☆.。.:* i'm serious .。.:*☆

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"3rd person"

seungmin met hyunjin under the cherry blossom tree in the clam and empty park as hyunjin requested him to do. he looked around, waiting for the older to come.

"why would he even want to meet me here?" seungmin asked himself, playing with his sweater sleeves.

he then suddenly felt a pair of arms wrap around his waist and a chin, resting on his shoulder.

"uwah~ hyunjinnie~" seungmin said and hugged the older.

"did you wait long?" hyunjin asked and smiled.

"nu~ i just came a few minutes ago" seungmin said and smiled.

"good. i wouldn't want you to be waiting long" hyunjin said and chuckled, letting go of his arms around seungmin's waist and taking his hand.

"h-hyunjin?" seungmin muttered and blushed.

"u-uhm . . . . . . . you know i like you a lot right?" hyunjin asked, awkwardly rubbing his nape.

"y-yeah" seungmin said and avoided eye contact with hyunjin, hoping that he wouldn't blush anymore.

"i-i- will you go out with me?-"


seungmin groaned, rolling around on his bed, turning around on his bed. yes, he had changbin's "matroshyka" on replay as his ringtone cause he hated that sound firs of all, and second, it wakes him up somehow.

"it was just a dream" seungmin said and clutched on his heart.

"he would never confess to me what am i thinking? me? a nerd? number one? being confessed to by a hot basketball player? a pretty boy? the school's heartthrob???" seungmin asked himself and rolled his eyes, then pouting.

"maybe its just dumb luck he knows who i am" seungmin said and walked to the bathroom.

seungmin got ready, in his casual clothing ready to go outside and pick up his brother, byeongcheol, from the airport. he'd ask hyunjin to drive him there the day before and hyunjin was willing to help him.

once they arrived, hyunjin made sure not to lose seungmin out of his sight. the younger was getting really excited and jumpy, bumping into some people and getting stares.

"seungmin slow down" hyunjin said and giggled, catching up to seungmin and holding his hand, making sure he wouldn't lose him in the crowd.

"this is his gate jinnie~" seungmin said and sat down next to hyunjin.

"then we'll wait here minnie~" hyunjin replied and giggled.

the two waited for seungmin's brother to come out. as soon as seungmin saw people coming out, he let go of hyunjin's hand and ran to go closer to the gate.

"yah! don't just leave me like that" hyunjin said and walked up to seungmin, back-hugging him.

'it was just like my dream . . . . . . . . . . . well in an airport' seungmin thought.

seungmin caught a glimpse of his brother and ran to him, hugging him tightly.

"cheoliee~" seungmin said and hugged his brother tightly.

"hey seungie" byeongcheol said and giggled.

"did anyone come with you here?" seungmin asked and smiled.

"nope! i think hyunbin is coming to pick me up- wait . . . . . . . . . . is that guy your boyfriend?" byeongcheol asked and smirked, pointing to hyunjin.

"n-no! o-of c-course not!" seungmin said and blushed.

"uwahh~ he's really handsome seungie" byeongcheol said and giggled.

"h-he's not my-"

"not yet" byeongcheol said and winked, making seungmin's face even more red than ever.

"hyunbin!" byeongcheol yelled and ran to his boyfriend, leaving a blushing, shy seungmin and a confused hyunjin.

"you look like you're about to explode" hyunjin said and giggled.

"h-he called me your boyfriend" seungmin said and pouted.

'not yet. not yet. just one more day.' hyunjin thought.

"hm? do you not like it?" hyunjin asked and frowned.


"shush. i'm just teasing you" hyunjin said and giggled, putting his index finger on seungmin's lip.

seungmin smiled, but he felt a pain inside, inside his heart. he smiled it off and tried not thinking about how friend-zoned he could be when he's with hyunjin. seungmin wanted to admit it. he probably has someone catching his eye already. 

"uhm seungmin . . . . . . . . i wasn't serious you know" hyunjin said and smirked.

"authors note"

can i leave ya'll with a cliffhanger? would ya'll survive? 


ayo. wassup brO 

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