♤ Prologue ♤

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Fawn ran down the stairs of her foster home, her most current one for around six years now. It was a beautiful farm with ever classic farm animals you could think of and she loved it.

"Fawn! Slow down!" Her brother, Victor Amos, yelled with a laugh as he barely moved out of her way. He was the eldest child there at 18, but he stuck around to help out the family he grew to love. It always made Fawn a bit sad to know that no one officially adopted him but he had all the family he needed there; a mother, a father, three sisters and a little brother, so Victor was happy with that line up.

"Sorry, Vicy! But I'm late for chores!" She said with a smile crossing her face. Pausing momentarily in the kitchen as she had to catch her breath. Her current foster mom, Misty Rodriguez, was peeling potatoes for the dinner they would be making

You see Misty is the type of woman who likes being prepared and is very organized, so she tended to get dinner together right after breakfast, you never know what will happen in the day but you can always count on having dinner.

"Good morning, amor." The kindly woman greeted her with a smile. "Morning." She smiled as she pushed some of her hair out of her face, moving up to stand across from the woman. "Where are you off to?" She questioned, looking up at the younger girl. "To feed the horses and milk the cows." Fawn replied as she grabbed a slice of toast that was saved for her.

"Wonderful, after you are finished with that would you be able to make some deliveries for me?" Misty asked, one thing Fawn liked about this home was instead of being told to do it they would always ask to make sure it was okay. Fawn gave her a smile. "Of course I can."

"Oh thank you, I'll make a list of all the places.' Misty smile warmly at her as she sent Fawn on her way to do her morning chores.

Fawn had finished the toast when she finally reached the barn, by far her favorite place on the farm. She pushed the wooden door open, catching the horses insides attention. "Morning ladies and gentlemen!" She greeted enthusiastically. The eyes of the large animals on her now, awaiting the grain that would come.

She grabbed a five gallon bucket, filling it almost all the way up with the grain, six horses was three buckets as they feed them half of a five gallon bucket. The horses had plenty of hay and was free to wander a large pasture.

The day was going pretty normal and uneventful until it was time for her to do the deliveries for Misty, cartons of eggs and some milk that family around there couldn't afford at the moment. Thing were getting tight those days but The Rodriguez family would do anything to help those in their community.

The gun was fairly hot as the girl rode through the town, everything tucked neatly and safely in her saddle bag, the sound of the glass clinking mingling with Winston's hoof beats against the asphalt. "Two more houses." She assured the beautiful Chestnut horse, patting the side of his neck affectionatly.

As the apartment building that Will Walter and his fiancee Hayley lived in came into view, that being on of the final two. Fawn knew the two well as Hayley worked at the Lark with her and she knew Will's family for a few years, even though they had fallen out since then.

Dismounting she grabbed two bottles of milk and two dozen eggs. Securing them into a easier bag to carry she lead Winston off to the side, tying him to the post. "I'll be back, five minutes tops." She informed as she pulled the door open.

Reaching the floor they were on, her eyes scanned the numbers before finding the desired door. Positioning the bag different so she can knock easily. "Coming." She heard Will's voice call through the door as the older man walked over.

Will Walter was the eldest of the Walter kids and the only one Fawn talked to currently. Pulling open the door the man smiled when he saw her. "Hey Fawn." He greeted her happily, stepping to the side to let her in. "Good morning Will! Mom had me bring by some milk and eggs." The girl beamed at him.

A greatful look crossed his face. "I swear I don't know what we would do without your mom, make sure you tell her thank you for me." He instructed as he helped her empty the bag into the refrigerator. Will looked towards the freckled face of the girl he knew since she was eleven, four years doesn't seem all that long but looking at her she was so much more grown up.

A determined set in her green eyes and graceful features. It was so different from the wild-eyed wonder, the free spirit and frankly homly looking girl. "You, know I'm sure everyone would love to see you again Fawn." Will started gently.

Her eyes hardened some as her body stiffened. "Will, don't." She said in a even voice as she started towrads the door. Will closed his eyes with a soft sigh leaving his lips. "Fawn, come on. It's been a year and a half since you've spoken to them." He argued gently, following after her.

Her hand on the door handle she paused with a deep breath. "You know why I haven't Will and frankly if I see your brother I don't even know what i would do.." She said in a softer tone then  before, knowing that what happened wasn't Will's fault, hell he probably didn't know anything about it until that night happened. 

"It's just... maybe it's time for another chance. Take time to think about it, for me." He placed his hand on her shoulder. The younger girl looking over her shoulder towards him, her lips tugged down into a small frown but seeing the hope in his eyes she gave the faintest smile. "I'll think about it, for you. Not for him."

Will smiled fondly at her. "Thanks, it's not like you'll have to see him today. Go on finish your errands." He set her free out the door, the two saying a quick goodbye.

When she got downstairs and mounted back up on Winston she looked down at the last a dress on the paper and froze. She would have to face everything today as the final address was the Walter household, with it being a weekend she knew everyone would be there; he would be there.

Authors note:
Here's a taste of what's to come! I hope that you grow to love this story and Fawn.
Votes and comments are always appreciated and thank you for giving my story a read :)

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