♢Chapter Twelve♢

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A unexpected but welcome surprise

Fawn stood in the kitchen, hair pulled up into a messy bun as seen mixed batter up for cupcakes. A stressed look on her face, the girl was a rider, barrel racing and a event was coming up. The girl nervous as she started to over think things.

No one else was home, just Fawn and Misty. The woman folding some clothes in the living room as the younger girl baked her worries away. A soft knock drew Misty's attention. The woman standing up and opening the door. A look of shock crossed her face before she smiled. "Alex dear, how are you?" She asked as she hugged him, letting him though the door.

Alex happily embraced the older woman. "I'm doing good Mrs. Rodriguez." He said with a smile on his face as he looked at her, her hands resting on his shoulders. "Is Fawn here?" He asked curiously and hopefully.

A spark of delight filled her eyes. "She is, so you are where she's been off about. She's rarely been home all summer but now I know why." She teased him. A light pink crossing his face as he gave her a awkward smile.

"Fawn is in the kitchen, baking cupcakes." Misty said as her eyes turned towards the doorway. A knowing look crossed Alex's face. "What's she stressed over?" He asked as he walked into the house, door closing behind him.

"The barrel riding tournament that's coming up will have sponsors at it, looking for new up and coming rodeo stars." She explained softly. "Go on in, I promise she doesn't bite." Misty laughed as the two seemed to just be lurking in the living room.

Alex chuckled softly before walking towrads the kitchen, walking in. "Hey Bambi." He greeted softly and happily, catching her attention. Her eyes turning up to look at him, flour dashed across her face slightly as she moved around quickly. "Hi." Her voice was breathy.

He couldn't help the small chuckle that left his lips as he walked closer, looking at the cupcakes that were spread across the counter with some still being made. "Here taste this." She picked up a pumpkin pie cupcake, a recipe she's been experimenting one, passing it over to him.

He took it from her, taking a bite. Fawn looked at him with keen eyes, waiting to see how he would react. He made a hum of approval as he took another bite. "This is delicious!" He praised her, her body relaxing ever so slightly. "Good, good." She muttered as she turned back to what she was doing.

Alex walked around the counter to her. "Bambi..Hey, relax." He said softly as he placed his hand against her back. "How can I relax? The event if coming up and this one is huge! I'm hardly ready for it but I've trained for today already and Wins-" She kept rambling but was cut off by Alex gently taking her chin between his fingers, turning her face towrads him in a kiss. It calmed her mind but made her heart race.

When he pulled away from the kiss her eyes remained closed, lips slightly parted as she looked a bit confused. Alex chuckled softly as he leaned in again to give her another swift kiss.

"I forgot we can do that now.." Fawn said softly, that made Alex really start laughing. "You forgot?" He leaned against the counter, looking at her with a warm smile and eyes so full of love. A embarrassed blush crossed her face. "I figured it was a dream..." She shrugged her shoulders as she finally set down the whisk she was holding before.

"Finish these up, we are going for a ride. We are going to relax and enjoy the rest of the summer we have." He told her in a gentle stern voice. The girl giving him a nod and a small salute.

Twelve dozen cupcakes sat in boxes, that Fawn would later take around town to the families she knew. Three were pumpkin pie, three coffee, three regular chocolate and the  three vanilla.

"I'm ready." She said walking towrads the door with Alex, her hand finding it's way into his. Fawn was okay with the abundance of physical affection when it was just the two of them, other times she was scared. But mostly scared of what others would say to Alex, dating a girl he's brother used to.

Once outside in the warmth she closed her eyes. "Let me go get Winston." She went to face the barn but Alex kept a hold of her hand. "Winston is resting today. You can ride Murphy with me." He said with a grin as he pulled her closer to him.

Fawn paused for a moment  before she nodded her head. "Okay." She agreed, letting the older boy lead her to the horse, the polite young man helping her up before he followed suit, sitting in front of her.

Fawn wasted no time wrapping her arms around his stomach, her head resting against his back. As they started moving Alex couldn't help but blush at the fact she was so close, even after kissing her more then once the close proximity still made him feel like it was the first time they allowed their feelings to show.

Fawn was at peace, listening to the birds chirping around them, the sound of the creek flowing over rocks. Nature was surrounding them and she was fully surrendering to it. Her head tilting back to embrace the way the sunlight was dappled through the leaves and unto the ground.

"It's so beautiful out here." She finally spoke, breaking the spell the stillness seemed to place on the area. "It is, it's better with you here though." He turned over his shoulder to look at her as he said that, enjoying the pink that flushed across her face at any kind words he had to say.

Alex couldn't believe after all this time she was still single, that no one wanted to date her. "You charm me kind sir." She teased lightly at how he always used words to make her blush or smile. He had a way of making her heart race extraordinary fast.

"That's my intentions, mi'lady." He chuckled as Murphy came to a stop, the field surrounding them dotted with wildflowers. He got down first, his hands finding her waist to help her off the horse as well.

Her eyes bright as the went over all the shades and colors on the green. Fingers intertwining with hers made her look towards him. "Let's go." He nodded towards where the steam was, the two walking happily down in its direction, hand in hand.

Alex sat down on the grass, patting beside him for the girl to follow suit before he laid back fully, eyes casted up to the sky. Fawn laying down beside him, laying her head against his shoulder.

The two could spend all their lives there but they settled for just the day. Fawn sat up slightly as she started to pick the flowers, keeping the stems longer. Alex turning his head to the side to watch her nimble fingers tie them together until a crown of daisys and dandelions were formed with dots of purple lavender through it. "Sit up," She demanded lightly.

He couldn't refuse her such a simple request, once he was now at a equal height as her she placed the flowers around his head before placing one on hers as well.

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