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chapter thirty-three !
(takes place during 2x11 'The Sue Sylvester Shuffle')


THE DAY STARTED OFF PRETTY NORMAL, which Luna was thoroughly grateful for. After the slightly chaotic Christmas period, what with the surprise reunion with Jesse and his new boyfriend, and then the Christmas card her dad had decided to send her out of nowhere, Luna craved the slight shred of normalcy school would bring her in the New Year.

Things seemed to be looking up for the Moretti girl. Despite her heart still aching for Jesse, Luna knew this was both unfair, and unreasonable of her, so she focused her efforts entirely on her friends. Call it a New Year's resolution of sorts. Herself, Quinn and Amelia were now more tight-knit than ever, and practically inseparable when they didn't have to attend their separate classes. Quinn and Amelia also seemed to be growing as close as they had been before Sam had entered the picture earlier in the school year, and Luna loved seeing the two of them acting normal with one another once more.

Then there was the Santana of it all. Their "date" to the Christmas Fair had somewhat been tarnished by the surprise arrival of Jesse and Spencer, but despite this, the two girls' secret relationship was still as strong as ever. In fact, they were probably more attached to one another than they had been before.

Deep down, Luna knew that this closeness had something to do with the fact that both Jesse and Brittany were now in pretty serious-seeming relationships. So the two girls hid their sadness through secret kisses in empty classrooms, and tender touches beneath bed covers. And, yes, fine, this may not be the healthiest way for either of them to deal with their feelings but, so what? They were enjoying themselves, and each other and at the end of the day, it didn't matter what anyone else thought.

Luna was currently sitting in the back row of the Choir Room, watching in amusement as Brittany and Santana played some sort of slapping game with their hands. Amelia was sitting in the chair beside her, the younger girl's legs stretched out and laying across the Italian girl's lap.

As she continued to watch the two girls continue their game in front of her, her attention was soon caught by Tina, who let out a gasp as she took a few steps away from where she'd been previously dancing with Mike.

"Artie!" The Cohen-Chang girl said, covering her mouth in shock.

Luna watched as her wheelchair-bound friend wheeled himself into the room dejectedly. He was covered from head-to-toe with orange slushee. Luna's mouth fell open as she sat up straighter in her seat. Amelia also jumped right up, taking her legs from Luna's lap and wasting no time in going up to her twin brother.

"Holy shit, Artie." Amelia swore. "What the hell?"

Artie looked at his sister, then to Brittany, who had also approached him in concern.

"It was awful." He whimpered.

The terrified look on his face was enough to spark a fire of rage within Luna's heart. It was bad enough that Karofsky and his football goons had bullied Kurt out of Mckinley, and David himself had almost caused her a full-blown back injury in November, but now they were picking on Artie? Not that Artie was able to defend himself, but he did have a pretty obvious disadvantage that everyone was aware of. And people like Karofsky just exploited the very thing that made the Abrams boy easier to pick on in the first place.

Luna shook her head angrily. "This is such bullshit." She muttered, but she was loud enough for everyone to hear.

Finn nodded from his seat, he also looked incredibly mad. "That's it." He spoke. "Screw rehearsal, this ends here and now."

All the guys stood up from their seats, hastily rushing over to join Finn in his tirade of anger towards the other members of the football team. Puck and Sam flanked the Quarterback's sides, and Mike followed quickly behind them.

"We're gonna go all Thunderdome on those guys!" Puck seemed particularly excited about their revenge plan. Probably because his probation was finally up.

The guys didn't even manage to get to the door of the Choir room before they stopped in their tracks. Luna was all kinds of surprised to see the exact people they had just been talking about walk through the door.

"So, this is what the ladies lounge looks like on the inside." A blonde member of the Mckinley Titans said condescendingly.

Behind him was the rest of the team, Luna felt her eyes grow slightly wider as they all piled into the room. She briefly locked eyes with Azimo, the two sending each other a death glare, before he was the first to look away.

Luna hated to admit how she felt her stomach drop at the sight of Karofsky, her mind automatically flashing back to how hard he'd shoved her into the row of lockers. She shifted uncomfortably, before casting her eyes somewhere else to get her mind off her nerves and anger.

"This is the Choir Room." Sam retorted angrily. "Now put up your fists cause you and I are gonna do some dancing."

The Evans boy's lackluster comeback caused Luna to wince slightly, and Amelia finally looked away from her brother. The concern on the younger girl's face turned to confusion as she stared ahead of her at the blonde boy.

"What was that comeback, Evans?" She demanded, but her question went ignored.

The other members of the Titans also seemed undettered by Sam's threat, seeing as they all broke into laughter.

Finn placed his hand on Sam's chest in an attempt to push him back. "No, I got this, Sam." The Hudson boy told his teammate, but Sam pushed his hand away.

"Coach Beiste told us to come." Karofsky informed them. "Where is she?"

Luna squinted in confusion at Dave's statement. Why on God's green earth would Coach Beiste tell them to meet in the Choir Room?

Their question would soon be answered, as the Coach herself pushed through the sea of aggressive teenage boys, coming to stand in front of them.

"Everyone have a seat." Beiste instructed.

Mr Schuester soon appeared, looking towards Finn, Puck, Sam and Mike. He pointed towards the red seats. "You too, guys."

There was a hubbub of movement. The unfamiliar members of the Titans all took their seats at one end of the room, the side where Luna and Amelia had decided to sit. Luna and Lia took one look at them all, before picking up their stuff and moving right over to the other side of the room.

Luna now sat beside Rachel, who sent her a small smile, and patted the Moretti girl's knee comfortingly, her eyes never leaving the other football players. Amelia was now beside Lauren, having taken Puck's old seat, leaving the Puckerman boy to take a seat beside Luna.

"All right," Mr Schue began. "New Directions, let's give a warm welcome to the newest members of Glee club."

And then chaos ensued.

Everyone erupted in disagreement. Amelia flew out of her seat, shouting angrily at the two teachers in front of them.

"Is this some kind of weird endurance exercise, Schuester?" She asked him. "Because if it's not, I swear to god-"

"Oh, hell to the no, Mr Schue!" Mercedes could be heard shouting from her seat.

The unwilling, new members also seemed upset about this arrangement. Azimo could be heard voicing his disapproval from the other end of the room.

"Are you serious?!" He asked incredulously.

Everyone continued to dispute the idea, Luna included.

"This is the worst idea you've ever had!" She spoke directly to Will, who held up his hands in an attempt to diffuse the tension.

"Hey!" Coach Beiste's voice was finally the one to break through all the chaos

Finn rose from his seat, an incredibly pissed off look on his face. "Mr Schue, are you serious?" He practically yelled. "These are the guys that made Kurt transfer!"

Rachel nodded in agreement. "And there is no way that I am sharing the room with a known homophobe!"

