☆ chapter fourteen ☆

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A hospital stay, messing with her mind

Fawn was diagnosed with fractured hip, the pins were going to be put in shortly but she had to wait for some specialist she can't recall the name of to show up.

Alex was by her side most of the day but was pulled away, he was going to make sure Winston was okay for her, pressing a soft kiss to her forehead before he left.

The girl closed her eyes as she tried to relax, drifting into a slight pian medication induced sleep.

Cole had driven to the hospital after a while, but he didn't dare go inside until he saw Alex leave with their parents, not wanting to deal with any drama that his younger brother would bring to him just wanting to visit.....a friend.

He peeked into the room to see her sleeping. For a moment he felt some worry in his chest, after a fall from a horse should she even be sleeping just in case she did hit her head?

"Can she sleep?" He asked a nurse that was walking by, catching the older woman's arm to stop her. The woman looked in at Fawn before she nodded her head. "Yes, she's had a long day. She just has a fractured hip so she'll be fine."

"Apparently I'm not allowed to sleep because a dumbass is talking to much." Fawn grumbled from in the room. The sass in her voice bringing a smile to Cole's face as he seemed to completely forget about the nurse, walking into the room.

"But I'm your favorite dumbass." He said a bit cockily as he crossed the distance from the door to her bed, sitting down on the edge of it. Fawn opening her eyes to look at him, the slightest displeased look playing across her features as she tried to decide what to do with him being there.

But Fawn would have to be civil with him in order to be with Alex and she knew that, she didn't want to fight against him or ruin her mood just by seeing him. So she would let him stay.

"Favorite is such a strong word." She said as she let out a small sigh, turning her eyes away from him towards the window.

Her body tensed up as she felt his hand against her cheek, turning her face back towards him, trying to pull him back into the Cole effect that she had escaped from.

"Favorite is the best word to describe me. Favorite dumbass, favorite blonde, favorite Walter brother." The confidence he spoke with could convince almost anyone that those words were true but Fawn was better then that.

Her eyes narrowed as being civil became harder and harder. "You are not my favorite Walter brother." She spat the word not so it was emphasized.

Cole's lopsided smirk stayed where it was even though some would be put down by how quickly she dismissed the idea of him being the one she would chose.

"Come now dearest. Don't be so rude my lovely." He said cheekily. He leaned on his arm as he looked at her, the way his eyes traveled across her features it looked like he was in love but Fawn knew that Cole didn't believe in love.

Cole Walter was incapable of love.

"You talk sweet but you are not sweet. You look like sugar but you are salt Cole." Fawn turned away from him again.

"I remember when we were close, I miss that." He placed his hand on her arm, giving it a small squeeze. His fingers running along her wrist.

"You should have thought about that before you hurt me with that stupid bet!' she snapped. Her eyes narrowed as she looked at him. The anger she felt hasn't subsided the way she wished for it to.

'I know, I'm sorry. Please forgive me." He gave her a small pout of his lips, looking at her with his stunning colored eyes.

"I'll forgive you, but just because you are Al-" but she was cut off, she was trying to say that she would only forgive him due to the blood tie he had to Alex. To make things less awkward when she's at their house, but what Cole has done would only make the awkwardness increase.

His lips felt soft against her own, the shock that filled her seemed to delay her reaction. It took her a moment before she snapped out of it and shoved him away. "No!" She snapped at him as she took a deep shuddering breath.

"What gave you the right to do that after everything!" It appeared she had slight tears in her eyes as she spoke so unsurely. Cole seemed unfazed by all of this, his usal cocky smirk on his face and a relaxed look in his eyes.

"You said you forgave me." Cole told her as he stood up from the bed, looking down at her. The way he spoke made her skin crawl.

"Don't you dare try to blame me for this! You need to learn how to man up and take responsibility for your own actions," She stated firmly as she looked at him with a angry look in her eyes. "Get out."

Cole didn't listen, it was unsure if he knew how to listen as he lingered in the room. "Come on ba-" but his words were cut off this time, not with a gentle kiss but a book hitting the wall near his head.

His eyes widened as he looked at her. "Next time I won't miss. Get. Out." She said in a almost growl as her mind raced to process everything that has happened in such a short manner of time.

Cole looked at her before backing out of the room. Little did Fawn know that her life was about to become more complicated with a new girl showing up that would take a intrest in two certain walter boys.

The next chapter will take a bit longer as we are going to be starting with the show and I need to write down the script : )

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