eight: emergency

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"Dr. Park are you certain my precious Princess will heal quickly?" a owner of a chihuahua asks as he sits in the room of my office, tears about to stream down his face.

"we're doing everything we can to get the spaghetti out of her system, i suggest to not let her jump on the table or leave any food on the countertop." i advise. the owner sniffles and nods then stands up and bows to me as he leaves the room.

Minseok enters panting and his widened, his doctor's coat covered in blood but he looks unharmed.

"we have a situation." he said seriously, meaning this was not a simple case and i've never seen him like this.

there's a back door to the facility where the stray dogs come in when they're in need of medical attention before being sent to the pound or shelter. the metal doors swing open and an akita dog fights the two men who have those steel catch poles, the silver cable wrapped around its neck. the cable dug into the already opened flesh, making it worse but not too deeply. the dog is not too big, probably a couple months old but it has some fight left. i watch as the two men make way past the cages and into the emergency room, i know they're just doing their job but this always breaks my heart. the pup makes growling sounds and barks angrily.

Minseok and I manage to put on our protective gear and quickly head to the emergency room where the two men have the pup held down, the leash now secured to the side of the table's pole that hangs on the wall.

"thank you gentlemen, please step aside." i said with a hard tone. the two men step away and stand near the door, watching just in case something happens.

"give me the details Minseok." i say seriously.

"name- unknown, owner- ran away, breed- akita dog, age- 6 months, found in an abandoned home near Incheon the neighbors found him but he became aggressive and attacked someone who people said it was the owner who came back for the dog. he was chained to a fence, the collar had been around his neck for two months." Minseok said, the details sunk in. this pup has been abused and the owner will not take responsibility.

"tell Momo to cover this pup's medical expenses from out of my pocket. if the owner won't pay i'm going to." i say as i put on my rubber gloves and mask. the pup now relaxing as i place a hand on its back, trying to calm it down. he still snarled but let me touch him. "i think i can take care of him on my own." i manage to now pet the pup's head as he goes silent, i smile triumphantly.

"why are you covered in blood Minseok?" i ask before he turned to leave.

"i-it's not blood, it's ketchup. i was on a break and took out my hamburger but i forgot the ketchup so i used the one in the fridge." he said and i sigh in relief, i'm not even surprised.

"just go clean up." i said and waved my hand so he can leave. the pup now shivers and whimpers as i look down on him. "now let's see what we can do about this neck." i say and start to gently apply the anesthesia and began to clean the area around the wound so he doesn't feel any pain when i stitch the opened flesh together.

after an hour long procedure i carry the limp pup to a cage and gently lay him down on the cushion, filing up the water and food so when he wakes up he can eat. i stare longingly at the akita pup, they are supposed to bring good luck so i ponder if i should adopt this pup right away, i can tell he's special just by the he let me handle him. an animal who was so abused yet knew the person trying to help him would never hurt him. animals are just smart that way but this pup seems exceptionally smart, he didn't struggle when i cleaned the wound, didn't bite me when i first met him... he had the ability to do so... but he didn't.

i'm sitting on a chair in my office, it's a quiet day since it's a weekday and people are at work and pets are left at home. i smile thinking about the new pup that came in today, i have been smiling to myself for a couple hours. i hear a knock to my door, i said a simple "come in" and in walked the 22 year old girl i had dropped off at her university a month ago. she would text me everyday but i would not answer, mostly because i've been busy so i didn't mean to ignore her.

she sulks to the seat in front of me and pouts. "why do you never visit or text me unnie? i had to resort to come see you in person."

"look, kid-," i begin.

"i'm not a kid! i'm a grown woman! and your future wife!" she said and gasped as she realized what she just said, her cheeks turning a bright pink.

i raise an eyebrow, "don't you have school right now?" i ask looking at the clock, disregarding her statement to marry me.

her pout turns into a smirk as her long legs carry her behind my leather chair. i held my breath, i know exactly what she's about to do. Jennie lays her hands on my shoulders and begins to massage them.

"you look so stressed Nari." she whispers into my right ear. "let me help you." she then whispers in my left ear. she plants a kiss on my earlobe and i shiver.

"Jennie, i have work to do." i manage to say.

"you're such a workaholic, you should loosen up." she purrs, reminding me of a cat... wait KITTENS!

i sit up straight in my chair making Jennie stumble to the side. "i-i have to feed my kittens! yes! they must be so hungry right now it's dinner time!" i say quickly.

"but it's only 3:00pm." Jennie narrows her eyes.

"they like to have early dinner! you know how kittens are... needing four or five meals a day." i rub my sweaty hands on my light colored jeans.

"take me on a date!" she demands and stomps her foot and shakes her shoulders, like a kid whining to her mother.

"i-if i do can i work in peace?" i said tiredly.

Jennie squeals excitedly and comes close to me again to take off my doctor coat, then she pushes me from behind out the door.

"let's get you changed Nari unnie! we're going to go shopping to find you an outfit and then we'll go out to dinner!" she talks rapidly.

"i-i still smell like dog Jennie-ssi!" i stop walking and let her follow me upstairs to my apartment.

i take my keys out and i already hear scratching behind my door. when i open it a herd of pets stumble out and meow or bark excitedly at my presence but it muted as all five pets saw Jennie, Jungkook was the first to run away back to his room. i chuckle and quickly let Jennie into my apartment, she sat in the kitchen as i rushed to the bathroom.

i took a steamy shower and took longer than i expected because when i came out fully dressed Jennie was sleeping on my bed, the door closed and there were no sounds of my pets trying to get in which is odd.