Luna nodded along with the Berry girl's statement.

"Yeah, and to be honest," Luna rose from her seat, using her hand to point directly where David Karofsky was sitting. "I wouldn't exactly feel the most safe with him in here. Considering the last time I tried to stop him from bullying someone I ended up with a pretty nasty bruise on my back and ribs!"

Puck nodded, casting Luna a look as she sat back down, before turning and glaring venomously at Karofsky, who avoided his eyes.

"Yeah, no way should Lu have to be in the same room as these guys!" Puck vocalized. "None of us should!"

Mr Schue nodded. "I don't disagree with you guys." He told them. "But, I talked to Coach Beiste about it and she and I both agreed that the kind of bullying David does is out of ignorance."

"Yeah, so let him be ignorant at some other school, and help us get him expelled!" Amelia voiced. "Kurt got bullied out of here by him, Luna nearly had broken ribs, and yet, he's still here!" She then pointed to Artie's current dishevelled state. "Look at my brother!"

Mr Schue held out his hands to stop Lia's rambling. "Having him in here, as difficult as it may be for us, is an opportunity to show him and the rest of the guys that being in Glee club is kind of cool, and to find some common ground!"

How are we supposed to convince them of something if none of us believe in it ourselves? Luna thought to herself, but merely remained silent and kept her steely glare towards the two teachers.

"All of you are going to be in Glee club for one week, no exceptions." Beiste addressed her players.

Karofsky scoffed in disbelief. "She's bluffing, next week is the championship game." He tried to assure the rest of the guys. "Without us, she has no team."

"With you I have no team!" the Coach retorted loudly. "You guys have gotta find a way to come together or we're gonna get our assess kicked from here until Tuesday finds another saddlebag full of buckwheat!"

Luna turned to Puck, whispering, "what does that even mean?"

He shrugged. "She says weird things all the time. I usually just smile and nod."

"If I have to stay, I'm not singing no show tunes." Azimo warned them all. "That is the music of my oppressors."

If he had been anyone else, Luna may have laughed at his statement.

"Do you even have any idea what we do in here?" Finn asked him in annoyance.

"No," Mr Schue answered Finn. "None of them do. We have to show them."

There was a lull of silence, Luna took this time to mull over Mr Schuester's words. Sure, she would love nothing more than to punch Karofsky square in the jaw, causing him to then fear for his safety whenever she was around, but that was probably never going to happen. She also felt completely indifferent to the fact that the Titans were probably going to lose the next game they played due to the fact that two sides of the same team were at war with one another. The only reason she wanted them to win was because she knew how happy it would make her friends that were also in Glee club. Those were the only football team members she cared about in this situation.

At the sound of her name being spoken, Luna's head whipped up to face Will again.

"Luna, Puck, haven't you guys been working on something?" Their director wondered.

No, is what Luna wanted to shout back at him. Why on earth would he suggest that she and Puck perform right now? I mean, yes, they had both been working on a song to perform for the rest of the Glee club after discovering just how well their voices melded together during one rehearsal a while back, but that didn't mean Luna wanted to perform right now.

She was about to open her mouth and dispute his statement, when Rachel spoke up from beside her.

"Yes, yes they have." She then turned to Luna with a small smile. "I heard them practicing yesterday, they sound exceptional together." She complimented. "And, as offended as we all are by the football team's presence here, we won't let anything get in the way of a performance."

Was that a compliment? From Rachel Berry? Was the world coming to a premature end?

Luna's wide eyes met Rachel's, who had a determined look in them. The Berry girl seemed somewhat eager for Luna and Puck to showcase their talents, which was a complete 180 from how she usually acted. Rachel usually despised anyone apart from her getting the slightest bit of positive attention.

There was another look of reassurance from the Berry girl, and she then tightly squeezed Luna's hand in a you got this manner. Luna then looked up at Puck to gauge his reaction to this.

"I'm down, if Luna is." Puck voiced his opinion, and Luna met his eyes with a sigh.

"Well, I can't really say no, now can I?" The Moretti girl rolled her eyes.

Herself and Puck made their way to stand in the middle of the choir room floor. Luna slowly approached as Puck began to tune his guitar. The Puckerman boy still glared harshly over to where the Titans were sitting, and he shifted himself so that he was standing on the side closest to them and Luna was further away.

Just as she had finally convinced all the guys in Glee club that she didn't need to be escorted to every class, this had to happen.

Luna heard the music start up, and she glanced over to look at Karofsky, who looked bored already. So did the rest of the football team, but she merely shook her head slightly and focused her attention back to Puck, who gave her a reassuring wink.

The familiar intro of Need You Now sounded throughout the Choir Room, and Luna couldn't help the small smile that made its way onto her face. She found Amelia's eyes, who grinned back at her in support. Quinn was also smiling, leaning her head on Sam's shoulder.

"Picture perfect memories, scattered all around the floor." Luna sang. "Reaching for the phone cause I can't fight it anymore."

Santana had already started swaying back and forth in her seat, a smile spread across her face as she listened to Luna's voice open the song. She could see some of the other members of the football team shaking their heads, but she didn't let them ruin the small ounce of confidence she'd built up in order to perform this song.

On cue, Puck joined in. "And I wonder if I ever crossed your mind."

Their harmonies melded together wonderfully. Puck had a very distinct voice, one that had the ability to fit many songs throughout different genres of music. Over time, Luna had realised that she also had this ability when it came to her voice as well.

"For me it happens all the time." Luna sang.

"It's a quarter after one, I'm all alone, and I need you now." Luna and Puck sang, a small smile finally inching its way onto Luna's face for the first time since the song had started. "Said I wouldn't call, but I've lost all control and I need you now."

Luna didn't enjoy the slight parallels that the lyrics of the song held in comparison to her own life at the moment. The Moretti girl hated to admit it, but there had been multiple instances after she'd had her awkward run-in with Jesse where she had almost picked up her phone to text him.

But, she always stopped herself before she could contact him in any way. Reasons being, she knew that it would have been incredibly selfish of her to do that. She would have been blatantly disregarding both Jesse, and Spencer's feelings. And their relationship too, and she wasn't about to disrespect either of them like that.

It's not like there was a lack of romance in her life right now, anyway. And if she were being entirely honest with herself, Luna hadn't thought about Jesse for a while until he'd shown up again in Lima. So, she kept telling herself that the longing she was feeling for him currently would end up dissipating soon. How true that would actually end up being, remained to be seen.

"And I don't know how I can do without. I just need you now."

She felt a soft nudge on her elbow, breaking her out of her thoughts of Jesse. She looked up and saw a look of slight concern on Puck's face as he noticed her rigid frame as she sung those lyrics. Luna nodded encouragingly at Puck as his part of the song came up, brushing off his concern with a slight head shake.

