♧ chapter thirteen ♧

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The Cole effect

The day had arrived, it was time for the tournament and frankly Fawn was beyond herself with the nerves she felt. She was pacing in the back, waiting for the time it would be her turn. She was waiting in Winston's trailer as he was already ready, in fact she checked three times so far to make sure.

"Hey." His soft voice drew her away from her worry, back to reality. Her eyes turned towards Alex, a soft smile starting across her face as she moved towards him, specifically into his arms. "Hi." She whispered into the crook of his neck, soaking in as much of his presence as she could.

The way his hand moved up and down her back brought such a calmness over her, she longed to remain here in his hold but knew eventually she would have to break away from it.

"You realize you're going to do amazing, right?" He asked her softly as he gave her a squeeze. A soft laugh bubbled past Fawn's lips as she shook her head. "I think you're only saying that because it's part of the boyfriend requirement." She teased, not realizing what she has referred to him as.

It was the first time any label was put on what they had, he took a step back, hands on  her shoulders still as he learned down to look in her eyes.  "What am I?" He asked with a look of pure wonder in his eyes and such a happy smile on his face.

Fawn laughed softly as she reached up, hand caressing his cheek. "You, my sweet prince, are my boyfriend. Are you not?" The light that entered Alex's eyes was so pure and innocent it was hard to believe he's always been in this world. "Yeah." He nods happily as he pulled her in for a kiss, the girl happily obliging to it.

Her hands going to rest on his cheeks as he held her tightly. Alex closed whatever distance was left between them, Fawn's hands going into his hair as the kiss intensified.

The two moving together to where her back was pressed to the cold metal but she couldn't feel it from the warmth of him. Fingers grabbing at his hair in the desperate need to be fully with him, wanting to feel more of his touch.

But they were forced to break apart as they heard her name over the intercom, letting her know to get ready because it was her ride next. Fawn breathed heavily as she broke from the kiss, a sigh leaving her lips. "We'll continue this conversation later," She said in a mock stern voice as she tapped her finger against the tip of his nose, bringing a smile to his face.

"Yes, ma'am." He spoke softly as he placed one last kiss to the side of her neck. The blush that filled her face visible to the boy. "I belive in you, you got this." He said in a reassuring way as he cupped her face, thumbs brushing under her eyes as he gazed at her.

Alex knew he had to let her go, so he did reluctantly. The two of them already missing the comfort and company of the other.

Fawn taking a deep breath as Alex got out of sight. "You got this Fawn. Ain't that right Winston?" She walked out of the trailer towrads the strong horse, patting his side happily as she pulled herself up.

Alex rounded the corner to see the stands and in them he saw Cole, standing alone and away from the family and Fawn's friends that came out to support her. His smile faded as he knew the only reason Cole was out here was for Fawn; perhaps if the tournament was not in the next town over he could belive other wise but it really was the only reason for the blonde haired boy to be all the way out there.

But Alex  would ignore him today, it was Fawn's day to prove the skills she so obviously has. The boy making his way to where his family, Fawn's family along with Grace and Skylar sat together, all eagerly awaiting their girl.

"How is she?" Grace asked the boy once he got closer, a smile drawing across Alex's face like the rise of the moon. "She's great, she's got this." He spoke in such a sure voice that anyone would belive the words he says. Grace smiling widely at that.

Fawn waited to hear the announcer speak her name, Winston shifting under her, it seemed he understood the pressure as well, that he was as nervous as she was.

"Coming from Silver Falls, Colorado we have Fawn Moon, riding Winston!" The announcer said, followed by a small spin to signal the start without startling the horses.

With a small flick of the reins and push of her heels they were off, the rider and horse moving together at a exceptional pace. It was all going so well...

"We got this boy." She said with a small, quick pat to his neck as they raced towards the tired and final barrel, going around it sharply but perhaps that was the problem, they turned so sharply.

Winston's legs gave out under him, the mighty beast crashing to the ground with Fawn trapped under him. A loud cry of pain left her lips, gasps and murmurs filling the crowd.

A burning pain flared in Fawn's leg and side, it only subsiding slightly when Winston got back to his feet, luckily okay.

Alex was pushing through the crowd, desperate to get to her. Her soft cries can still be heard as she laid there, she tried to get up once but when the pain flared back she remained still.

He paused a moment as he saw blonde hair reach her first. A bit of rage filling him as he saw Cole kneel by the girl who hated him; a girl Cole has broken.

"Hey..shh." Cole whispered softly as he got to her, his hand going to her leg to feel it, touching her hip in a gentle manner pulling another shout from her. "Well, that's not good. You're okay Deary, you're safe." He tried to say in reassuring coos, a manner he has never spoken to her in before.

Fawn wanted to push him away, to pull him closer, to cuss him out yet be comforted. She wanted Alex but instead Cole was there at her side...where was Alex?

Her answer was given shortly after wondering as Alex's face appeared beside her. "You're okay, I've got you." He whispered with a sharp glare towrads Cole who had to fight to not roll his eyes. Alex's gentle touch was welcome to the girl, brushing hair away from her face.

Medics rushed over with a gurney, gently moving her to it, to take her to the hospital. Misty already climbing into the ambulance, Carlos going to drive the rest of the kids there.

Cole and Alex both trailed after them. "There's room for one more." The medic said as his eyes flickered towrads the two boys. Alex moved forward quickly before Cole could speak. "I'll go, I'm her boyfriend." He climbed into the ambulance doors closing behind him.

Cole watched it pull away with narrowed eyes and a curious look on his face. Since when did Fawn use labels and terms like boyfriend?

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