kingdom (Elkfield)

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