In order to move past the stall she just accidentally caused, Luna turned to her fellow Glee club members (Karofsky and co. not included), and did some jazz hands as she gestured towards Puck in a dramatic manner.

The Puckerman boy smiled to himself as he continued to strum his acoustic guitar. "Another shot of whiskey, can't stop looking at the door." He ventured over to where the bored-looking footballers were, singing right in front of them, as if to prove a point. "Wishing you'd come sweeping in, the way you did before."

Once he'd finished his part, Luna watched as Puck made it look as though he was about to lunge for Karofsky, but brought himself back at the last minute. Karofsky did jump back slightly, causing Puck to smirk in satisfaction. Luna sighed quietly, making her way over to place a hand on his arm.

Despite the disapproving look she tried to give her friend, she was still smiling as she brought him back over to stand in the middle of the room.

"And I wonder if I ever cross your mind." Luna sang along with Puck.

Puck continued to strum his guitar as he sang. "For me, it happens all the time."

"It's a quarter after one, I'm a little drunk and I need you now." Luna sang as her and Puck grinned happily at one another. "Said I wouldn't call, but I've lost all control and I need you now."

She had nearly forgotten about the group of bullies in one corner of the Choir Room, and how they were probably thinking up a bunch of new insults to throw her way as soon as the song had finished. Right now she was purely enjoying performing a song with her friend, so she paid absolutely no attention to them.

"And I don't know how I can do without, I just need you now." The duo continued to sing.

She met Quinn's eyes in the crowd, and the blonde Cheerio was swaying along gently to the music. Her face held a soft smile as she watched the performance go on. Amelia was in the row in front of her, and she was happily waving one of her arms in the air to the beat of the song.

Luna pushed down a giggle at the sight of her best friend, and had to turn her attention back to Puck as he continued to play.

Puck threw in a couple of vocals as he played the bridge of the song on his guitar, and Luna stood beside him, swaying along to the music. A somewhat fake smile was still on her face, and despite Luna and Puck only really having become closer in the past month, the Puckerman boy was annoyingly perceptive. He knew something was up with her.

The bridge drew to a close, and Puck nodded towards Luna, a signal for her to sing the next line by herself. Which was different from how they had initially been practicing. She shot him a look of confusion, but nevertheless went along with it.

Still eyeing Puck warily, Luna sang. "Guess I'd rather hurt than feel nothing at all."

Again, parallels seemed to find her as she unexpectedly locked eyes with Santana as she sang. Oblivious to the current war in Luna's mind, Santana smiled softly when they met eyes. Luna only managed a grimace before she had to quickly look away.

"It's a quarter after one, I'm all alone and I need you now." Luna continued.

Puck now joined in. "And I said I wouldn't call, but I'm a little drunk and I need you now."

Their voices then came together once more. "And I don't know how I can do without, I just need you now."

As the song drew to a close, Luna swayed along to the ending music. She moved her head from side-to-side with each different key of the piano, and Puck soon imitated her actions. There was a ripple of laughter throughout the New Directions as they watched the two of them.

"Oh, baby, I need you now." Luna finished.

Once the song fully ended, Mr Schue was the first to start cheering, and soon enough the majority of the room had started as well. Luna couldn't help but smile at the applause they were receiving, wrapping her arms around Puck and giving him a half-hug, which he reciprocated.

Surprisingly, Azimo was the first one to speak. And Luna knew as soon as he opened his mouth, the previously happier mood in the room would shift. Cause he was clearly going to say something negative.

"The girl with the mohawk had a really nice voice." The large footballer said.

Luna tensed, shooting him a glare as she tried to gauge Puck's reaction to his statement.

Puck began nodding, slipping his guitar over his head with an incredibly fake-looking smile. "That's funny. That's good, man." He laughed along.

Luna's eyes darted between Puck and Azimo for what felt like ages, but in reality it was only a few seconds. Before she watched Puck properly lunge for the other boy. Luna let out an involuntary yelp as she darted out the way.

No one managed to land any punches however, as Beiste and Mr Schue managed to get in the middle just in time. But that didn't stop everyone else from trying to join in on the brawl. Luna did her best to keep Puck from getting any closer to any of the other members of the football team. But it didn't help that there was now so much to look at.

The Moretti girl watched in slight amazement as Sam struggled to keep a hold on an incredibly aggressive Rachel. The Berry girl was kicking wildly in an attempt to get to Azimo.

"Let me at that guy!" Her shrill voice spoke over the commotion.

Amelia was over to the other side of the group, being held back by a frightened-looking Mike Chang, as the Abrams girl had her arms outstretched, trying to claw her way towards Dave Karofsky.

"I swear to god!" Lia shouted. "You go near my brother again and you'll be in a whole world of pain, you jackass!"

So much for a normal day.


The next few days didn't go much better.

Luna had heard whispers about how Brittany was to be shot out of a large cannon during the Cheerios Regional competition, which was worrisome enough. But, now, due to the large amount of opposition she had gotten in response to this idea, Sue Sylvester had managed to move the cheerleading competition up to the same night as the football Championship game. Therefore they were no longer available to perform the halftime show.

So, obviously, Mr Schuester and Coach Beiste had come up with an entirely ridiculous plan in an effort to save the show from being cancelled.

"No freaking way!"

One which a lot of people seemed to be opposed to. Karofsky being the main one who was refusing.

"We don't have a choice," Mr Schue tried to explain as they were all gathered for yet another Glee rehearsal. "Sue pulled the Cheerios from the game, so if we don't do it, there's no halftime show."

"And this is a problem because. . .?" Lauren voiced from her seat in the back row.

Luna nodded in agreement. "Yeah, I don't get why we need a halftime show."

"We're not the superbowl. No one's gonna be expecting Janet Jackson to walk onto the field." Amelia piped up.

"It's not a problem, it's an opportunity." Coach Beiste tried to reason with them all.

"Opportunity to humiliate ourselves." A blonde Titan spoke from the front row.

Amelia narrowed her eyes at him. "Well, considering that you guys," she gestured to all of the unwelcome members. "Are usually the main instigators of any type of bullying after one of our performances, I think we'll probably be fine if you guys are humiliating yourselves with us."

"Hey!" Beiste interrupted the two before they argued any further. "The whole point of this week was to bring you guys together, to bring the school together."

Luna let out a quiet groan and threw her head back in despair. She really did not care this much about Mckinley High School spirit to engage thoroughly in this conversation.

"Wait," Azimo spoke up. "So you want us to play the first half, change into some sequeen ball gowns, and then go out and do the halftime show at our own championship game?"

"Yes." Beiste answered simply.

Azimo rose from his chair. "It's the championship game!" He complained loudly. "This is a crazy town! This is crazy!"

This time Luna's groan was audible, and loud. She whipped her head up and locked her eyes onto him.

