♤chapter ten♤

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The party of a lifetime

Alex was shocked to feel her lips against his own, it took a second for his mind to start working again. He moved closer to her, one of his hands going to her waist and the resting on her neck, thumb brushing against her jaw.

Grace was watching the two of them, bouncing on her feet as she grabbed Skylar's arm. "Look!" She said in a quiet excitement as she shook his arm. The boy laughing as he turned to face the girl. "I see that," He was proud of the girl.

Fawn relaxed as she broke away from the kiss, her face a daring red color. She looked up at Alex with her large brown eyes. The boy blushing as well much to her relief to not be the only person so red.

"Do you know how long I've wanted that to happen?" Alex asked with a soft laugh, his hands going to cup her face as he pressed another quick kiss to her lips, drawing a soft laugh from her.

"What do you mean? Since we reunited?" She placed her hands on top of his, finding so much comfort in his touch. It was hard to tell that she had just beat the shit out of his brother moments before hand.

Alex laughed as he shook his head. "No..Fawn I've wanted to kiss you for years, when you and him started dating, I was certain it would never happen." He ran his thumb across the skin under her eye.

"Well..life's full of surprises." Fawn said as she smiled up at him. Her heart raced wildly as she looked at him, admiring him at such a intimate distance, faces still mere inches apart.

Cole was watching with a angered look in his eyes as he wiped the blood from his nose. what did Alex have that he didn't? Cole didn't even think of how bad he had hurt her, he was just starting to want her back more and more now that he couldn't have her.

Erin walked up towards her boyfriend before looking at his bloody face, her eyes going wide and jaw slacking slightly. "What happened?' she asked in a concern. Her hands gently going to his face but Cole turned away from her touch.

"Nothing." His voice held a bitter edge, that's when Erin turned her eyes to follow his. A surprised look crossed her face at what got him so upset. Alex holding Fawn's face, the two so wrapped up in each other they don't seem to notice those who would look at them.

"Really? That's who has gotten you so upset? She's not worth all this." Erin said softly, running her hands along Cole's chest but the boy didn't turn his sharp look from them.

Fawn was finally relaxing after the thrilling moment. Her body leaning into his, his hands falling from her face to wrap his arms around her waist. "Want to go for a walk?" He asked her after a moment of just admiring her. "Yeah, sure." She said with a smile.

Alex grinned back at her, moving to intertwine his fingers with hers, lifting her hand to press a kiss to the back of her knuckles. Fawn wasn't aware of how much affection she was signing up for being with Alex but so far she didn't mind it one bit.

The two started their walk, Fawn's eyes flickering towrads her two friends, Grace looked like she was practically gonna faint from excitement and joy. Skylar looked at Fawn with a slight smirk resting on his face, in a way almost to say 'see, nothing bad happened'.

Nature was quiet, just the soft chirping of crickets sounding from the brush. Alex kept a hold of her hand, looking over at her. The girl basking in the moonlight as she looked towrads the sky, the stars faintly reflecting in her eyes.

"So Fawn did you really come all the way to this party to kiss me?" Alex asked as he moved in front of her, taking both of her hands as he walked backwards. She laughed softly. "Sorta, not really. I don't think I initially showed up to kiss you, more of a confession. But I got scared and panicked." She admitted her fear with a blush on her face.

Alex stopped walking, the two standing together with their hands joined like two statutes hidden from the world in their own private sanctuary. "You were scared to talk to me about how you feel?" He seemed a bit saddened at her fear.

"Bambi, you never have to be scared to talk to me." He pulled her to him, arms looping around her frame. Fawn smiled softly as she hugged back. "I know that silly. It's just I'm not good with feelings. It's not just you it's everyone most of the time, but I care for you more then I've ever cared for anyone. I've missed you so much in that year..I wonder what we would have been if I didn't judge so fast."

Alex understood why she would be reserved with how she felt towrads people, that she has always been sort of closed off. But here she was now in his arms, speaking softly to him, her hands running up into his hair.


The gossip of seeing Fawn and Alex together, walking into the woods has already reached Victor and Angelica. The two moving fast to Rowan's room. As soon as they walked in her phone chimed.

The girl grabbed the device and turned it on, a small squeal leaving her as she bounced on her chair. "Guys! Did you hear?" She asked with such enthusiasm.

"Yes we did, now shh. Don't you dare start talking about this. Let fawn tell us when she's ready." Victor said sternly as he looked at the blonde girl, a pout forming on her lips. "Fawn tell us what?" Thomas asked from the doorway, the three jumping slightly at their younger brothers sudden appearance.

"Nothing. She doenst have anything to tell us." Angelica said as she plastered on her face but that's when Thomas gave her a pointed look. "I'm eleven not stupid. I could go get dad and tell him that Fawn's hiding stuff from us." He threatened as he held himself high.

Victor scowled in disaprovement, he grabbed the boy by the arm and pulled him into the room. "Listen Tommy, if we tell you what is going on, you have to swear not to tell anyone else. Not even mom and dad, okay?" He asked as he crouched down to look in his eyes. The young boy nodding happily, wanting more then anything to be let in on the older kids conversation.

"Fawn is dating Alex!" Rowan blurted out desperate to tell someone anything. Angelica looked quickly at her. "She's not dating him!  They are just getting closer."

"The text said she kissed him." Rowan argued. A look of utter disgust crossing Thomas's face. "Yeah I won't tell anyone, I would rather not know." He didn't sound happy about knowing his older sister was out there kissing her best friend. The younger boy leaving the room.

"Listen all we know for sure is that Fawn kissed Alex then they went for a walk. They are not dating yet or who knows if it's even like that. It could of been a heat of the moment type of thing. We will just have to wait and see what she says, okay?" Victor said as he looked  between the two girls, the two nodding in agreement


Fawn and Alex were walking back to where the party was being held after they continued their walk, the festivity dying down.

Cole was still lurking as he was unfortunately Alex's ride home. Fawn was laughing softly as they came back into view. "You ready to go?" Cole asked in a bored voice as his eyes bored holes into the two.

A small frown tugged at Fawn's lips as seeing and hearing him, she knew one day she would have to learn to forgive him and mostly get along with him to have a true, happy relationship with Alex.

"I'll see you later Alex, it's getting late." Fawn said as she turned her eyes up to him. Alex's gaze meeting her own. A smile crossed his face as he gently cupped her chin before giving her a quick kiss. "Goodnight Bambi." He spoke softly to her as he gently dragged his fingers across her chin. "Goodnight Lexi." Fawn laughed softly.

Alex was the first to walk away but he kept glancing back at her, almost seeming to think if he didn't on occasion she would disappear and this would be nothing but a cruel dream his mind decided to play on him.

Fawn moved towrads Skylar's car, once she got in where the other two were waiting, squeals of joy could be heard, while yes it was mostly from Grace, Skylar was right there with her. "Oh my God! You kissed him! I thought you were going to just talk to him!" He laughed as he looked back at her.

"That was the plan." The girl said with a blush. Grace looking back at her from the passenger seat. "Forget that plan, the plan you did was so. Awesome!" She gushed, the romantic at heart coming out.

Fawn leaned her head on the window of the car as they drove, a smile staying on her face as they made the way to her house.

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