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Two years passed after that rush.

I won't write everything i did because nothing really important happened.

But this day something important happened.

There is three type of day in this life: 1. is ordinary day, 2. is unordinary day and 3. is extreme day.

This day started like 2. but ended like 3.

I woken up by Zelda's Loftwing.

She was holding a letter.

'Good morning Kağan. If you didn't woken up, my loftwing's job was wake you up. Come to godess statue. I want to show you something.


She was princess so i thought she wanted to show me goddess outfit.

Because that day was one of the important day.

According the legend skyloft had risen by goddesses of triforce.

i exit my room but there was those three stupid.

They call themselves Groose squad.

Groose, red haired giant, was their leader.

'Well, well, look who is here...'

I cut his words ' Shut the up jerk i need to go'

Groose was a bully, i didn't wanted to see him for now.

His sidekicks were holding my escape route. so i have to pass him.

I tried to warn him ' Groose, you dont want to do this.'

He didn't listen to me, naturally 'But i WANT to do this.'

I warned him but he didn't listened to me, well, his lost.

I took my guard before he attacked me.

He used a left direct punch to my face first. I blocked.

He used a rigth direct punch to my belly. I dodged and used his openning to attack.

My right cut punch hit his chin. That punch stunned him a bit.

I used that opportunity to run away and exited the building known as Knigth Academy.

I climbed the building and activated my winged form to fly statue.

When i landed near statue i saw zelda. WOW. Just wow.

Her goddess outfit makes her more beautiful.

'Wow Zelda you look majestic, a person who doesn't know you can call you a goddess'

'Well i have a mission for you Kağan' said Zelda 'You know Groose, he will do everything to have alone time with me'

I cut and aswered' And you don't want to be alone with Groose and yes i will try to help you as long as i can'

Then Zelda pushes me to the edge ' Now, Fly Kağan, Fly like there is no tomorrow'

And then i went to city hall with King Gaepora, Zelda's father and King of the Skyloft, he needs to do the openig ceremony .

Gaepora started opening ceremony of wing ceremony. i slept until i heard gong.

Third gong means run and fly.

i ran, jumped down and turned myself into winged form and used the speed of falling to gain extra accleration.

10 people was there for the race but only 4 people was flying:

Me and Groose gang.

Normally race was simple: fly, get the statuette from a trained golden loftwing and return the goddess statue with that statuette.

But the complicated part is only two person who is flying wanted that statuette.

Groose is closer than me but i had a plan to kick Groose out of the race.

I used some extra firepower to catch that loftwing.

And i grabbed that statuette before Groose.

While i was returning the Skyloft, Zelda did a thing ABSULUTELY STUPID.


I used more firepower to catch Zelda.

' Y'know that was a bit crazy, Zelda '

I looked at Zelda, she was laughing. ' But you catch me good Kağan, now lets fly to the goddess statue's hand'

I flew and put Zelda on the hand of goddess.

Zelda did the ritual and gave me a sailcloth and PUSHED ME FROM THE HAND OF GODESS' HAND TO 26 METER FALL AND I HAD NO OPTION BUT A SAILCLOTH.

That sailcloth saved my life.

And zelda wanted to fly together.

I couldn't say no to Zelda so we started to fly together.

Zelda tried to say something but a tornado blew us.

I felt a dark aura from that tornado.

That tornado blew me back to skyloft and sucked Zelda.

I awoke and saw Gaepora. I said 'good morning Gaepora.'

'Good evening to you Kağan'

my memory flooded back that time

Gaepora asked to me where is Zelda and i said a tornado with dark aura sucked it

'I understand Kağan, for now rest a bit'

well that tornado beat me good soo i dont denice that offer


episode 2 for kağans adventure 

next is sans adventure

legend of zelda belongs to NINTENDO

SHADOWTALE belongs to me

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