"Has anyone ever told you that your voice is grating enough to give everyone around you a cluster headache?!" She snapped at him, causing everyone to turn to her in surprise. "You're all so annoying, and for what? Just shut up for once in your life!"

Everyone fell into a silence, even the two teachers at the front. Luna didn't often snap, but when she did it was always enough to make everyone around her reel for a few moments after it happened.

Finn spoke after a few minutes of silence. "What about the Cheerios in Glee club?" He wondered.

Luna peered at Mr Schue in curiosity, interested to see what he had to say about this.

"They have a choice." He told everyone in a serious tone. "Us, or the Cheerios competition."

"Well, obviously, Quinn is gonna choose the Cheerios." Rachel pointed out.

Luna watched as Quinn shot the brunette behind her a dirty look. Luna wanted to think that Quinn would end up choosing the Glee club, but she knew deep down that she was probably kidding herself. The lengths Quinn had gone to in order to regain her spot as Head Cheerleader? Yeah, there was no way she was going to give that up just so she could stay in the New Directions.

The Moretti girl felt bad, Quinn was one of her best friends. But, she also wasn't about to sit and lie to herself.

Finn seemed to disagree. "Well, that's not fair." He protested against Rachel's assumption. "You don't know what she's gonna do."

Luna raised her brows in response to Finn's defence of her blonde friend. To be fair, Luna had been ready to say basically the same thing, through sheer friendship principles alone, but she found it slightly strange that Finn had beat her to it.

Amelia also found that exchange weird, as the younger girl's eyebrows were furrowed in confusion as she watched Quinn meet Finn's eyes. The blonde's green eyes softening ever-so-slightly.

"I think the cheerleading competition is gonna be a lot of fun." Mr Schue reasoned. "But if you go, you're gonna miss out on us doing the most iconic song of all time. . . the superbowl of pop anthems!"

Luna and Lia shared a look of anticipation with one another.


"Ooh, wait, that's actually really exciting!" Luna said, gripping Lia's hand tightly in excitement.

Mr Schuester nodded in agreement with her. "Remember a few years ago, when that Philippine prison did that mega performance of Thriller and put it on YouTube?" He asked everyone, some of the kids nodded. "And in the four months that it took to rehearse that dance, prisoner-on-prisoner crime dropped eighty percent."

He said this part directly to the football team, and Luna supposed it was good that he was fully aware that they were going to be the ones making a huge fuss and being uncooperative.

"Doing that, together, as a team, created a unity within that prison." Will continued. "And that's what I'm looking to do here."

The original members of the New Directions cast apprehensive looks at the group of boys beside them.

"I mean, don't get me wrong, you know. . . I'm big on Michael and everything. . . but isn't that, kind of what they're expecting us to do?" Mercedes wondered.

Luna was forever grateful for Mercedes always bringing up the most valid points during their Glee meetings.

Mr Schuester seemed to have an answer ready for her though. "Which is why we're gonna mash it together with the Yeah Yeah Yeahs' equally spooky single. . . Heads Will Roll!"

A quiet clapping could be heard from where Tina was sitting in the back row beside Lauren. Luna found herself biting her lip as she tried to contain her excitement at the thought of this performance.

Amelia turned to Luna with a pondering look. "What song is that again? I feel like I know what it is. . ."

"You know, the one where the singer's all like. . . off with your head, dance, dance, dance till you're dead!" She sang quietly, and a look of recognition crossed Amelia's face.

"Oh, yeah!" She nodded, before smiling at Luna. "Also your voice is so pretty, please sing to me to sleep."

She then rested her head playfully on Luna's shoulder, who laughed and rested her head on top of Lia's.

Everyone's excited chatter came to a halt when Coach Beiste spoke up. "All right! New Directions, Titans," she announced. "We're going to Zombie Camp!"

She then blew her whistle, leaving only one question on Luna's mind.

What the heck was Zombie Camp?


"Are you mad at me?"

Santana's question was muffled as she spoke periodically in between the kisses she was pressing to Luna's lips. The Latina's hands were currently on Luna's thighs as the two girls lay strewn on the Lopez girl's bed. Santana's parents had gone out to dinner with some family friends, leaving their daughter and Luna to have a "study session" for a non-existent Calculus test they had coming up.

Safe to say, virtually no studying had been getting done.

Pulling back briefly, in confusion, Luna shook her head. "What?" She asked. "No, why?"

Santana didn't say anything, which caused Luna to become more concerned. She pulled back for real this time, ignoring the small whine that Santana let out as Luna disconnected their lips, and hips.

"Should I be mad at you?" Luna eyed the Latina cautiously.

Sighing loudly. "No!" She then sat back from Luna, who was leaning against her headboard. Santana then ran a hand through her raven-black hair, looking stressed. "I haven't, like, punched anyone you love or anything."

Luna snorted. "Glad to hear that, Tana."

But it seemed like there was no humour in the Lopez girl's expression, making Luna realise that something was definitely bothering her friend. Scooting a little closer to the tanned girl, Luna brought her hand to rest on Santana's knee.

Luna gave her knee a comforting squeeze. "Is this because Coach Sylvester made you quit the Glee club?"

"Yeah," Santana nodded, before tilting her head. "Well, kinda. . . there's just so much going on in my head right now. It's so irritating!"

Santana then quickly stood from the edge of her bed, starting to pace.

"And confusing," the Latina continued.

Luna watched with a sympathetic frown. She honestly did feel for Santana right now. As well as Quinn and Brittany. The three of them had quit the New Direction a day previously, and a few people had been pretty upset about it.

Finn seemed weirdly over-annoyed at Quinn for making the decision that she did. He had ended up confronting her about it in the school hallways, rather aggressively, may Luna add. This then resulted in Sam getting involved, trying to defend his girlfriend's honour, and honestly, the two guys had the lamest excuse for a fight Luna had ever witnessed. Before it was broken up by Mr Schue, obviously.

Mr Schuester was also incredibly upset with the decision, which irritated Luna. She wanted to point out that if he hadn't given them the impossible choice of choosing between cheerleading and the Glee Club, maybe the three girls would have still remained members.

Luna was slightly upset at first, mostly because she had been given no indication from either Quinn, or Santana before the news had been thrust upon them all. But, at the end of the day, if none of them were willing to quit the Cheerios to stay in the New Directions, there was nothing Luna could really do. Her friendships with them wouldn't change, as long as they wanted to stay friends with her, Luna would happily oblige.

Plus, she literally lived with Quinn, so Luna highly doubted the Fabray girl would stop wanting anything to do with her now. Otherwise that would have been really awkward.

"You know how much I hate being confused, Lu." Santana continued to ramble. "Like, I shouldn't be feeling conflicted right now. Cheerios is the obvious choice for me. It's what I wanna get a scholarship for when I go to college, it's what I was doing before I even considered joining Glee."

Luna nodded. "Plus, you're really amazing at it."

