♢ chapter two ♢

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The next morning has arrived, with it unfortunately being Monday. Fawn groaned softly as she woke up, walking into the bathroom to get ready. She heard her family talking downstairs so she was now more aware that she woke up later then she had meant to.

"Hurry up Fawn!" Rowan yelled up the stairs. "Yeah yeah, I'm coming." She grumbled back not loud enough for Rowan to actually hear though. She pulled on her black jeans and red and green Freddy Kruger sweater.

Running down the stairs, she grabbed a apple as she passed. "Love you all, good bye!" She called out as she ran to the car before Rowan pulled out. Angelica looking over at her. "I was wondering if you'd be joining us," She joked with a soft smile on her face.

"Unfortunately so, wish I could stay home." Fawn sighed as she sunk down into the backseat with a look on her face that showed she was thinking. Angelica frowning slightly. "You know Fawn, you overthink things to much, you always assume the worse in situations,"

"And usally I am correct with those assumptions. Angie, not everything is as sunshine and peace as you want to believe." The older girl gave her a soft smile. "I know that Fawn, but I just saying that there can't be peace unless someone makes the first move."

"Why should that be me? I didn't do anything wrong, he did." Fawn argued. From the drivers seat Rowan glanced towrads Angelica. "For once I think I have to agree with Fawn here, she shouldn't have to be the one to provide the olive branch here. Cole fucked up, he should have to fix things."

Angelica sighed at the two teaming up with this. "I'm stuck with two of the most negative  people in the world." She groaned in mock disappointment. Rowan parked the car in the school parking lot, Fawn getting out as she looked over at Angelica. "I prefer realist." She grinned before closing the door and walking into the school.

"Fawn!" She heard the excited voice of Grace calling her from across the hall, that made the girl laugh as she waved towrads her. "Grace, how are you?" She asked as Grace wrapped her in a hug, the two girls were close.

"I'm great! Rumor has it that you went to the Walter's house." Grace said in a sing-song voice as she linked arms with the girl. Fawn rolled her eyes. Before she could even say anything Skylar appeared at her other side. "I heard that too, so are things patched up?" He asked with a slight wiggle of his eyebrows.

She scoffed at that. "Yeah definitely, in fact we went skipping through a field of flowers too. Saw a unicorn." She sassed. Skylar smiling slightly as he rolled his eyes. "A no would have worked you know, Faline."

Grace seemed disappointed in that answer but Grace  was also a sucker for drama which this means that more can evolve from this situation. "So then what happened? Did you see Cole? Did you see Alex?" The girl asked frantically trying to find something to appease her.

Fawn nods her head some at that. "I saw both of them, mom had me drop some milk and eggs off for them and I was going to give them to Danny but Katherine walked out and wanted me to go inside. So I did because I can't say no to Katherine for some reason. Parker heard me then Nathan heard Parker. Not really thinking Nathan called saying I'm there and then appears Alex and Cole." She told them, Skylar was intrested in the story but not as much as Grace.

Grace came from a sheltered home so her thrive was the drama of friends. "Ok and then what? Come on Fawn, I need to hear everything!" She gave a small whine as she tugged on Fawn's arm.

"Well I told Alex that I wasn't there for him, told Cole that he was a arrogant asshole and that he would never find love until he gets his head out of his ass and then I left." Fawn told them, leaving out the part of Alex following her out. That wasn't a moment to share.

Skylar looked at her with his jaw dropped open slightly. "Wow, good for you."He said supportivly, patting her back happily. But Grace's face made Fawn start laughing. "I can't belive you insulted the hottest guy in school like that."

"Objectively hot and I'll do it again if I need to, there's plenty of people in this school that's hotter then him." Fawn said with a small scoff. Grace shaking her head at such a thought.  "You just say that because you're mad but once that wares off you see that he still is."

The ring of the bell broke their conversation, Fawn was thankful for the distraction but Grace wasn't. "This Fawn Ambrosia Rose Moon, isn't over." Fawn gave her a deadpan look. "I can't believe you used my full name in school, I'll think about answering any of your other questions, bye now lovies." She said waving them off. Skylar waving back but Grace seemed a bit distraught at that.

Fawn made her way to English, her favorite class with only one small down fall, it was a class she shared with Alex. Their old English teacher had quite and they gave yet to find a new one so the substitute they had was allowing them to write a report on a book of their choosing. 

Fawn of course was going to write about her favorite book. She leaned down to get it out of her book bag, once she pulled out the worn copy of Pet Sematary, she glanced up. Alex's eyes already on her.

Her eyes didn't even have to go to the book he held to know what he was reading. He was a fan of the hobbit and Lord of the Rings trilogy.

Fawn held his gaze for a moment before turning down to her book, but she could still feel his eyes on her making a pink blush creep across her face. Cutting her eyes up sure enough he was looking at the girl who was his best friend. 

