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I and Fi reached the eldin province where we think zelda is here
there is volcano and too much lava th handle easly

I said ' Lets do this fast Fi, here is too hot for me.' Fi told me ' Zelda is in a bokoblin base near volcano. Are you sure this is the best idea?' I answered that question as maybe

I used my dust to create a road and i ran fast as possible to reach bokoblin base.

When we reached the base Fi show me the big door and said ' It seems like zelda is behind that door. we need to find ...' I cut her words ' No time Fi if Zelda is here Ghirahim is here too. ' and used my dust to destroy that door.

Whole base attacked me but i was fast enough to cut them. i found a bomb bag and a different key that probably open the final door

When i reached the room before the final room, a rock came from nowhere and started to roll over me. I dodged the rock ball and it opened the road to final room for mei used that big key and entered the room.

When i reached a ramp, i saw Ghirahim. Like i guessed he was here for Zelda but he was angry for a thing. ' Damm f*ckn Sheikah. She did again.' He sav me ' Hello Kağan, normally you and me would figth for zelda but as you can see I AM ANGRY RIGTH NOW. Because that damn Sheikah took Zelda avay from us.' and then i saw a smile in his face.' but unfortunately for you, i have a gift for you.' the dragon statue's mount opened and the rock rolled behind me. he finished with have fun, and teleported. when i looked that rock created six leg and a big mouth and it started to scream. i threw a bomb to my back and shouted ' IS THIS THE BEST YOU CAN DO GHIRAHIM.' That that rock beast exploded and let me see its weak point of the eye i used a direct stab to kill it fast and godesses gave me a heart contanier for reward and i entered the door back of the room

i saw Zelda with someone, i guessed that sheikah, in the back of the spring.
i let Zelda feel my aura. Zelda turned back and started to walk to me but sheikah stoppped her ' Zelda, please enter the portal.' She used please but her voice came like that was an order. ' O-okay Impa.' Zelda replied and entered the portal.
Impa retuned to me and said to me
' You see i didn't let you talk to Zelda, because if i weren't here, Zelda was in hands of Ghirahim' She wanted to continue but i didn't let her to tell me i am slow as a turtle or a snail ' NO, you though i was slow but you dont know what i did to came. I dropped myself from 8 kilometer high from sky, i used a direct route which made from my magic from where i dropped from, i used magic to explode that dig door which need five f*ckn key to unlock, i killed entire base of bokoblins, and then you, Impa of the sheikah tribe, you call me slow?' She tried to stop me but i didnt let this happpen ' I am sorry i am not the original plan of godesses, I am sorry i can't teleport like Ghirahim and i am sorry that i am not the reancarnation of the hero you deserve but I am the hero you need and i am the person who will tell her father i was going to talk to her and maybe take her back to the sky where she was safer than she is, and to her father, but a crazy lady didnt let this happened. If you want to talk about something lets talk about Zelda's impatience because if she wait me before entering the bokoblin base blindly, and waited me, i could protect her and Ghirahim would never know Zelda was here. Now go to your precious spirit lady before i free my rage.' I freed a dark aura to show her how powerful i am. I can see her face, she was like she just saw a demon. I started to laugh
' Hahahahahahahah, man, you should see your face it was too funny' she giggled too ' But seriously go now or i will punch you to the portal' she nodded and entered the portal

i used the skyward strike and purified the shrine and goddess statue gave me last map tablet

i returned the sky ant told gaepora exactly what i said to impa. I used the last tablet to the map and it created another beam. That beam was yellow and it opens another section of surface. i used that beam and jumped off the Lanaryu


this episode ends here next time on kağans journey is lanaryu desert and time distruption stone

kağan and this storyline belongs to me

legend of zelda belongs to NINTENDO

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