Santana paused, a small, shy smile crossing her face at Luna's words. "Thanks." She told her, before her eyebrows furrowed once more. "But, now that I'm not in the Glee club anymore, I have this weird, lame-ass void in my life." The Latina clutched at her chest with a look of annoyance on her face. "I miss it. I miss the people in it. Well, besides Rachel, obviously."

"Totally understandable." Luna agreed.

The Lopez girl's pacing finally came to a stop. She turned to Luna and let her hands fall down to her sides.

"Do you think I made a mistake?" Santana asked for Luna's opinion. "Quitting the Glee club?"

Yes, is what Luna wanted to say. But she knew this held a high chance of making Santana feel even worse. So she merely shrugged her shoulders.

"I mean, that's not really for me to say." The Italian girl spoke softly. "Do you think you made a mistake?"

Cracking her knuckles anxiously, Santana ended up shaking her head. "No. No, because I know what would happen if I were to quit." She told Luna truthfully. "The only reason I don't get tormented as much as everyone else is literally because I'm on the cheerleading squad."

"I mean, it might not be that bad." Luna attempted to dispute her claims. "Amelia and I don't get too much of a hard time." She pointed out.

Santana folded her arms across her chest and narrowed her eyes in confusion. "Didn't Karofsky literally shove you into a row of lockers back in November?"

Luna remained silent.

Santana took this as an indication to continue. "And I'm pretty sure Lia's been slushied like, three times already this month."

Luna pondered the other girl's words for a second, before nodding. "Yeah. . . that's a very valid point."

Luna's eyes drifted to the posters on Santana's wall as the two girls fell into a silence. She was examining a particularly large one of Selena Quintanilla when she felt the bed beside her sink. She turned to see the Lopez girl lying flat on her back, both hands over her face as she let out a loud exhale. The stress she must have been feeling was palpable to Luna, who patted her shoulder sympathetically, reclining back so she was resting against the headboard once again.

"Sorry." Santana said after a few more moments of silence, bringing her hands away from her face. "I didn't mean to get all. . . existential crisis on you."

Luna shook her head. "Don't apologise." She reassured the Latina. "We all have an existential crisis every now and then."

Laughing lightly, Santana nodded. "It's just. . ." she trailed off, biting her lip. "I saw how they all treated Kurt."

Luna felt as though this concerned sentence came out of left field, ever-so-slightly. So, she peered curiously at the girl laying beside her.

Santana saw her curious look, and let a sigh pass her gloss-covered lips. She opened her mouth and it was looking like she was about to confess something dramatic, given the fully serious and vulnerable look on her face.

But whatever the confession was, it never came. Instead, the Lopez girl merely shook her head. She attempted to look nonchalant as she brought her hands to rest on her stomach.

"Never mind." She spoke finally. "My crisis is over now. So, can we talk about something else?"

Luna opened her mouth to respond, but Santana cut her off again.

"Actually, I wanna watch a movie." She decided, looking over to the shelves of DVDs she had, before turning to Luna with wide, puppy-dog looking eyes. "And cuddle, I want us to cuddle. Can we do that?"

"Uh, yeah." Luna responded, nodding her head. "Of course we can."

She wasn't oblivious to Santana's attempt at distracting her from the moment of vulnerability she'd just had in front of Luna. But, seeing as the Latina was obviously uncomfortable with the thought of addressing it, the Moretti girl wasn't going to push her.

And seeing as this was the first time Santana had ever requested to just cuddle together, Luna assumed she was in need of some comfort. Which she was more than happy to provide for her.


The Lima Bean was remarkably quiet when Luna entered it the next day.

She made her way over to the counter, her eyes scanning for her nice waitress friend, Kate, but the Italian girl failed to locate her anywhere. So, with a slight pout, Luna finally approached the counter, getting served nice and quickly due to the quiet atmosphere of the coffee house.

As she stood, waiting for her hot chocolate to be made, she felt the presence of someone beside her. She peered to her left, purely so she could be nosy and find out if it was anyone she happened to know, and surprisingly, it was.

Though she wasn't too close with him, she managed to recognise his overly-gelled, black hair.


At the sound of his name, the Warbler boy turned to face Luna. He recognised her almost instantly, breaking out in a wide, kind smile.

"Oh!" He pointed at her. "Hey! It's Luna, right? You're one of Kurt's friends from Mckinley?"

Nodding, Luna smiled back at him. "Yeah!" She responded. "It's so nice to see you!"

"You too!" Blaine told her, before taking Luna by surprise and leaning over to envelope her in a hug. "We can finally hug now that your hands aren't full of coffee."

Remembering how the last time she had seen Blaine, she had been carrying about four different cups of coffee, and also some food as well, Luna nodded as she reciprocated the hug.

"Yeah, I'm only getting something for myself this time." She informed him, as the barista handed her the hot chocolate she had ordered. Luna quickly thanked her, before turning back to Blaine. "Are you here alone? Or is Kurt with you?"

Luna would be lying if she said she wasn't silently hoping the Hummel boy was also here too. She hadn't spoken to him since the start of the week, which was technically only a few days ago, but she still missed him.

"Yeah, actually. And a few more familiar faces for you, as well." Blaine told her with a sly smile.

He motioned for her to follow him, and she did so. They rounded a small corner and then Luna's eyes fell onto the trio of Kurt, Mercedes and Rachel all standing near the sugar rack.

"Hey, guys." Blaine spoke up, catching the attention of the other three. "Look who I found!" He then gestured towards Luna, who waved happily at them all.

Kurt gasped in excitement. "Lulu!" He exclaimed, before throwing his arms open so she could run over and hug him.

Luna wasted no time in doing exactly that. She crashed happily into Kurt, the taller boy wrapping both arms around her tightly. The Italian girl used the arm that wasn't holding her drink to hug him back.

"I've missed you!" Kurt told her with a smile, pulling back from their embrace.

"I've missed you too!" Luna replied, sounding just as happy to see him.

She then looked over his shoulder and grinned at Mercedes and Rachel. "I obviously missed you guys, but we saw each other, like, three hours ago."

The two girls smiled back at her, Mercedes coming over to pry Luna away from Kurt. The Jones girl then swung an arm over Luna's shoulder.

"Three hours too long, if you ask me." Mercedes complained jokingly, as the small group made their way over to one of the free tables in the Lima Bean.

Luna smiled, before Blaine's voice brought their attention onto him.

"Now," he began, picking up a wooden stirrer for his coffee. "I don't wanna sound cocky or anything. But you guys better be pulling out all the stops for Regionals. Because the number we just rehearsed is so off-the-hook, it's dangerous."

Opting to sit in the middle of Mercedes and Rachel, Luna couldn't help but frown slightly at the mention of the upcoming show choir competition. In all the chaos of the current week, the Moretti girl had almost forgotten how close they were to Regionals.

