♡ chapter one ♡

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Fawn was bitterly riding up the familiar driveway of the walter family rance. She could already see Murphy in the field, Alex's horse, cutting her eyes down she blocked that from her vision.

The clopping of the hooves caught Danny's attention, the boy haven been sent outside to rehearse his lines. He looked over and was shocked by what he was seeing. He sat the book down and walked off the porch, heading to where she was getting off of the horse.

"Fawn?" He asked softly, he knew it was her but yet she looked so different. It was now secret around the school that when after Fawn stopped talking to the Walters she had a major glow up. 

Her eyes turned up to the boy. "Hey Danny," She offered a half hearted smile as he wasn't the Walter she was upset with, at least she didn't think he would do anything like that...she hoped that he wouldn't.

"Hey, what are you doing here?" He gave her a happy smile, glad to be talking with his old friend again, even if it's only been a year and a half its been killing a lot of the Walters.

Fawn turned towrads the horse, reaching into the saddle bag and pulled out the milk. "Delivery, but I'm now thinking it was a trap." She said with a slight smirk, twitching up the corner of her lips.

Danny smiled at that and shook his head. "Misty is good, but you know she loves you and is just looking out for you." He told her as he took the bottles of milk so she could get the eggs. "Yeah yeah I know, that's what Angelica always says."

The two started walking up the stairs. "I'm just going to leave this here." Fawn said as she sat the eggs down on the railing, she noticed how Danny's face fell. "Sorry Danny, mayb-" but her voice was cut off by the door opening, Katherine walking out with a huge grin crossing her face.

"Fawn, oh how are you doing sweetie?" The older woman asked as she moved forward, pulling Fawn into a hug. She froze some before slowly wrapping her arms back around the woman. "I'm doing well,  how are you?" She said politely with a gentle tone in her normally rough voice. 

"I'm good, you just have to come in, come on." The energetic and happy woman guiding her inside. Fawn sent Danny a pleading look but the boy just shrugged slightly as he followed behind them. 

When she crossed the threshold of the door it was like going back in time, to a better place full of friendship and love. Fawn took a deep, shuddering breath as her eyes wandered the kitchen to see who was there but to her surprise, and utter joy, it was empty besides the three of them.

"It's been way too long Fawn, the boys and Parker have missed you." Katherine told her as she grabbed a mug from the cabinet, putting some coffee into it before passing it to the girl. Danny instantly opened up the milk he was holding, knowing she didn't like dark and bitter coffee.

"Thanks Danny. Yeah it's been a while." She admitted as she poured the milk and added some sugar, stirring it all together till the coffee turned a soft brown color. The sound of running feet was echoing through the living room, turning her eyes to the doorway she was waiting to see who would come through. 

Parker's face busted into a smile when she saw the older girl. "Fawn!" She yelled loudly, making Fawn cringe slightly but she gave her a smile. "Hey Parker." She braced for impact as the younger girl hugged her tightly. 

A small sigh leaving her lips when she heard more footsteps.  "Did someone say Fawn?" Nathan asked as he walked in, a sweet smile dawning his face as he saw her. He didn't even hesitate to go and hug her. "You came back!" That made her laugh a bit, a genuine laugh. "You make me sound like a lost dog Nath." She spoke softly as she hugged him back. She knew for a fact that Danny and Nathan wouldn't have done it so she still cared deeply for them both as well as the younger ones.

A smile was on Katherine's face seeing how happy her kids where with having Fawn back around the house. Something has been missing since the young girl stopped coming by.

"Guys!" Nathan yelled through the doorway. "Nathan no no." Fawn said but it was useless as he didn't hear her. "Fawn's here!"

The girl moved back against the counter, jaw clenched slightly as she wanted nothing more then to slip out when no one was looking, but she couldn't, Danny was between her and the door. Not to mention that Katherine was still in the room and would try to stop her. 

The sound of footsteps coming down the stairs and heading their direction could be heard.  Fawn held herself high with a guarded look now playing across her face.

The walls fractured slightly as the face she saw was Alex's, his soft brown eyes on her with a stunned look on his face. After a moment Fawn regained her composure and replaced the hard look. "Alex." She greeted stiffly as she turned her eyes away.

Alex frowned some as she turned away. "Fawn." He spoke her name so gently she almost turned back to him. Nathan frowned as he glanced  between the two, he thought that since Fawn was there, that she had forgiven Alex and Cole but apparently not.

Alex walked closer to her, gently reaching out and turning her face to him. Her body rigid as she looked into his eyes. "Please talk to me, I'm so sorry Doe." He pleaded. 

Fawn took a step away from him, the small of her back now pressed against the counter. "I don't want to talk. I'm only here because mom asked me to, I'm not here for you." She stated, having to look away at the hurt in his eyes.

"Ouch, sounds like someone's still bitter." A smirking voice said from the doorway. Katherine cut her eyes over with a disapproving looking in her eyes. "Cole, knock it off. At least Alex is trying to apologize." The Walters mother stated.

Fawn looked towrads him, taking in his golden-green eyes, blonde hair and cocky smirk that seemed to always reside on his face. She swore her heart stopped beating for a moment only for it to kickstart like a war drum.

"Sounds like someone is still a arrogant asshole." Fawn shot back, her eyes deadly. Nathan bite the inside of his lips to subdue a laugh of surprise at her comment. The girl they knew wasn't such a spitfire, willing to put other on their place. 

