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I sulked around in the caves. It had been three months since I heard the dreadful news. Astrid and Stormfly were dead. At first, I didn't believe it, but then there was the proof. No sign of Astrid or her dragon, Astrid's charred parka washing up on shore....

I shuddered as I remembered this. It reminded me of....the incident about six months back. Astrid had been killed, had died right in Hiccup's arms, but then brought back by my adorable kid cousin, Astradh. I looked out at the moon and cried. Astrid was dead, really, truly dead. And so was my best friend. I had been so full of grief that I had to escape every link to the coming here. Nighthaven's ruins. Asla and Thrae, I found out, had started another sanctuary on the half-sunken island, and they had stayed here a while with me. They had called their society on Berk "Nighthaven" as well, just to connect the two sanctums. I'd been with them for about a month now; they had come to keep me company. Toothless's family was here, too, and they talked with me sometimes. Diamondspirit had his new wing that Hiccup had designed for him, and I had become very close to Starrynight, as she had my exact personality.

I randomly began to crave cheese while I sat, crying at the moonlit sky.

I sighed, chastising myself. My aunt Kohora had been right about the effects of prophetic powers. I had begun to lose my sanity, my mind, and, my desire to live. The only things that kept me going were God and the hope that I might see the love of my life again: Toothless. I missed his warm black scales, the strange campfire smell of them. I missed his huge, curious green eyes, his gentle, soothing voice, his love for me. And, I missed being with him, I missed his soft, random whispers to me for how much he loved me.

I put my head in my paws and sobbed. "God," I prayed. "Why is everything suddenly going wrong with my life? Why? Why did Astrid have to die again? Really, truly die this time? Why'd Stormfly have to die as well? And...why did I choose to flee from all I've ever known, all 'cause I was too sad to think? I'm lonely, I'm depressed..."

I felt at that particular moment that Toothless's wings should be wrapped around me, his quiet, sensitive voice whispering in my ear, "Shh, it's okay, Paintsplash. I'm here for you. Just lean into me, cry as hard as you need to. I won't leave."

I began to bawl harder, and buried my head in my paws, crumpling up one of the millions of drawings and unfinished sketches that lay about randomly in my cave. A stub of a charcoal pencil rolled off to the side, and, suddenly angry, I grabbed it and chucked it across the room. It hit the wall so hard that it exploded, creating a huge noise that echoed through the caverns that were being built. I cringed, and suddenly my cousin Asla was standing next to me, a concerned look on her face. Beigan was cradled on her back, sucking his thumb as he slept.


"I don't wanna hear it, okay?!," I lashed out. Asla didn't flinch. I crumbled to the floor and began sobbing again. "I just miss everyone!," I bawled. "Why did Astrid and Stormfly have to die?! Fate DID get her way after all, and made it worse! You remember Kohora's prophecy! Hiccup will die, he's caused so much grief! No one will EVER replace Astrid, EVER! Even if he finds someone else, he'll always remember Astrid, and therefore not enjoy his new girlfriend nearly as much!" Asla laid down next to me and put a wing over my shaking back. I glanced at a drawing of Hiccup and Astrid, one I had made after she had been revived. It was them kissing after they had joyously hugged each other, and I started crying harder.

"That's not all of it, is it?," Asla said after a few moments.

I looked at her, and her regal eyes bored into me, forcing the truth out. "I miss Toothless!," I blurted, sobbing into my cousin's shoulder. "I miss him! I miss all his little, random comments in my ear about how much he loved me, how much he cared for me! I just want him here so I can hug him and kiss him and never let him out of my sight aga--did I just say that out loud?......" Asla laughed.

"Don't worry, I won't tell anyone." I smiled tiredly at her, and managed to calm down. We both stared out at the moon.

Little did I know what was in for me tomorrow.

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