Kurt nodded in confirmation to Blaine's warning. "Seriously. People should wear protective headgear when they're watching it."

The three Mckinley girls all shared a look of dejection and exhaust with one another. Though, it may have looked like they were pissed off or annoyed to the other two boys.

"Guys, we're kidding." Kurt assured them after seeing their expressions.

"Yeah, well, it's just hard to laugh right now with everything going on at Mckinley." Rachel explained to the boys, opening her coffee to pour some sugar into it.

Mercedes nodded. "I mean, look at us," she pointed out. "The stars of two rival show choirs sitting down to coffee?"

Luna interjected, raising her hand. "Four show choir stars, and me." She corrected with a smirk.

Mercedes rolled her eyes and nudged her softly, before continuing to complain about their school. "Our school is so messed up, we can't even keep our own football team together."

Luna sighed as she recalled the day's events. As if having Santana, Quinn and Brittany quit the Glee club wasn't bad enough, it turns out that the rest of the Mckinley Titans couldn't handle being at the bottom of the food chain for once. So, they'd all decided to quit the team. Leaving the only remaining members of the team being the guys who were also in the New Directions.

This also meant the team didn't have enough members to qualify for the championship game they were all so concerned about.

"Yeah, it sucks." Luna agreed with a sad expression on her face. "I mean, Mr Schue and Coach Beiste were actually kinda close to getting everyone at the school to be somewhat civil with each other."

Kurt looked genuinely surprised as the girls relayed this information back to himself and Blaine. "Why hasn't Finn told me anything about this?" He wondered. "I mean, we live together. I bring him a glass of warm milk every night, just in the hopes that we'll have a little lady-chat."

Luna let out a loud laugh at Kurt's revelation, looking over to him with an incredulous expression on her face. She tried to form a response but she only fell into laughter again. Mercedes' shoulders were also shaking with slight laughter, and Rachel was biting her lip to repress her grin.

"Warm milk? Really?" Blaine voiced everyone's thoughts.

"It's delicious!" Kurt insisted.

Getting slightly distracted by the muffin she had bought a few minutes earlier, Luna let out a noise of enjoyment. She pointed down at said muffin as she nodded enthusiastically.

"Not as delicious as this muffin!" She protested Kurt's point. "This is amazing!"

She then looked over to Rachel, gesturing for the Berry girl to try a bit. "Wanna try? I got a Vegan one cause they were out of regular ones."

Rachel eyed the muffin for a second, before shrugging and breaking off a piece near the top of it, and shoving it in her mouth. Luna offered the same to the rest of the table, who all refused her offer politely.

"Finn's too proud to complain." Rachel spoke quietly, bringing everyone back to the conversation they had been having before Luna's muffin revelation. "He feels like he has to be strong for everyone, but I know it's just killing him inside."

Despite Finchel having broken up almost a month ago, Rachel still seemed pretty sure about how well she knew her ex-boyfriend. And, to be honest, Luna had an inkling she was right about him.

Proving Luna's point, Rachel leaned forward. "I hope he realises that, you know, if he and I were still together, I could make him feel a lot better, you know."

Raising her eyebrows in surprise, Luna cast a look to Mercedes who rolled her eyes. Luna smirked, before patting Rachel lightly on the shoulder.

"Let it go, Rachel." Kurt advised in a flat tone.

Luna nodded in agreement. "Yeah, I think it's time to move on, Rach."

Rachel looked dejected at Luna and Kurt's advice, so Luna offered her another piece of the blueberry muffin, which Rachel took.

"I. . ." The Berry girl trailed off. "I just wish there was a way that we could help, that's all."

"Yeah," Mercedes agreed as Luna nodded along. "And the worst part is how bummed the guys are. I mean, they already suffer enough abuse just being in Glee."

"Yeah, winning this game really could have eased some of the pressure." Luna pointed out. "For a little while at least."

It did honestly suck, seeing how upset all the guys were about the game. Luna liked to think she was on pretty good terms with them all now. I mean, she had been friends with them for over a year at this point. She had done her best to try and cheer them up, but in the end all she managed to do was make a Your Mom joke to Puck.

He cracked a small grin, and to Luna that was enough of a win for now.

"Wait, so the whole team quit?" Blaine asked them to clarify through a mouthful of food.

"Everybody not in Glee." Mercedes explained further. "I mean, you can't play football with five guys."

"And one of them's in a wheelchair." Luna added.

"Yeah, Coach Beiste put up a sign-up sheet for people to join. I think they'll take anyone at this point." Rachel said.

Blaine nodded. "Well the good news is, you actually only need four more guys." He informed them. "High school regulations actually let you play a couple guys short if you want to."

Luna narrowed her eyes in confusion. "Wait, really?"

Blaine nodded. "But, if they figure out a way to make it work, you can bet that we'll definitely be there to cheer them on." He told them kindly.

"Totally." Kurt confirmed. "Blaine and I love football. . . Well, Blaine loves football, I love scarves."

Luna raised her coffee cup in a mock-toast like manner. "As you should."

She then looked over to Rachel, having noticed that the Berry girl had been suspiciously quiet for the past few moments. She could practically see the cogs turner in the other girl's head, so she nudged Rachel with her elbow.

"Penny for your thoughts, Berry?"

Rachel then turned to Luna and Mercedes, a more determined look on her face. "I have a plan." Was all she said.

Luna eyed her skeptically, taking a sip of her hot beverage.

"Famous last words, Berry." She pointed out, before a smile made its way onto her face. "What is it?"


"We wanna join the team."

Okay, so in hindsight, maybe Luna shouldn't have been as eager as she was to hear about Rachel's plan.

But, just because Luna thought the idea was only mediocre at best, didn't mean to say that she was okay with any of the Glee guys making fun of said plan.

From her seat, Luna found herself narrowing her eyes up at Finn, who put his head in his hands as soon as Rachel had spoken about her plan.

"We, who?" Artie's voice was also layered with skepticism.

"All us Glee girls." Mercedes answered him. "We wanna join the football team."

Luna rose to her feet at the same time as her fellow girls, putting her arm through Mercedes as they walked up to the front of the room. Amelia, Tina, and Lauren all following suit. Amelia came to stand in between Luna and Mercedes, the Abrams girl holding an excited grin on her face.

Luna didn't know why her best friend had been so excited at the thought of being on the football team, but was happy at her eagerness to join in on the plan.

"And!" Lia piped up, putting her hands on her hips. "We wanna play in the championship."

"Come on, guys." Mike complained from his seat. "Stop screwing around. It's not cool."

Luna gave him an offended look. "Well, excuse your mouth, Mike Chang." She scolded her dancer friend.

