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I woke up with a vision.

A girl, half blue and half purple, came and said 'awake, hero from another multiverse, and follow me'. Let's honest her voice is one of 'trust' voices.

I saw that girl and started to follow her. I found myself under the goddess statue.

That girl started to talk. 'Hello, human from another universe, my name is Fi. I am created by godesses to show your way trought your adventure of surface'

My mind was literally screwed up 'me? Really i have some abilities and saved a universe from a demon but I AM NOT A HERO'

Fi didnt lost her calmness ' Normally Link was the hero choosen by goddess Hylia but his trajic death made godess take a .... little unwanted action to draw a person with quality of hero who travel in time and space which can do everything for the sake of the world'

I asked a classic question ' Why me'

Fi answered with a basic answer ' Goddess Farore choose you for this mission'

My expression was simple' When are we start'

'After you will draw GODDESS SWORD into that pedestal'

I grabbed that swords hilt and drew sword from its pedestal, at first it didnt wanted to come with me but one or two seconds later, sword came to me.

I tested it's balance with double slashes and i risen the sword. It absorbed moonlight.

'Congragulations master, from now i, soul of the goddess sword will be your guide.'

Fi continued his sentence ' Rise the goddess sword to activate the skyward strike master Kağan'

I rise my new sword over my head and it absobed energy when i slashed with the sword an energy wawe smashed the symbol and activated a stone map

Then Gaepora entered Goddess chamber ' You really did it, kid. Samehow you found the Godddesses chamber.' 

' So you always knew it, Goddess sword and this chamber'

'Yes, Goddesses chamber is one of the biggest secret in the sky'

'And i guess there is a secret legend too, isnt it?' You can understand everything from the legends and in Skyloft, legends are literally everywhere

'Yes, there is a legend...'

i dont want to tell everything Gaepore said but he told about when Goddess Sword drawn its pedestal, all skyloft wil fall to the surface.

Fi started to talk to us ' That legend is incomplete, but there is always a missing part in long and old legend. there is more par of that legend.'

Fi filled the missing part of legend with great darkness' return before the fall

After Fi finished the legend, he told ' Master, you need to prepare for your next adventure.'

I looked with a dangerous look ' I am ALWAYS ready for adventure'

Fi told me ' i suggest we must go to that green light.'

Gaepore gave me a wooden shield and a spare sword in case of emergency.

I jumped down and created my dusty wings to fly. I flew to that green ligth and i saw a gap between the cloud barreer. I closed my wings to fell down to that gap.

Near the ground i opened my wings and slowed my fall and land safely. 

I saw a big plant with dangerous teeth and it started to attack me.

I blocked with my shield and slashed its mounth.

I asked Fi 'what the f*ck was that!?'

Fi answered 'They are DEKU BABA's, they have hard shells and dangerous teeth, inside of their mount is their weak spot nex time you see them, attack inside their mount.'

We felt a massive dark energy from middle of the area

We went there and saw the center of that dark energy: a totem.

I used Skyward Strike's light energy to repel the darkness.

We entered only door we saw. there was a big room and a old lady.

'Hello young one Who fell from sky and time, you are searching the girl you called Zelda. Are you?'

I answered ' Well, yes. I am looking for Zelda.'

Old lady used her aura to open the door which leads another saction of this area

'Use that door which leads to Faron woods and find her.'

'Thank you old lady. but where are we now and what is that dark power'

Old lady's voice really fell down ' You sealed him again huh.' 

She walked inside the room a bit and started to talk again' I think i must owe you a story, kid.'

She told me that totem is made of goddesses' light and it imprison a demon.

'Go now and be fast, kid. She needs your help'

I started to run to the Faron woods but I saw 2 goblin-like monster trying to hurt a giant rock monster.

Those goblins are Bokoblins and they are weak, like one hit kill but i dont wan't to face an army of Bokoblins.

I beat these two and poked that rock monster. His name is Gorko and he is from a race called Gorons and their back is hard as rock and they are strong as a bull.

To be honest all Gorons are as friendly as Frisk if Gorko is true, just show them you are worthy to their friendship

He thanks to me and told me there is a temple deep inside woods and if i want to reach that temple i need to befriend a race called Kikvi

i thanked him and enterd the Faron Woods

yeah i know this came a bit late coming because i had some important exams but they will come soon or later

Legend of Zelda Franchise and all its characters belongs to NINTENDO

SHADOWTALE and Shadow/Kağan belongs to me

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