Reinhardt x Reader

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Hello again! I've been in the mood to write so I figured why not make yet another chapter to this story. I really appreciate all the support and does anyone think it's wrong for me to go back and edit some of my first chapters? I made some poor storyline decisions and my writing style wasn't quite developed back then either. :) I don't know if that ruins the authenticity of my book though.

Anyways, at the request of PepeDaMeme
I bring you, Reinhardt x Reader!

*Disclaimer: I do not own Overwatch or its characters.*


Slouching up and out of your haybale bed, you stretched your arms out wide, cracked your knuckles once or twice, swept the hair out of your face and slowly opened your eyes, taking in the warmth of the suns morning rays.

Strangely today though, you were not greeted by the familiar light of Eichenwaldes sun, but instead, a large shadow looming over you, sending chills down your spine.

Sheepishly peering up, you waved a quick wave to the crusader blocking your view.

William Reinhardt was his name. He was cocky, arrogant, an amazing fighter, and without a shadow of a doubt had the most gorgeous and soft golden, sun-kissed locks in all of Germany.

He laughed heartedly. "Did you sleep well? Time for training!"

"Training starts at one, it's still morning!" You whined.

"Haha friend, it is not an early light you see now!"

"What...?" Peering left and right you noticed no one was in bed anymore. Though you did hear the clank of knives and forks as your fellow crusaders ate away at their freshly caught supper.

"Time to eat!" You said jumping out of bed.

"Haha no my dear." Said Reinhardt as he placed a heavy hand upon your shoulder. "Time to train."

You stared at him wide-eyed. For there was no man on this planet who has denied you food and lived to tell of it.

"Haha, eat after we train! Let's go!" He said, grasping your hand and pulling you forward.


You and Reinhardt struggled between one another. You both wielded large wooden training hammers, and lugged away at one another. Sweat beads formed on your forehead, dripping down your face. Your stomach let out a mighty roar and you charged forward, anxious to be done with training so you might finally eat.

Reinhardt built up a run and charged head on at you as well. You both collided with a big thud, with Reinhardt landing atop you, straddling your waist with his bulky body.

You both let out a deep reverberating laugh and fixed yourselves up.

"I think that's enough for today, let's go partake of a mighty meal!" He said, holding his fist up in triumph.

"Sounds like h-"

The cry of war horns pierced through your sentence as you, Reinhardt and the others rushed towards the alarm.

'Null sector.. this will be no easy fight.'

A grin graced Reinhardt lips as he turned to face his comrades and king. "FOR EICHENWALDE!" He roared charging forward, with an army of fellow crusaders soon following after him, chanting words of war.

One by one he chased down null sector, taking big sweeps with his rocket hammers knocking aside omnic after omnic.

It was not enough.

Sooner than later, the field became no more than a shooting range, as the omnic advanced upon Eichenwalde.

You, Reinhardt, and what few warriors still stood retreated back to the castle and barricaded the front gate.

Your breathes were ragged and you felt as though no matter how much you breathed in, it did nothing you remedy your lack of oxygen.

Taking a peak out one of the side entrances, you watched as the omnics slowly advanced upon your refuge.

Your king turned to Reinhardt and gave him a strong pat on his back, launching him forward a few steps.

"Too long have I been trapped on this throne, the life of one cannot compare to the lives of my family."

He then turned to you and gently caressed your cheek "Young one, I wish you to lead my people beside Reinhardt, live proudly as a crusader just as I."

Giving you both one last wave, he charged out the doors through the ranks of the omnics, a fire of determination lit ablaze in his eyes until the very end. "FOR EICHENWALDE!"

You watched as your king broke the front ranks of the approaching army in a final attempt to save his people. The desperation in his swings and the sheer primality in each attack struck you in awe.
With that, you and Reinhardt defended Eichenwalde to the last man and woman, driving out the invading omnics.. but not without a hefty cost.

Your homeland was left to ruins. Your king, amongst the fallen. Your comrades struck dead. Reinhardt and you looked around in sulleness at the place you once called home.

Though faced with much loss, you held your head up high with pride, no force has been able to break down the strong walls of the Eichenwalde castle, and that legacy shall live on in your peoples history. They died with valor, and their souls still live on in the stone halls of your home.


Gathering any salvageable equipment, you two set off in search of a new home, barring the doors of your past and moving out to find your futures.

The last remaining crusaders. The king and Queen of Eichenwalde.


Not very fluffy or romantic but I think it was a good story. Hope you all enjoyed!

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