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Day 2; Tue, April 30th
4:19 PM

"Accounts still down... okay.."

"You know, even though you're gone, this is sort of a safe space for me to calm down... and I like it... Being able to look back on our past messages and just.. feel at home..?"

4:21 PM
"Well, I guess I should say what happened, and just get it off my chest..."

"More drama happened, that I still dont feel comfortable with sharing.. But, atleast she's okay and better now.. I woke up to my friends role-playing once again."

4:24 PM
"Riah came on a few hours ago again, and she got some drama in roleplay, which got resolved, I made some new versions of my character named Eli, may remember her. Now me and Riah are making new versions of our couple, Dep and RiDie."

"It's... Really nice, actually... calming..."

"She's sorta paused now, but she is in a bunch of roleplays right now, so I can understand..."


"I found a new song, it's called 'Pull Me Apart' by Neffex. It's really nice, and hits me on a personal level... It's cool..."

4:28 PM
"I've been slipping away more and more with each day... and it's sort of weird, but then again, it's comforting, to just lay in bed all day, music blasting in my headphones, with no care in the world..."


"Well, I should be going now. I have friends to watch roleplay and to roleplay with, I'll talk to you later today, bye friend~!"

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