♧ chapter three♧

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Fawn looked out the window as Angelica pulled into Monty's a nervous expression on her face, unsure why she was even here and agreeing to do this meeting. Angelica looked over at her, placing a gentle hand on her shoulder. "Are you okay?" She asked in a caring voice.

Fawn looking towrads the older girl. "Yeah. It's just...it's been a year and a half. What am I supposed to say or do? How do I act around him?" She whined softly as she slouched down in her chair.

"You be you, he was your friend because he liked how you were. You treat him like you would anyone else, don't think of what happened. Let him do most of the talking at first." Angelica said as she placed the car in park. "And if things aren't going well just text me and I'll be there in a second flat." She promised with a smile to her younger sister. 

With a deep breath Fawn nodded and unbuckled her seat belt, getting out of the car. It was five twenty, ten minutes before she would have to met face Alex.

Walking into the ice cream shop she paused, just letting the cold air hit her and keep her grounded in reality. Fawn finally made her way over to a table, sitting down in a booth that was closer to the corner,  more private then the rest and that just left her to wait and over think while she did so.

It wasn't long  before Alex walked into the shop, her eyes flickering towrads the clock that hung on the wall. Five twenty-five. When she looked back towrads him she found his eyes on her.

The boy approaching the table with his usally lovely smile on his face. "You're early." She commented as she turned her eyes up to him. A small chuckle leaving him. "I could say the same around you, come on let me get you some ice cream." He gestured towrads the counter.

Biting the inside of her cheek in thought before she stood up and followed him over. "Um apple pie please." Alex ordered for himself before looking over at her, unsure what to order for her. "Double chocolate chip espresso." She ordered finally after thinking hard on all the different flavors.

Alex moved to pay for the both of them before she even had time to get her wallet out. "Thank you." She said softly as they walked back to the table. "Of course, it's the least I could do since you are hearing me out." He said with his sweet, awkward smile. A smile that used to warm her heart.

After sitting down she looked at him. "Okay so let me hear you out, go ahead." She insisted as she scooped some of the ice cream into her mouth.

"Well..I wanted to say I'm sorry again. I should have gone after you, I should have hugged you so tight that all the broken pieces would be pushed back together again. I didn't know about the bet, I swear to you." Alex started as he looked at her desperately, his hand going to rest on the table closer to her. "If I would have known I would have told you or found a way to stop it. You didn't deserve to be hurt in such a way. You are the most caring, loyal and amazing girl I know and Cole is to much of a dumbass to see that it's his lose."

Fawn was listening to him but wasn't meeting his eyes as she tried to take in everything he was saying, to make his words connect in her mind.

"I've been trying to figure out what to do to prove how sorry I am but I can't picture anything but saying it to you face to face." He finished, his heart on his sleeve prepared for a knife to be plunged through. 

"You have a way with words reader. I'll take them into account." She confessed as she looked up at him finally. His eyes soft and hopefully which didn't falter at her words because in his eyes she was at least considering it and didn't tell him to go to hell so he thought this was going well.

"Is your ice cream good?" Fawn asked, changing the subject from the awkward one and trying to be friendly with him no matter how nervous she was being there. "Yeah, here try some." Alex scooped some on the spoon and held it out to her.

Fawn gave him a uncertain look which he just responded with a smile. "Come on Bambi, you act like we've never shared our ice cream before." He said with a dorky smile. With a flustered face she leaned forward and tried it. The apple and cinnamon tasting wonderful together. "Mm, that's good." She said with a soft smile on her face.

"Here taste this?" She offered some of her own out to him. A spark of their original friendship flickering to life after laying dormant for so long. Alex reached over with his spoon to taste it. "That's strong." He laughed softly at the overwhelming coffee flavor that spread through his mouth.

"That's what makes it good." She said with a small chuckle leaving her lips. She looked across at him. The soft freckles on his face, his kind brown eyes.  Her gaze thoughtful and contemplating. 

"What?" He asked with a smile on his face but a confused look in his eyes. Fawn just shook her head, looking down. "Nothing." She told him softly, brushing off any of teh thoughts that flowed as she was trying to just enjoy this moment away from reality.

After finishing up their ice cream the two stood up. "Take your time, thinking things over. I'll understand if you don't talk to me until you do or even if things start off as weird between us. It means a lot that you were willing to meet with me and talk." Alex said as he escorted her to the door.

Will outside in the parking lot waiting for Alex and Angelica waiting for Fawn. The two older siblings hoping for the best out come from today.

Alex opened the door for her with a smile on his face. "Of course Alex, it was..nice." She said after a moment. A soft smile on her face. Alex was hoping it was going in the way he wanted it to go. 

The two walking to their respective cars. Will looked towrads him with a smile on his face. "Well that seemed to go well, she was smiling." The male teased his younger brother. Alex couldn't help but shake his head at that with a amused smile on his face. "I think she misses us like we miss her. I'm just really hoping that she will come around."
'Don't worry Alex, I'm sure she will. You two were inseparable." He told him as he started to drive away from the spot and towards home.

Angelica looked at Fawn happily with a grin decorating her already beautiful face. "So how'd it go?" She asked enthusiastically. A small laugh bubbling from Fawn. "You are starting to sound like Grace...it went well. He explained his side and I think I believe him. But what if it's not the full truth? What if he really was in on the bet?" She questioned.
"When are you going to stop thinking of worst case scenarios?" Angelica groaned softly. Fawn looking at her. 'When the worst case scenarios stop happening to me." She replied.

The next few days have gone past like normal, doing her chores around the farm and helping the family in anyway she can. The girl has been giving deep thought about what to do with the whole Alex thing, he will definitely be easier to forgive then Cole would be and she knew that.

Fawn was out by the horses, brushing through Winston's mane as she talked like the horse would understand her. "I mean what's the worst that could happen if I forgive him? I could get hurt again." She answered her own question before groaning in displeasure. "Alex is not Cole!" She snapped at herself making Winston's ears turn away from her.

"Sorry boy." She kissed the nose of the horse gently as she patted his side. "I'll figure out what to do, eventually."

She started walking out when her phone buzzed in her pocket, pulling it out she looked at the text that flashed across the screen. 'Can we met? Met at the diner outside of town at six' her face falling slightly as she shoved her phone back in her pocket.

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