Chapter 13: Power

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Andromeda POV

I thought when my mother passed away I would be ok. In fact I was sure I'd be ok. She raised me to learn how to handle my self and all up in till now I've been doing pretty good. But when you find out your mother is a magical being from another world and you have the same properties, you start to realize maybe how helpless you really are without her guidance.

Cause I certainly didn't know what to do when the wall practically exploded next to me as an object shot into my hand, causing me to go flying, not just out of the dungeon, but up the stairs out of the dungeon through a wall.

That certainly should of killed me.

I heard the castle people in the hall I crashed into scream and run from my form which was practically shaking at this point.

I was covered in rubble and dust and I left a practical warn zone behind me.

However I noticed I was still glowing. I didn't feel any pain. I felt... amazing actually. Completely freaked out but amazing.

I glanced at my hand and saw the beautiful instrument of destruction in my grasp. The lonely bow finding its place.

I was pulled from my thoughts when I heard the frantic running of metal. I looked up to see red knights charging towards me.

"Son of a-"

"Get her!"

That's when I started running.

My feet pounded against the red carpeting as I tried to keep up with the maze that was the halls of the castle. They were gaining and I had no clue what to do.

"What's the good of having this thing if there's no arrows not go with it?!" I screamed at the air

"She was able to pull an arrow out of thin air so she'd never run out."

My eyes widened in realization but soon became doubtful.

Was I honestly going to stop in front of an army to see if this will actually work?

I guess so because that's exactly what I did. I turned around and saw them approaching.

I can do this. I can do this.

I took a deep breath


I felt a tingle in my finger tips when suddenly an arrow appeared in my hand.

There was no time to show my surprise as I clumsily put it in the bow and fired... landing on the wall behind them...

"OH COME ON!" I shouted just as I was tackled to the ground

I felt there rough hands all over my as they wrestled me. I tried to fight them. I felt like I was suffocating. The shouts became muffled, my body was heating up...

And as if a bomb went off, my body defended itself and a ray of white threw them all off me, smacking them against the palace walls rendering them injured and probably unconscious from the large amount of force that came from me.

Panting I stood up completely shocked by what had happened... did I do that?


I practically jumped still shaking from the overwhelming feeling of what happened. However to my relief it was my best friend.

She pulled me up into her embrace.

"I was going to come looking for you and Hatter... oh my..." she pulled back looking at what I've done

"Did you..?"

I held up my mother's bow

"I'll explain as we go. We need to find Tarrant there is not much time."

I glanced at her hand and to my shock was a beautiful silver sword with gold finishings.

"Is that what I think it is?"

Alice hesitantly nodded

"I guess I have a story to tell too."


Story time had to wait for later.

We luckily got to the sewing room in time and quietly closed the doors behind us. Mally was alright there trying to pick the lock on hatters ankle, and I saw relief fill his features.

He hurriedly stood up nearly knocking the mouse off the seat, and to my shock pulled me into a tight embrace, as a sigh of relief came from his lips. I smiled wrapping my arms around him as well

"I...I thought I lost you." He muttered

I looked up at his amused

"Lost me? You know Hatter although I have a habit of getting myself into trouble, I have an awful habit of also getting myself out of it."

He chuckled and we heard Mally gasped

"Is that.. that's the lunar princesses bow."

I pulled back from Hatter and I nodded

" was my mother's.."

Although Mally was going on about what I just said Tarrant didn't look phased but just smiled at me.

"You knew didn't you?"

He hummed

"Know what, your highness?"

I returned his gentle gaze and was about to open my mouth to say something else when Alice went in front of me towards Tarrant with the sword

"As much as I find it weird viewing my best friend as royalty and desperately wanting an explanation, I'm gonna have to ask you to stand back."

She raised the sword over her head intending to break Tarrant's chains.

"How's this for muchness?"

"Wait the sword must only be used for-"

His protests were cut off when the doors of the room opened and in marched in the knave and his army. Alice turned pointing her sword at him as I raised my bow with an arrow, that I still had no idea how to use.

"Arrest that girl for misuse of magical properties!"

Then he pointed to Alice

"And her for unlawful subduction!"

I furrowed my brows in confusion.

"I'm pretty desperate for an explanation from you too Alice dear."

"Not now!" She snapped at me.

Before a move could be made by us Hatter pushed us behind him

"Take her to the white queen. That sword is our only hope."

I looked frantically at him

"What?! No I'm not leaving you here!"

He didn't answer as he threw two rolls of heavy fabric at the two knights causing them to tumble backwards. The knave was a bit harder and certainly wasn't taken down by the sombrero that Hatter used as a weapon.

He advanced on Tarrant and on instinct I blocked his path. He chuckled darkly

"Sorry sweetheart I'm over you."

I let out a yelp as he threw me to the side and swung his sword at Tarrant who picked up a metal dress stand to use as a shield.

I tried to advance again to help but Alice held me back

"We aren't ready to fight yet!"

"We can't just leave him!"

"Run! Alice!" My heart stopped when Mally shouted the name. The name that they've been searching for.

Stayne looked at us with an evil grin as I protectively pushed Alice behind me.


Tarrant and I locked eyes. It held a thousand words. But the ones he chose were unfortunately the best ones given the situation.

"Get her out of here Andromeda!"

I nodded and grabbed Alice's wrist and pulled her out of the room. Leaving my selfish feelings behind.


We didn't get far however as we found ourselves cornered in a court yard. What seemed like hundreds of red playing card knights circled us, pointing their red pointed lances at us. Alice and I were back to back, her raising her sword, me my bow. Having no clue what to do.


We both looked up as the knave walked towards us.

"And to my surprise... little princess Andromeda."

He took off his gloves walking towards us.

"Of coarse why didn't I see it. Especially you, your mother had that same look when she took my eye." He practically growled

I narrowed my gaze sharpening it. Letting no fear sneak it's way through.

"Then again you both were so young the last time we saw each other. Such little tikes. One of you was no older then a few months." He laughed darkly "Give me the sword."

The knights got closer to us

"Stay back!" Alice shouted

"The queen will be so pleased. She will take great pleasure in take off both your heads." Just as he said that the knights were finally able to grab us.

"No!" I shouted struggling in the grasp.

Suddenly there was a loud familiar roar, and around us the knights started to topple. We wiped around to see the bandersnatch come racing towards us.

I was slightly nervous that he was going to attack us. But not as surprised when Alice gripped my wrist and dragged me onto the beast's back.

"Alice what are you doing?!"

"Getting us out of here!"

"But Tarrant!"

"Will be fine I promise!"

I kept my mouth shut not believing her fully but knowing I had to keep hope.

"Alice!" We both saw the hound from before, who led Alice to the castle

"Bayard! To Memorial!" She ordered

With a determined howl, we chased after him.

Leaving the red queen behind us. And our friends.

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