Chapter 18: the chosen one

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Thank you all for being so supportive of the decision in making Andromeda pansexual. I want to bring to the attention that just cause your pan, bi or whatever you choose to go by, doesn't make you any less of who you are because you choose to date someone opposite of your gender.
I myself am pansexual transgender, and I've gotten a lot of judgement or questioning of who I am based on my relationships. I am in an extremely happy relationship with a girl, and I identify as he/him. That doesn't make me straight, gay or anything else but still pansexual, because that's what I am.

My characters fanfic or not, will be fluid in sexuality and gender, because we need to see more of that in writing :)

Hope y'all are enjoying the story so far!


*dream world*

I was dressed in my mothers signature armor and warriors outfit. Well I guess technically it was mine now. All I saw was fire and smoke. I heard the screams of people but I couldn't see them through the destruction.

My face was caked with dirt and blood and I couldn't tell if it was my own or someone else's. My bow was also stained red no long the silver I had come to know.

I was breathing heavily shouting for anyone to come and save me.

"Help! Alice! Mirana!" I was having an anxiety attack "Mrs. Kingsley!! Mom!!"

Finally one name was louder then all of them and my voice practically went hoarse by how loud I screamed his name.


Suddenly a body lunged at me and it was the knave cackling madly swinging his sword at me. I was shooting arrows blindly but even the ones I did land went straight through him as if I just couldn't touch him.

But he certainly was able to ram the end of his sword right through my chest. I gasped coughing up blood, has he lifted me high in the arm looking up cackling, his one good eye going black like a demon.

Was this it? Was this how I die? At the hands of a criminal? Alone?


I couldn't breath


I was fading

"Annie wake up!"

*end of dream*

I woke up with a start knocking heads with a figure hovering over me. He yelped falling on his back and I groaned rubbing my head. I looked up to see Tarrant laughing and doing the same to his.

"Oh my gosh Tarrant I'm so sorry!" I shrilled coming over to check his head. He pushed me away laughing still.

"I don't think you could of broken it anymore then it already is love." He laughed causing me to giggle

"Sorry I had a nightmare."

Tarrant frowned for a moment but it didn't stay long before he handed me a saucer with a cup of tea and two biscuits on it.

"Well tea chases away nightmares you know?"

I smirked
"Oh really? Is this the strawberry tea?"

"Made by yours truly."

I took a sip sighing in content.

"I see your a morning person." I teased "It looks like the sun is just rising." I looked out towards the open balcony at the sky which was a mix of yellows and oranges.

"I'm afraid I didn't get much sleep last night." He confessed coming to sit on the bed next to me a weak smile on his face.

It finally dawned on me what today was. I frowned putting down my teacup on the nightstand.

"It's Frabjous Day isn't it?"

"I'm afraid so." He whispered

I nodded slowly. Then I looked at him and cupped his cheek. I leaned forward and softly kissed his lips which he returned. When we pulled apart I whispered.

"We should get ready then."


Tarrant and I had changed out of our night clothes into something more formal. He held my hand as we walked down the white hallways. I could see our vibrant colored clothing bouncing off the pale tile. I used that as a distraction to try and keep me from becoming sick.

It didn't work.

I stopped suddenly as my stomach started to do flips. Tarrant turned to look at me.

"My dear I know you don't want to but we are going to be late-"

I pushed past him and through a side balcony and hurled my guts out over the side praying to whatever god existed that no one was under me. I felt a hand on my back, and someone pull back my hair as I got it all out.

"There there..." he cooed "better out then in."

I coughed roughly standing up straight and taking a deep breath.

I raised an eyebrow as he pulled a fresh cup of tea from inside his coat magically out of thin air.

"How did you..?"

"I always have a spare tea around for when the occasion arises." His mad giggle following after.

I cheered me up a bit and I couldn't help but giggle as well taking it and letting the sweet drink replace the bitterness.

"I'm sorry. It's just nerves. I've never exactly been in battle before."

"Nor have I." He mused "And you don't have to."

I shook my head "This is my home now." I declared "I won't stand by idly as my friends and dare I say family sacrifice themselves for it. And nor will I let my best friend go after a monster on her own-"

Tarrant cut my rant off with a firm kiss making me drop the teacup. My eyes fluttered close and I kissed him back my fingers coming to tangle in his orange hair.
When he pulled back he had soft look.

"I suppose now we are even you and I." He chuckled.

I rolled my eyes and taking his hand once more, and without a word, we started towards the court yard.


This all seemed like a lot more pressure then one could handle and selfishly I was glad I wasn't the chosen one when it came to slaying this beast. All eyes were on Alice and the White queen. I stood next to my best friend, leaving Tarrant's side to be beside her. Knowing that she needed me more then ever. Also I guess I was royalty now..?

