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Name: Princess Evangeline Lenore Arsticha

Meaning: Gospel, or good news, in Greek

Anyone; Eve, Lin, Lina, Eva

Extremely close people ((only those with permission)); Jelly, Angel, Linny, Vanny

Not used very often; Ann and Le

She hates; Nora and Angie

Age: 21

Birthday: October 31st (year changes)

Birthplace: Brixton, a country near Canada

Zodiac: Scorpio

Gender/gender identity: Female

Pronouns: She/they, she/her, they/them,

Preferred pronouns: She/they

Biological sex: Female

Blood type: AB negative

Sexual orientation: Heterosexual, Biromantic--About 95-5 for men

Position: She is a submissive bottom

Species: Human

Ethnicity: English and Indian

Main Language: French

Known languages: English, Arabic, Spanish, Icelandic, Mandarin, and German

Learning Languages: Italian, Russian, Hindi, Polish, Korean, Dutch, and Japanese

Personality: Evangeline, while she is a princess, she is a daring woman. She is bold, uncaring, and cold when it comes to people. She does not take her duties as princess seriously and rather than spending her days inside with books and royal rules to memorize, she is usually out with the animals.

During the day time she rides horses, plays with dogs and other domesticated animals, but at night while everyone sleeps she plays with her dragon. She does not do it because she cares about others, she does it because she doesn't want to deal with the backlash of anything that might be said about it during the day.

While she doesn't care about other people's opinions, it doesn't mean she is fine with hearing them. Linny gets annoyed easily. When people say something she doesn't like, she isn't like other royals, her poker face is literally never used. Linny has great self control, when she wants, and everyone knows that if she tried she could manage to not make all the looks she does when she hears something she doesn't like.

But she is mischievous, sarcastic, blunt, and quite frankly she is a bit rude. Eva has an attitude like no other. If she doesn't like something, rather than saying that, she'll ruin it. If it is a certain antiseptic that she thinks is a rip off, she will trash on it without hesitation until it is ruined. She will stop at nothing to get what she wants which could technically be seen as one of her good qualities, depending on his she is using it. She is determined, relentless, and headstrong.

Sometimes Evangeline can be a bit curious, but it isn't usually just because she wants to know about something. Usually it's because she wants to prove someone wrong, stop something from happening, or help make something happen. She is impulsive and a bit stupid at times, but she always has a reason for everything she does, no matter what she says.

Likes: Her dragon, Aluminum, is Evangeline's favorite thing on earth. She would probably die of a broken heart if anything happened to him and she wouldn't hesitate to behead anyone that tried to hurt him. She wouldn't even do it nice and fact. She would get a full blade and used her barehands to saw it off. Angel likes the night time. The darkness is extremely welcoming to her and the cool breeze it produces when she flies around with her dragon is empowering. She loves to cause trouble. Something Evangeline is very good at, is causing some sort of ruckus, whether it is in the castle or in a village. She always gets caught when it is something she does in the castle, because her three older siblings have common sense and never do anything wrong, but in the villages, nobody ever thinks it is her. She'll cause some sort of trouble and then after it has been, terribly, situated, she walks around and listens to all the theories, snickering whenever they're sure of someone that isn't her. Evangeline likes for things to be quiet and peaceful, another reason she likes the night time so much. She loves the necklace she found in the woods when she was younger.

Dislikes: Evangeline basically doesn't like anything that isn't her dragon. She doesn't like kids because they're gross and annoying, and she doesn't like adults because they're gross and annoying. Lina dislikes having anything to do with the royal family. While she loves her brother and sisters, as well as her parents. She doesn't like them. She often found herself wishing they were born out of the bloodline. The idea that they ruled an entire kingdom, and entire country, just because of who they were born from drove her crazy. A last name doesn't make someone fit to rule and the is something that she thought about. It was rare. But when she did it, she began to resent her family for being the ones that were the rulers. Evangeline doesn't like the day time. She is a pretty negative person, so finding things she didn't like was easy. Starting off, the sun is too bright during the day, causing her to get angry and annoyed. Everybody is up and at em while the sun is up, so she never gets any quiet which makes her angry as well. Her princess duties always call for her during the day, which she tries to avoid everytime, usually failing.

Hobbies: She plays a lot of betting games with guards whenever she is grounded or bored. She also enjoys just going around the closest village and causing trouble in an outfit that conceals her identity.

