Chapter 1: Oops!

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I was simply scouting the area for a good blast site when I saw him. A strange dragon, black as night, sped through the canyon at about two hundred miles an hour, and I swear I heard a girl's scream come from it, but I shook the thought off and turned my attention to marking an area for blasting. I did so, then flew to the other side of the canyon and got ready to fire. I let a plasma blast fly, and cringed, as this shot was too powerful. The jagged obsidian rocks shot out of the canyon's side, and I looked down, something telling me to do so. The dragon that had shot through here was down there, with......


I shrieked fearfully, realizing that there was no way Hiccup would be able to get out of the way, since Toothless was currently out of reach and flightless. There was a girl with them, too, but I didn't pay any attention to her, for I was pumping my wings, speeding toward Toothless to shield at least him from the rocks.

I barreled into him and covered him with my wings, but, I didn't need to. The rock pile ended right next to me, and I looked at it, panting. Hiccup and that girl were still in there.....

"Oh my gosh!," I shouted, running to the rocks. I dug through them. "Oh, I'm so sorry! Come on! Move, stupid rock! Hiccup, I'm so sorry! I'll get you out!" Toothless grabbed my shoulders and pulled me back.

"It's no use," he said. "Is there anyone who can help?" I nodded and gave a distressed roar, one that meant "HELP ME NOW!!!!"

Then I realized who I was next to.

"Toothless!," I shouted gleefully, wrapping my wings around him. He hugged me back.

"I missed you so much," he whispered.

I nuzzled him and began to cry joyfully. "I missed you too. I promise I will never run off like that again, Toothless." He pulled back from the hug and licked my forehead. I beamed at him, then heard a heavy thump behind me. It was Thrae.

"What happened?!," he said, looking at the rock pile.

"I was blasting rocks to build the new infirmary wing of the sanctuary," I said, serious again. "And then, Toothless and Hiccup and some other kid showed up and Hiccup and that girl are trapped in there and oh this is all my fault UGH why do I make so many mista--"

"Calm down, Paintsplash," Thrae said, his copper choker glinting in the patchy sunlight (it was a relatively sunny day for Nighthaven; usually it was cloudy and rainy, with thick fog everywhere). Thrae looked at the rocks, and bit his lip, thinking. "Let me get Stonemover. He'll know what to do."


In half an hour, the Stormcutter was sitting proudly as he looked at the last rock with deep concentration. The others lay around him, stacked perfectly. The last piece of obsidian wiggled, then lifted off the ground and floated over to the nearest stack, Stonemover's purple eyes glowing as he watched the rock move. The rock settled gingerly on the stack, and remained there. The glow from Stonemover's eyes faded, and he smiled happily, nodding to Thrae before he flew off. The dragon was mute, I had been told, his vocal chords having been ripped out viciously in a battle. The scars were still there; three jagged pink lines scratching across the pale blue throat.

I jumped into the rocks and pulled out Hiccup, then that strange girl that was with him. Thrae, Asla, and I studied her intently. I looked at Toothless questioningly.

"That's Mist," Toothless said. "And it looks like she's Hiccup's new girlfriend."

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