"Yeah, what's not cool is you guys not respecting women enough to realize that we're perfectly capable of playing football." Lauren spoke, as she made her way to join the other girls. "And don't forget who the State Champ in Greco-Roman wrestling is. I've got offers from three different wrestling organizations for after I graduate, so. . ."

Lauren and Rachel then shared a high-five while the other four girls smiled at Lauren's boasting.

Luna nodded in agreement. "I freaking love you, Lauren." The Moretti girl confessed from further down the little line they had formed.

Lauren smirked. "Smart decision, Luna."

Mr Schuester then came to stand between them, facing Rachel. "Rachel, have you ever actually seen a tackle football game?" He asked her. "When they tackle you, it hurts."

"Yeah, and not in the good Mellencamp way." Puck voiced from his seat, and Luna shot him a weird look.

Amelia scoffed. "Wow! Really?" The younger girl addressed her teacher and Puck. "We had no idea, thank you so much for telling us, guys." She then rolled her eyes in annoyance.

To be fair, their ignorance to how much some of the girls did actually know about football was starting to irritate Luna, as well.

"We've thought about that." Rachel let them all know. "But the truth is, is that you guys don't really need us to play. You just need enough players to field a regulation team."

Luna nodded to back-up the Berry girl. "She's right, it's in the bylaws. I read them."

Nodding excitedly, Rachel squeezed Luna's arm in excitement. "Yeah! She did!" She confirmed. "So when they snap the ball, we're just gonna lie down on the ground. We're just gonna lie there."

Luna and Amelia both did a synchronised laying down motion with their hands after Rachel finished talking to further emphasise their point.

"Well, I'm not." Lauren told them all. "I'm gonna bring the pain."

Luna laughed at the Zizes girl's threat, as did Lia. Luna looked at the boys to try and gauge all their reactions, and most of them had changed from skeptical to somewhat intrigued by the girls' plan.

Puck was looking only at Lauren, an impressed smirk on his face.

Oh, wow. Luna thought to herself. He's falling hard. The Italian girl then bit back a smirk as she caught his eye, shrugging off his confused expression when he saw her smiling at him.

"I guess they won't get hurt if you stay down." Coach Beiste reasoned.

Luna's grin grew wider when she realised their plan might actually be working.

"Okay, what do your parents have to say about this?" Will asked all the girls.

Luna fished the permission slip out of her back jean pocket. She had gotten Judy to sign it the night before. The oldest Fabray had been extremely apprehensive about letting Luna participate in this. Not only because there was a slight threat to the teen's safety, but also because if something were to go wrong, and say Luna somehow ended up getting injured, there was no doubt that Leonardo and Claudia Moretti would have to get involved.

Neither party wanted this to happen, obviously. Which was why Judith had initially not been a fan of the idea at all, but with some persuading from Luna, and eventually Quinn. The Fabray mother had relented.

Luna also suspected that Quinn had helped convince her mother as a way of trying to make it up to Luna after she had quit the club earlier that week. Despite Luna telling her she wasn't mad, which was entirely the truth.

"We all have signed permission slips from them." Tina informed their teacher. "It took some convincing, but they understood what it means to all of us."

Luna passed the slip of paper down the line and into Mr Schuester's hands. The teacher examined all the signatures, and Luna then felt the need to clarify why Judy's signature was on there.

"I got Judy to sign it." Luna informed him, causing him to look at her. "As all you guys are aware, my actual parents are evil demon spawn, so I'm kinda under Judy Fabray's care right now."

Everyone nodded, and Luna gave Mr Schue a look that basically said I know this may go against teacher protocol or whatever but you saw how they treated me last year, so just let it go, man. . . or something to that effect.

It seemed to work, because, with a minute nod towards Luna, Will turned to Coach Beiste. "What do you think, Coach?" He asked for her opinion.

She took the paper from Mr Schue with a sigh. "I think. . ." She trailed off as she examined the permission slip. "Welcome to the football team."

Luna let out an excited squeal, her arms wrapping around Lia. The two girls then began jumping up and down in glee. The rest of the girls seemed just as excited too.

"Football team, football team!" Rachel chanted from her spot beside Luna.

Sam wandered over to where they were all standing, holding both his hands up for a high-five from Luna and Rachel. The two girls responded accordingly.

"High-five, teammate!" The Berry girl exclaimed towards Sam, to which he laughed.

Luna then felt herself be scooped up into a hug, recognizing Puck's mohawk and letting out a laugh. Once he put her down, she lightly punched his arm.

"You ready to bring your A-Game, Puckerman?" She asked him.

He smirked in response. "Uh, I'm always on my A-Game, Moretti."

"Uh-huh." Luna nodded sarcastically before lowering her voice. "Even when you're so distracted by how much you like Lauren Zizes?"

Puck's smirk faded, and his cheeks began to tinge red at Luna's words. "I have no idea what you're talking about." He tried to play it off.

Narrowing her eyes in suspicion. "Sure you don't." She smirked.

He then shook his head, wrapping an arm over Luna's shoulder. "Just focus on the big game, Moretti. We need all our star power on the field."

Luna nodded. How hard could laying down and doing nothing really be?


As it turns out, laying down for the first half of a football game was remarkably more difficult than one would think. Luna had almost been trampled on at least four times.

Combine almost being trampled with Tina almost severely injuring herself, and the fact that the Titans were losing, the plan was not going as well as the ladies had wanted it to.

It was now half time, and Luna was sitting in the choir room with the rest of the Glee club, trying to get ready for the half-time performance. They were short a few members, Luna noted, as she tried to ruffle out her zombie dress as much as possible. She only needed to apply the special effects make-up now, and then she'd be sorted.

Before the New Directions had all retreated inside, she had heard Finn announce that he was going to attempt to get the three Cheerios who had quit earlier in the week, to rejoin them. Luna would have gone with him, as would Amelia, the latter of the girls seemed quite eager to go with the Quarterback, but Finn assured them that he had it under control.

So, whilst he was away doing that, Puck had ended up leaving in an attempt to track down the rest of the Mckinley Titans. It was blatantly obvious now, that the team's only chance of winning this championship game would be with the full team back together again.

The girls' plan had been made with the best intentions, but the way everyone was so terrified when Tina got tackled, it was obvious that it wasn't exactly the most safe and foolproof plan. Plus, none of the guys could really concentrate on playing the game properly when they were also concerned about the safety of their other teammates.

"Listen, Lu." Luna recalled Puck addressing her a few minutes before the game had started. "You gotta promise to remain on the ground. We can't have you getting thrown through the air and breaking your back or something. You're tiny! Like, barely over five feet, so you gotta promise to stay down."

His concern had honestly made her giggle, but she promised him she wouldn't get up until she heard a whistle blow.

"Do you think Finn will be able to convince them?" Amelia wondered as she adjusted the wig she had been allocated for the performance. "I mean, is he really that close with any of them?"