Habits: She rubs her calves and shins together when frustrated or angry, and she scratches her forearms when she gets overwhelmed.

Occupation: She is the Princess of a country called Brixton as well as a dragon tamer

Do they have kids?: No, she finds them irritating

Father; King Romeo Miller Arsticha, Alive, 63, Ruler of Brixton

Mother; Queen Freeda Auburn Arsticha, Alive--sick, 60, Co-ish ruler of Brixton

Sister; Princess Meredith Lucille Arsticha, triplet with brother Damien and sister Rachel, Alive, 30, Second in line to the throne of Brixton

Brother; Damien Roland Arsticha, triplet with sister Meredith and sister Rachel, Alive 30, Heir to the throne of Brixton

Sister; Princess Rachel Sasha Arsticha, triplet with sister Meredith and brother Damien, Alive, 30, Third in line to the throne of Brixton

Sister; Princess Paityn Lauren Arsticha, twin with sister Evangeline, Dead at 2

Best friend: Her sister, Meredith, her dragon, Aluminum, and the prince of the neighboring country, Prince Chase Robert Burkhardt

Love interest: None

Extra: Evangeline is last in line for the throne



Natural Hair Color: Black

Hair color: Black

Hair style: Short and slightly wavey. Usually wears it down, unless it is an event. Then she wears it in a very tight bun with her crown, and when she is dragon riding she has it in a loose ponytail, a bunch of it usually hanging out.

Facial hair: None other than her eyebrows and she had them lazered to the shale her parents found appropriate

Eye color: Dark brown

Skin color: Light brown

Age appearance: About 25

Height: 5'6 or 168 centimeters

Weight: 126lbs or 57.2kg

Body type: She is thin and tall with small features. Her breasts are about a B cup, and she has a small thigh gap. Could he described as a triangle or pear shape

Scars: Many from falling from her dragon when she was still learning, she also has burns from when she was still training her dragon

Tattoos: None

Piercings: None

Special markings: She has a small black mole on the upper.lefr corner of her mouth

Outfits: Dragon riding-


Regular- ((Not the middle one in the first picture))

Extra: Her neck is severely discolored from the burn her dragon gave her. It is healed, but the color will never go back to normal


Backstory: Evangeline was born a twin, after the set of triplets her mother had a few years prior. She did any and everything with her twin from when they were born til the age of two, when her sister died as a result of an untamed dragon. This made her parents outlaw the creater, taking them all and shipping them all off to another, allied, country as a gift. There was a baby lizard that had climbed in Evangeline's window when she was about 14 and from then on she got all sassy and started hanging out with her lizard. As time went on he grew and soon it was obvious that he was a dragon. Lina did the only logical thing and his it it's entire life, now only taking it out when she wanted to ride at night, or another emergency. As her parents paid more attention to her brother and sisters, pushing her to the side slightly, she rebelled more and became the kingdom trouble maker, nobody really knowing that it really was she. While it wasn't normal, her childhood wasn't annoying, completely.

Strengths: Leading, fighting, dragon taming, and dragon riding

Weakness: Her dragon, her fears. ((I know that sounds obvious, but it is a weakness because even if she is told that she'll be alone/the last alive in her family, she would be paralyzed from fear for a hot second)), being a 'proper' princess

Fears: Being the last alive, either in her family or just in general, and loosing her dragon

Phobias: Nosocomephobia-Fear of Hospitals, Pteronophobia-Fear of Feathers

Flaws: Impulsive, rebellious, and sarcastic

Powers: None

Weapons: Bow and Arrow-

IQ: 132

Intelligence: 14/15

Common Sense: 14/15

Reflexes: 12/15

Speed: 10/15

Flexibility: 10/15

Upper body strength: 8/15

Lower body strength: 9/15

General strength: 12/15

Dominance: 2/15

Submissive: 15/15

Worst Memory: Getting her first burn from her dragon, it would he loosing her sister, but she can't remember it so it didn't hurt too much.

Best Memory: Learning how to ride her dragon. She is self taught.

One thing they couldn't live without: She has a small necklace that she found while wondering where she wasn't supposed to. She never takes it off.

The other, that she doesn't know about is this:

Other: Her dragon, Aluminum;


Turn ons: Dirty talk, teasing, hair pulling, rough, spitting ((in her mouth/on her face)), being grabbed and ordered around

Turn offs: Feet, body odor, dirt, trash, animals, hard places ((ground or something similar))

Safe word: Frightcar

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