Jennie hears me walk to her and she immediately sits up with pink cheeks.

"you look tired Jennie." i chuckle at her hair that's now ecstatic and messy.

"i am Nari unnie, of you not taking me seriously." she says with a tone i've never heard before.

"look... you seem like a sweet girl but i don't date." i lied, i want to date her but she's young and has a whole life ahead of her, i can't give her what she wants.

"at least... let's be friends with benefits!" she claps her hands together, congratulating herself for the idea.

i gulp and run my hands through my damp hair. am i really going to risk it all? risk my heart and possibly hers?

Jennie stands up and confidently takes big steps towards me then catches my lips in hers, i had to look up since she is taller than me, her hands cupping my face possessively.

"just one night..." she says through the kiss as she makes it rougher, taking dominance i whine a little when she bit my bottom lip, the only thing that got me out of my trance was the sound of scratching on my door. i took her wrists in my hands to stop her, i can't look her in the eyes.

"i think you should leave." i say a little too coldly. Jennie doesn't protest and turns on her heels to leave the room, almost stepping on a confused Jungkook and Taehyung. she looked down at the bunny and pup with a disgusted look. Taehyung barked at her and started to growl, Jungkook is behind him staring at me. i finally hear her slam the door and Kookie finally jumps on my bed with me as i plop face down in my pillow.

"what's wrong with me?" i say into the pillow and roll around in frustration making sure not to kick Kookie who is trying to get my attention.

"i know what will help me...cooking!" i announce to myself.

i quickly made way to the kitchen and set fruits on top of the island. chopping watermelon, boiled chicken, apples, and greens for my babies. Hoseok, as usual, hops on to the counter and starts to sniff the produce but snatched a piece of watermelon, his favorite. i didn't mind so i just let him have a little slice before everyone else. Yoongi and Jimin join in on jumping on me, clawing my sweatpants as they try to climb up on me. Jungkook hops around the living room happily as dance music plays on the tv. Taehyung strolls in with his usual strut as he passed me without a single glance. he made his way to Jungkook and they started to play fight, i wasn't too worried since Taehyung is probably the gentlest pup i've ever met. i smile as i chop the healthy greens and fruits.

i set down the boiled chicken and salmon for Yoongi and Jimin in fancy crystal bowls in the usual spot in their room. i called for Taehyung so he can get his own boiled chicken that i chopped into very small pieces. Hoseok and Jungkook get a mountain of greens and fruit. i didn't eat since i only have one meal a day but i decide to treat myself to a glass of rosé. the sweet smooth texture ran down my throat and i let out a satisfied sigh.

i hear a knock on my door and it's Minseok so i immediately let him in. he set his bag down and plopped down on my newly furnished coach.

"uhhh hello?" i said to get his attention.

"i'm heartbroken Nari noona." he muffles through the pillow.

"why?" i ask.

he turns to lay on his back and stares at the ceiling. "a guinea pig died and i couldn't save her." tears brimming his eyes.

i sit down next to his head and stroke his hair. "don't worry, i'm sure you tried your best."

he pulls my thigh toward him so he can prop his head on my leg. "i'm also heartbroken because my fiancé broke up with me for another man."

my eyes widen at his words, i didn't know he was engaged so i smack his head and say, "why did you never tell me?"

"you're my side hoe Nari noona, if i told you you would've left me." Minseok said matter of factly.

i hit his forehead. "YAH! you crazy bastard, i'll have you fired if you call me a hoe again. but i'll forgive you this time since your heart needs time to heal. take some days off, i'll manage." i say soothingly.

Minseok sits up and stares at me and gives me little kisses all over my face saying "thank you" every time he pulled away. his eyes travel to my lips and i freak out but i don't say anything. when he starts to lean in i stare at his puckered lips with wide eyes. his lips are centimeters away when i felt something fluffy licking my chin and Minseok ends up kissing Jungkook's head. Jungkook didn't like that all as he jumped and kicked Minseok in the face. Taehyung comes barking in as if going into battle and hops on the couch to bark at Minseok and Jungkook comes back to bite Minseok on the hand.

"Kookie! no!" i say but it's too late, Jungkook started peeing on Minseok's lap. Yoongi and Jimin come to see the commotion and put two and two together as they also charged into battle and hissed at Minseok who is now scrambling to get to the bathroom only to have an army of baby animals make threatening growls and hisses. i didn't even know Hoseok could be so loud when his squeaks started to pierce the air.

i could only watch Minseok gather his belongings as my five soldiers usher him out the door. he gives me a frightened look in his eyes as he waves goodbye and i could only chuckle and wave back.

i turn my attention to my pets who sit expectantly at my feet probably wanting praise but i just form my lips into a thin line and cross my arms.

"you all are lucky you're cute otherwise i'd give you all punishments for being rude to my guests." i said, scanning their eyes for any sign of remorse but nope, they all look happy now since we're all alone again. i scoop Yoongi from the floor and place him on my lap, purrs immediately giving a reaction to my touch.

i begin to think about the akita pup so i look at Taehyung and say, "how would you like a brother Taetae?"


word count- 2478

i'm really on a roll with these chapters, there's still so much to explain and unravel but don't worry we'll get to the juicy parts soon

and no Nari will not lose her virginity to Jennie or Minseok or Hyungsik or Chanyeol

this is a bts fanfic after all


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