"What?" She mouthed to him with a arched brow, a momentary look of shock crossing Alex's face that she was acknowledging him. His own face turning a slight pink. "I miss you," He mouthed back to her.

Fawn shook her head slightly and looked down at her book, in all honesty she missed him too but she wasn't just going to admit that to him.

Alex desperately wanted to talk to her, to get her to understand that he was sorry for what he did because in that moment he didn't think that it was the wrong thing to do.

But she never looked back to him, her eyes glued onto the horror book before her. Alex would look towrads her on occasion with a fond look in his eyes, she always looked so serious yet blissful when reading.

The bell rang signalling the end of the class, standing up Fawn didn't even make it to the door before Alex blocked her path. She looked up at the brown eyed boy. "Get out of my way." She told him in a level voice as she held herself high.

"Please Fawn, just hear me out." Alex pleaded, his hands raised as if he was trying to calm a horse. His eyes still as kind and soft as always. "You see Alex I've lived a pretty good life Walter boy free for the past year." Fawn said as she quickly moved around him not giving him time to try and block her again.

"Bambi please!" He called, turning to look at her retreating form. Fawn stopped, a blushing heating up her face at him using that nickname. One of the football players passing by laughing at it. "Shut up jock, go play with some balls since that's what your so good at." She snapped at him, the jock falling silent and moving along.

Alex was stunned by the way she snapped but couldn't help but laugh at her choice of insult. She turned around to face Alex, his laughter falling short with her gaze now on him. "Monty's five thirty and if you are even a minute late I'll be leaving." She told him before turning away and walking again. 

"Okay! I'll see you there!" He told her with a wide smile crossing his face, the boy so happy to be given a chance. "This is amazing." He whispered to himself as he started walking. He really did miss the girl and just wanted her back into his life.

After a few more classes, most that Fawn didn't pay attention to as she was slowly starting to regret meeting up with Alex at Monty's. She would have to talk to Skylar and Grace.

When lunch rolled around that's when she got the chance, after getting her food she headed to their usual table. As she was the first one there she sat down, pushing her food around and chewing on her lip deep in thought.

"Uh oh, what happened?" Skylar asked teasingly as him and Grace approched the table. Fawn turned her eyes up, the look of someone who feared they made a mistake. "I'm meeting Alex at Monty's, five thirty." She said in a small voice. 

Pure excitement filled Grace's face. "Really? Oh my God, this is big." Skylar sat down with a shake of his head at Grace's enthusiasm.  "What exactly happened Fawn? What sort of meeting up is this?" He asked curiously. "He wants to explain, so it's just a sort of meeting in a public place between two civilized people."

"Two civilized people with history and chemistry." Garce said with a dreamy sigh. Fawn looked at her with a bewildered look in her green eyes. "History, yes. Chemistry no." She denied that concept.

"Mmhm. Well you have to tell us everything that happened." Skylar told her with a pat on the hand. The girl nodding her head with a small smile. "Of course, then two of you know everything." She said with a small laugh.

"Well let's eat and get through the rest of the day. We'll drive you home." Grace insisted with a nod from Skylar, showing they both agreed and it wasn't up for debate.

The day seemed to drag on whenever you were waiting for a certain  time yet if you were just enjoying everything it all goes by so fast, it wasn't long till Fawn, Garce and Skylar was in the car. Each taking turns with the aux, singing their hearts out to whatever song was played. 

"Come on!" Grace said, tugging Fawn up the stairs. "Hey Mrs. Rodriguez." Skylar greeted her with a smile as he followed the girls up. "Hello." The older woman responded with a smile and a light laugh.

Closing the door behind them, Grace wasted no time in going to Fawn's closet to find a outfit for the girl to wear.
"Come on Grace, I'm not going on a date." The girl groaned as Grace pulled out a pair of blue jeans and a light green sweater that made her eyes stand out.

"Please Fawn..pretty please." With that Fawn scowled as she stood up, grabbing the clothes. She went into the bathroom and changed.

Once back in the room Grace pulled her towrads her desk. "Sky come help, you are better at matching colors that would look good together." He was more of a artist then Grace was.

"I don't need makeup!" Fawn argued as she slouched down. "A little won't kill you Deer." Skylar said with a shushing tone. Fawn rolling her eyes and pouting her lips as Skylar did her eyeshadow and Garce did eyeliner. 

Looking in the mirror at the makeup they did, she gave a nod. "There that's good right, I can go now it's almost five and I like being somewhat early." She said as she stood up. "Yeah you can go." The two followed her down the stairs.

Fawn was having Angelica  drop her off,  the older girl happy that something was being worked out. "Have fun on your not date." Skylar teased earning a glare from the girl closing the car door.

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