Cole raised his eyebrows in surprise but never seemed all that fazed by her words. "Looks like the little fawn grew some antlers huh deery?" He chuckled lowly, ignoring anything his mom would say.

"Oh grow the hell up Cole." She rolled her green eyes. The older boy walked closer, his arms crossed over his chest. "And you're so mature? Still upset about a joke that happened a year ago." He scoffed.

Alex moved to get in between Cole and Fawn but the girl pushed him out of her way as she advanced to, not showing any weakness. "That was not a joke! It was humiliating and it broke my heart!" She snapped at him.

"So answer me this Fawn, if it wasn't a joke why was I laughing with everyone else?" Cole leaned down slightly to look in her eyes. "Cole come on man." Danny said as he moved forward towards the two.

"Because everyone in this damn town is as heartless as you. You may get a lot in this world Cole but one thing I'm damn certain about is you'll never find love until you get your head out of your ass." Fawn spat as she turned on her heels, walking towards the door.

"Go on! Walk away, you're so good at that." He instigated.  "I may have been the one to walk away but I wasn't the one who made that bet. I knew I should have just left them with Will." She opened the screen door, letting it slam shut behind her.

The three other walter boys all looked at Cole. "What the hell?!" Alex snapped at his older brother, hurrying outside after Fawn. Danny looking at his twin in disbelief. But Cole didn't seem to regret it, just shrugging his shoulders. "She needs to learn to lighten up." He said.

"Fawn! Fawn please wait!" Alex called desperately. The girl finally spinning around, he didn't expect to see her eyes shining with tears. That made him slow down slightly.

"Why should I wait? When he kissed her, when he said I was nothing but that stupid bet to him you just stood there! You turned away!" She snapped but it wasn't as strong as when she was yelling at Cole.

"I thought you needed time, I didn't want to upset you anymore then you were.." He trailed, some regret in his voice that he didn't go to her in her moment of need.

"I needed you! I needed my best friend! I fucking needed you and you weren't there! I was alone and hurt!" She was now crying freely as she spoke. Alex closed his eyes briefly as he took a deep breath.

"If I could go back and change it, I would." He told her as he opened his eyes to gaze at her. Fawn wiped at her eyes, nodding her head. "Yeah if I could I would too, I would have just kept walking in the hallway instead of talking to you and Nathan." She didn't mean that, their friendship meant so much to her back then. 

Alex looked at her with a stunned look in his eyes. "You don't mean that..you're just upset." He said, trying to convince both of them of that as he walked closer to her. He hated how on edge she seemed around him, like she was waiting for him to say it was all a joke and a lie back then. 

"Alex...please just let me go." She begged as she took a step away from him. "Forget about me and let's just move on with our lives." She told him, but he kept moving towrads her.  "I don't want to move on with out you, you were my best friend. I miss you so much." He reached out, touching her hand. Fawn flinched at the small touch.

"I..I can't do this right now Alex, I can't do this heart to heart." She said as she moved away again, out of his touch. "Maybe one day we'll connect again or maybe I'll see you in the next life but I'm not sure I can just forgive and forget not when I'm still being lied to." With that she quickly turned away and headed to Winston, mounting up on the horse.

With a click of her heels and a flick of the reign off they went, leaving a sad Alex behind.

Fawn wiped her face to rid any of the remaining tears that lingered on her face, knowing if she showed up in tears Victor and Angelina would be ready to beat the hell out of whoever made her cry.

When she arrived home she walked in, hoping to be overlooked but Misty and Carlos was in the living room and looked up when she entered. "Hey kiddo, how was delivers?" Carlos asked with a smile on his face.

Fawn looked over at him and gave a half smile. "Fine.' Her voice was more raspy then she thought it would be. She turned away and hurried up the stairs.

Misty had notice the red of her eyes. "Is she okay?" Carlos asked with a frown tugging at his lips. "It's my fault.,I shouldn't have sent her to the Walters," She said as she stood up and headed up the stairs after her.

Knocking on Fawn's door gently before pushing it open, she frowned even more seeing the girl laying face down on the bed, her body shuddering like she was crying. "Are you okay sweetie?" She asked as she went and sat down on the side of the bed, reaching over and running her fingers through her hair.

Fawn turned her face to the side to look at the woman. "Why does it hurt so much to see him again?' She asked with a sniffle. A sad smile crossed Misty's face. "Because you loved him, even if you don't anymore it was there and love lingers even after the actual feeling is gone."

"I don't want to hurt anymore.." Fawn moved to where she was laying on her side to look at Misty. "To truly get ride of the pain you'll have to do something you don't want to. You'll have to forgive him."

Fawn pouted at that. "He doesn't deserve forgiveness, he thinks he can do whatever he wants and someone needs to show him he can't."

"That might be true but you'll feel better, even if he doenst change you'll get rid of that weight. Just think on it Fawn, you don't have to be best friends with him but it would help to talk things out." The idea sounded dreadful to Fawn but she just nodded her head to end the conversation there.

Misty stood up and looked at the girl. "Things will get better, I promise." She walked out, pulling the door closed behind her and leaving Fawn with her thoughts on what to do.

Authors note
I know Cole isn't this much of a asshole at first (though he sorta is one at times) but it's for the sake of the story!

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