♤ chapter five ♤

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Fawn stayed close to Alex as the music faded to a end, the tears on her face now dry. Even though the music stopped the two didn't let go of each other, finding comfort in the form of the other.

"I'm sorry," She whispered softly to him. The boy humming in confusion as to why she would be apologizing to him. "I shouldn't have pushed you away for what Cole did."

"You don't need to be sorry. You were hurt and angry. I understand." Alex pressed his face to the top of her head, not quite placing a kiss there but it was implied he wanted to do so.

Fawn couldn't understand how Alex was so caring and understanding after everything she did, blaming  him for something he never did. She couldn't believe she won the friend lotto, someone ready to forgive her.

"I don't deserve you." She whispered as she cuddled closer to his chest. Alex turned pink at the sincerity in her voice and the way she leaned against him. He gently guided her face up to look at him, his brown eyes so soft and sweet as he gazed down at her.

"You deserve the world." He replied, thumb brushing over her chin in a gentle movement. Fawn looked up at him with her big eyes, unsure how to react as her face just heated up.

The air was getting cooler with each passing second as dusk started to descend upon the world.  A shiver ran through her as Fawn pressed closer to him. "We should go." He said unsurely, not wanting her to be so cold yet he still wanted to hold her there.

A small frown crossed her face. "I suppose we should." Even with saying those words she didn't move away, she didn't step towrads the entrance to leave. She stayed where she felt warmth and safety, in his arms.

Alex couldn't fight the smile the drew across his face. "You need let go to leave, Bambi." He commented in a lightly teasing way. "Last time I checked letting go was a two way street Walter." She quickly shot back with a faint chuckle.

He took a step back from her, getting a whine of protest as Fawn looked at him. But Alex didn't let go of her hand. "Let's go home, okay?" He smiled at her. With a dramtic sigh and a roll of her green eyes she nods. "Mind you two different homes." She mumbled as she allowed him to lead her out.

He turned to face her again once they were back into the open air. "I'll see you tomorrow at school. Have a good night Fawn, be safe." He told her as he stepped in towrads her, like he was going to kiss her cheek.

Thinking better of it he settled of pulling her into a hug, his head resting on top of hers. It wasn't that long before her arms returned the gesture.

At long last old friends have reunited. They bond would always be stronger then such things, something that not even the strongest forces could break. Sometimes it just got blurred and pushed aside yet it never broke.

"Sleep well Alex, text me when you get home." She gave him a final squeeze before she let him go. "Same number?" He asked curiously. With a bit of guilt crossing her face she nodded her head. "Yes."

Every call and text she had ignored and now that things were starting to patch up it made her feel bad. "Then I'll text you the moment I walk in the door." He promised as the two got on their horses.

They had a short time to ride together but it wasn't as long as either would have liked it to be as the cove was closer to the Walter's house.

Misty and Carlos was waiting when she got back, she tried to sneakily close the door behind her. "Glad to see your back." Carlos commented making her freeze as she turned around the face her foster family.

"Sorry." Her voice was soft as she saw the worry in their eyes, worry she had caused. Misty was looking at her when she noticed the puffiness of her eyes from the tears.

"Where were you?" She asked in a gentle tone. Fawn now looking away, not wanting to met their eyes. "My birth mom wanted to met." Fawn said it so lowly she was unsure if they would hear her words.

But when she looked up she knew they did, the shock on their faces was evidence enough. 'She just wanted money...for..for her new kids." Fawn finished as she wrapped her arms tight around herself. It felt like the chill of the night had followed her inside.

"So I went to where Alex and I used to hangout. Alex showed up and...I think we're okay now." She said as she blinked to get rid of any tears that were forming in her eyes. Carlos looked at her with sad eyes, but there was some anger there as well. How could anyone do that to his girl?

Misty moved towrads the younger girl and pulled her in for a hug. "I'm sorry about your mom-"
"She's not my mom, you are." Fawn said, cutting her off. Misty's eyes tearing up some, her hold on the girl tightening. 'I'm sorry about Penelope but I'm glad you and Alex have worked things out." She said as she rubbed her back gently. 

Carlos stood up and walked over, kissing the top of Fawn's head. "Why don't you go get some sleep huh?" He gave her a smile. Fawn nods some. "Ok, goodnight," She said with a smile as she headed up the stairs to her room.


The next day was Friday, the last school day before the weekend and Fawn was thrilled. She got dressed and ran to the car before Rowan could get the chance to leave her there.

The only thing Fawn dreaded this day was finally having to talk to Grace and Skylar about what has been happening since Monty's as she's told them nothing until she figured things out.

As soon as she walked into the building, her two friends where there. "Girl! When are you going to tell us!" Grace demanded with a eagerness in her eyes. A small laugh leaving Fawn's lips.

"Garce, you need to calm down. I'll tell you." She promised as the walter boys showed up for class. Alex walking in. His and Fawn's eyes meeting, a smile crossing between the two of them. "Good morning." She told him in a happy voice.

Grace and Skylar sharing a stunned smile at the interaction. Alex turned around to look at her. "Good morning Bambi." He spoke with a nod of his head.

But what either failed to notice was the look that crossed Cole's face, wondering what has happened between the two if them. Cole didn't understand why she smile so warmly at him.

Once Alex was out of earshot Skylar was the one who turned to Fawn quickly. "Okay now you have to spill, come on." The taller boy said as he pulled her off of the side of the hallway, Garce following quickly.

Fawn delved into the story of meeting up with Alex at Monty's and then her mother. She wasn't aware that Cole was lurking around to listen with curiosity. That's when she reached the part about going to their spot.

Grace was grinning widely. "Oh...my...God!" She squealed happily. Fawn blushing at that as she tried to shush the girl but she was laughing. "So let me get this straight, to make you feel better, he danced with you?" Skylar asked smiling at her.

"Yes, it sounds so cheesy but it was nice to know he is still my friend. He's still the boy I knew before."  She said as she leaned back against the wall. Skylar and Grace sharing a look.

Once the bell rung the three sighed as they parted ways. For the first time in a long time Fawn was happy with English. Cole watched her as she walked back him, she never even spared the boy another look, unaware of his presence.

The way Cole saw it was that she was so wrapped up into Alex at the moment she seemed to forget about him, he knew it was messed up but even when she was pissed at him, she was still under the Cole effect.

And Cole didn't like that the person who was bringing her back was his little brother, the reliable and sweet Alex Walter.

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