Well wether I stood here or not, it didn't protect the watchful eyes of the white queens kingdom and more, waiting to see if Alice would take her place and save them all.

"Did you throw up this morning." She whispered lightly to me.

I chuckled softly
"Do I smell?"

"No. I just remembered that when your super nervous, which is rare enough, you tend to lose your stomach. I remember after Sebastian asked for your hand, after telling him off, you ran to the bathroom and coughed up the scones they served for dessert."

"You know me too well then. Aren't you nervous? This is all for you, you know."

She sighed
"Don't remind me."

Suddenly McTwisp stepped forward and blew into his trumpet getting all our attentions.

"Who will step forth and be the champion for the White Queen?" He more so announced then questioned.

I glared at the fool that was my lover step forth valiantly in an attempt to spare Alice this fate.

"That would be I!"

Suddenly Chess appeared causing Hatter to glare at him from the corner of his eye.

"You have poor evaporating skills. I should be the one."

Mally was next in this game of Jabberwocky slayer raising her needle of a sword and saying

"No I will!"

However I do think the most ridiculous but yet charming of this was the two tweedles who stepped out one by one with wooden swords saying

"No, me."

"No, me."

I groaned out loud squeezing Alice's hand.

"That's enough." I spoke loudly "Understand this. If Alice is not the one to slay this creature, I will take her place. I am the Bowstring. It is my duty to do so. And there will be no arguing the fact understood?"

Everyone stiffened at my voice and I turned to my aunt who gave a satisfied nod and Alice gave me a reassuring squeeze. I realized the is was my first time addressing the crowd as "The Bowstring" and it felt rather odd to do so, but at the same time felt right.

However, despite my announcement and promise, the rabbit unraveled the familiar Oraculum, the same one we saw the first moment of our arrival here. And still on this day was the swaying illustration of Alice holding up a sword towards the Jabberwocky.

Everyone falls quiet till Dum and Dee spoke.

"No other slayer, nohow."

"If it ain't Alice, it ain't dead."

I see out of the corner of my eye my aunt giving them a look and giving a warning shake of her finger. Alice is practically crushing my hand to death however the pressure of the moment was worse then that.
The queen turned to a very scared Alice and said
"Alice, you can not live your life to please others, the choice must be yours." However her face became grave "because when you step out to face that creature, you will step out alone."

Alice's breathing became heavy and suddenly her hand was ripped from mine and she ran away.

"Alice!" I screamed after her but she continued to run.

Tarrant was suddenly by my side his face sad and hope lost from his eyes. My aunt was on my other side.

"Without her, I'm afraid we will lose this battle." She mused sadly

"You are all putting to much on her. She does not even believe any of this is real how could she believe that she can slay a monster?"

Tarrant rested a hand on her shoulder
"Go to her."


"Alice?!" I called out running idly around the castle grounds trying to find my best friend.

I almost feared that she had completely run off till I found her speaking to someone in a gazebo. Slowly I walked towards them and saw Alice speaking to none other then Absolum. Except he was different. He was spinning a chrysalis around his body. Only his face stuck out.
"I'm not stupid!" I heard Alice cry out in frustration as I slowly approached "My name is Alice. I live in London. I have a mother named Helen, a sister named Margaret, and a best friend named Andromeda. My father was Charles Kingsley. He had a vision that stretched half way round the world and nothing ever stopped him. I'm his daughter. Alice Kingsley."

I smirked slightly as the caterpillar smiled and said with relief

"Alice at last! You are just as dim witted as the first time you were here. You used to call it Wonderland I recall..."

That's when something happened in Alice. I could see it past her eyes all the way into her memories as they stirred.

"Wonderland..." she whispered to herself

Something had clicked with that one word and suddenly the truth was revealed.

"This place is real!" She says at last "it wasn't a dream at all! It was a memory! This place is real and so are you and so is the hatter and so is the lunar princess."

"And so is the jabberwocky." He said gravely "Remember, the vorpal sword knows what it wants. All you have to do is hold onto it."

The chrysalis slowly consumes him and with his last words

"Fairfarren, Alice. Perhaps, I will see you in another life."

His words hang in the silence and Alice turns to face me knowing all along I was there listening. She wipes away a tear on her face, standing them walking towards me.

"Took you long enough." I joked causing her to laugh lightly.

We both looked at each other determination filling our eyes.

"I've made up my mind." She spoke


She took me by the shoulders and pulled me into a hug. I hugged back tightly and I heard her say in my ear.

"Let's go see if that armor fits me."

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