Chapter 26-Saying Goodbye

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"Mommy? Wake up! Please!" I heard a child's voice.

My eyes fluttered open. I reached out to touch my daughter's cheek. "Hi, honey." I got a bone crushing hug from another body.

"Thank goodness you're okay! I thought I had lost you," a tear escaped the blonde's eye.

"To tight, Kitty." I gasped. He let go. "What happened?" I looked around. "Why am I in a hospital?"

"Oh Mari." Adrian started. "You were pierced by Hawkmoth's staff. You were protecting Bella. Don't scare me like that! You got surgery to fix the hole in your stomach and intestines. You have been out for almost 3 weeks now." His tears were dripping onto the bed.

I embraced him saying,"It's okay Adrian. I won't leave you. You know that. I love you and Bella too much to leave." I brought Bella into the hug too."

Fast forward

"Are you okay, honey?" I asked bending down.

"I'm fine momma," Bella said. "Who is this girl? She looks kinda like me. She handed me a flyer.

It was 1 month since I was in the hospital. I had to go in every two months so they could check if I was doing alright. Hawkmoth was still out there causing havoc. I couldn't help fight akumas right now. It was summer and the breeze was delightful.

I read the flyer. It said missing child: Bella Raven. It had a number on it. Saying how old she was, her height, and a picture of her. I covered my mouth and dropped the flyer. I quickly picked it up not wanting it to blow away. I called Adrian. "Adrian, come to my house as soon as possible. It is very important."

"I will be there in 3 minutes." He said and hung up.

"Bella, we are going home now. Your father is coming over." I grabbed her hand and walked back to my house. I thought deeply about the situation. We had to give her back. I know we had to. I don't know if I could. She had been my daughter for the longest time, and I didn't want to let her go. I never really thought about the chance that we would have to give her back to her real the thought brought tears to my eyes. Soon enough I entered my room, and Adrian was already there. I rushed him into a hug and started sobbing. He hugged me back confused.

"Honey, what's wrong?" he asked.

"Bella, can you wait downstairs?" She nodded and skipped down the steps. "Adrian. Bella found a missing poster. For her. She doesn't know. I know we have to give her back, but I don't want to! I will miss her too much. I love her to much to let her go." I squeezed him more.

I looked up at him, and he was shocked. "Can I see the flyer?" I nodded and grabbed it out of my bag. I handed it to him. "That-that's our Bella." He had tears in his eyes. We decided to call the number. It picked up on the first dial. I hit speaker phone.

"Hello?" The caller said. It sounded female

"Is this a parent of Bella Raven?" I said.

"Yes! I am! I am her mother! Do you have any news about her?" She sounded overcome with joy and relief.

"We have been caring for her for about 4 months. Would you like to come see her?" Adrian said.

"Yes! Immediately!" She said. "My name is Mabel by the way."

"Well, Mabel. We are at 43 Sandford street. The Dupain-Cheng's Bakery." I said.

"Alright. I will be there in twenty minutes." She hung up. I started crying again.

"It's okay," Adrian comforted. "I can't bare to see her leave us too, but we need to be strong for Bella. Now let's tell her." I nodded. We walked down the stairwell together. "Bella, sweetie we have something to tell you." She walked up to us.

"We found your real parents, and they are coming to pick you up." I said.

"Who are my real parents? I want to stay here with you!" She hugged us both fiercely, and we all cried.

We heard a knock on our door. I went to open it. "Hello, Mabel." I wiped the tears off my face. "Welcome."

"I don't mean to be disrespectful but I didn't think a couple of teenagers would be taking care of my daughter." She was very pretty. She had blonde hair and green eyes just like Adrian, a slim body, and tall, too.

"It's alright. We love your daughter and treated me like her our own." Adrian said.

Bella piped up. "Hi, um mom? I'm sorry I don't remember you." Mabel gave me a worried look.

"When we found her, she couldn't remember anything. I am sure once you spend time with her, she will regain her memories. Go on Bella. Go with your mother." She went toward Mabel then turned back and ran toward us. She embraced us tightly.

"I love you, mommy and daddy. Please come to visit. I will miss you so much." She started crying.

"I love you so much Bella. Please be good for your parents. We wouldn't ever forget you. We will come to visit at least once a month." I cried.

"Oh my sweet little Bella. I am going to miss being your father. We have had so many good memories together. I love you so much." I could hear his voice wavering with emotion. We broke the hug and kisses Bella on the cheek. We waved goodbye and watched them drive off. Adrian and I stayed in an embrace.

"I'm going to miss being a mom," I said.

"We can always fix that," he whispered.

I looked up and smiled. "Someday Adrian. Someday soon." He gave me a sweet kiss, one sweeter than candy. I sighed into the kiss. I was going to miss Bella a lot but I always had Adrian by my side.

A/N: hey everyone. I thought about ending the story here and doing a sequel. I might just continue on this. I'm not sure. Thanks for 100 reads on the first chapter! Thank you also for the 100 votes! We are going to hit 1K views soon and I am so happy about that too! That is beyond my belief honestly. I was surprised people read my story honestly. To tell you all in advance that I am collating with an amazing writer named Owlkeys . We are going to be making a story called Your Lie over on her profile, so be sure to look out for that. Again it won't be on my profile so go follow her to get the lastest content. Also! For this story as of now, I am taking a short break on. I am really focused on Marichat- Abuse. Irl a lot of things are going on. I need to know a little better on what I am writing next for this story so a chapter might not come out for a while. A while means like 4 maybe 5 days or less. I get inspired pretty quickly so it will be out soon. I hope you have a fantastic day. I am not sure if Bella will play a huge part in this story here on out...If you guys want me to keep her please do tell me. Love you guys a whole lot! ❤️
Remember live, love, learn!!!
Signing off, ~Epic

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