Luna tilted her head as she put on some of the zombie make-up. She had picked it up rather easily in Zombie Camp, and now she had multiple other members of the New Directions who wanted her to do their make-up for the show as well.

Shrugging, Luna looked over to Lia. "I dunno." She spoke honestly. "Maybe. He and Santana were close for a while last year."

"Does taking someone's virginity mean they're necessarily close, though?"

"Sometimes." She automatically replied, thinking back to the first night she had spent with Santana.

Amelia looked at her in surprise. "Wow, that answer was quick." She pointed out. "Anything you wanna tell me, Lu?"

Amelia was obviously kidding, but Luna felt her throat grow dry at the rhetorical question. When the Moretti girl never replied, Lia looked at her again, this time even more curious than before.

"Lu, seriously, is there something you wanna tell me-?"

The Abrams girl's question was cut short by a familiar female voice. Luna looked up at the sound of it.

"Guess who's back, bitches?" Santana said excitedly.

There were scattered words of excitement. Everyone was obviously overjoyed as Santana entered the choir room, followed by Brittany and Quinn, as well. The latter of the blondes is engaged in quiet conversation with Finn. The two of them were standing awfully close to one another, Luna thought, but brushed it off as the Lopez girl approached her and Amelia with a cheeky grin.

"Wow," Luna commented as Santana slid into the seat beside her. "Back already, Lopez? Did you miss me that much?"

Rolling her dark brown eyes goodnaturedly, Santana peered at Luna through the mirror in front of her. "No, not at all." Santana responded with a smirk. "I just thought I'd be a charitable queen and pay you all a visit. Maybe even perform the halftime mash-up with you all."

Amelia peered around Luna's head to smile at Santana. "Thank you for your service." She joked with a small, two-fingered salute.

Santana laughed. "I'm kidding," she relented. "Of course I missed you. . . guys." She then brought her attention back to Luna. The Latina extended her arm, holding out a make-up brush to Luna. "Wanna help me get zombified, Moretti?"

Up until now, Luna had contained the pure excitement she was feeling when her three friends walked back through the door. They had made their final choice, and they had chosen the New Directions. This made Luna happier than she was willing to admit.

But as she shared a smile with Santana, the excitement seemed to overflow, and she let out a loud, excited squeal. The Italian girl launched herself forward, and into Santana's arms. The Latina let out a loud laugh, throwing her head back so that parts of Luna's wig wouldn't end up in her mouth. She returned Luna's hug just as eagerly, though.

The two girls pulled back, and Luna eagerly took the make-up brush, getting ready to busy herself with Santana's zombie look. Amelia and Brittany were now in a conversation from their seats beside one another, the Abrams girl helping Britt adjust the dress she had been allocated.

Luna started with some foundation on the Lopez girl's face, leaning in close to Santana's face in order to apply it properly.

Seeing as they were already close to one another, Santana took this opportunity to fill Luna in on what she had witnessed between Finn and Quinn in the school's parking lot beforehand.

She spoke in a quiet voice. "By the way," she muttered. "I sensed some serious tension between Finn and Quinn when Frankenteen came to convince us to come back."

Luna looked at the Latina in surprise. "Really?"

Santana nodded. "It was icky, but I restrained myself before I said something mean."

Luna then stood upright, pretending to look at another brush, before quickly scanning the room for the two aforementioned students. When she eventually found them both, she saw the exact tension Santana had spoken about. The blonde and brunette were, once again, talking quietly amongst themselves, and at one point, it looked like Quinn was about to place her delicate hand on his arm. Though the blonde Fabray quickly brought her hand down as quickly as it went up.

Furrowing her eyebrows, Luna looked back down at Santana. The Lopez girl shrugged. "Told you."

As suspicion mounted in her head, Luna quickly turned to look at Amelia, for obvious reasons. And, unfortunately, the younger girl had also spied this newfound closeness between the star Quarterback and ex-head cheerleader. There was a faraway look in her eyes as she quickly turned back to her conversation with Brittany, and Luna couldn't help but feel for her best friend.

Bringing herself to sit back down in her seat, Luna started to gather the appropriate stuff for a zombie makeover.

Surely nothing would happen between Quinn and Finn, she thought to herself. I mean, Quinn was in a relationship with Sam, and Finn was fresh out of a relationship with Rachel.

Of course, Luna knew that stranger things had happened in Glee club. Puck and Rachel, being two names that popped into her mind. But she just prayed that whatever happened, or didn't happen, that it wouldn't cause drama.


Despite how well their Thriller/Heads Will Roll performance had gone down with the audience at the game, and the fact that the Mckinley Titans had won the championship, it was back to normal reality again the following Monday morning.

"I hate my life, I hate my life. . ." Luna panted, rushing down the hallways of Mckinley high school.

Her school textbooks felt heavier than they'd ever felt before, maybe this was due to her high blood pressure as her feet quickly carried her down the school corridor towards her Geography lesson.

The Moretti girl was never late to class, unlike Glee club, to which she was almost always a few seconds late. But class was different. Plus her teacher honestly scared her, she was a seventy four year old lady, who wasn't opposed to throwing erasers at her students if she found them annoying enough.

And now she was probably going to be pelted with stationary when she finally reached her class, all because she couldn't find a damn textbook quickly enough.

Eventually, Luna had to stop for a breath. She ended up leaning against an empty classroom door frame for a few seconds. She took some deep inhales before getting ready to start rushing again, but stopped short as she heard voices.

"You were amazing this week." A voice Luna soon recognised as Quinn's spoke softly. "On the field and off."

Luna winced, realizing she was probably about to interrupt a cute, romantic moment her friend was trying to have with Sam. But, you know, needs must and all. The Moretti girl took a few more steps forward, deciding not to run quickly past them in an attempt to be more discreet.

Only, she was shocked when she looked to where she heard Quinn's voice coming from, and saw not Sam, but Finn. He was who she was talking to.

Okay, Luna thought in her head. Let's not jump to any conclusions. Friends are allowed to give one another nice compliments.

In quiet, abandoned hallways. With no one around. In a flirty-sounding voice. Only a few days after being caught by three separate people having a secretive discussion in the choir room.

Nevertheless, Luna didn't allow her mind to jump there, just yet.

Until. . .

"It reminded me of why I loved you." Were the next, unexpected words to fall out of Quinn's mouth.

Then, Luna watched in horror as Quinn went up on her tiptoes, pressing her lips delicately onto Finn's. The kiss only lasted a few seconds before Quinn pulled back. Her face was riddled with guilt, along with confliction.

Finn stood there, having kissed Quinn back, looking down at the blonde girl in utter confusion. Neither of them really seemed to know what just happened.

Much the same to how Luna was currently feeling. She felt as though she had just witnessed something illegal. She had just watched Quinn cheat on her boyfriend. It made her feel icky, and she didn't like the heavy weight that now seemed to loom over her shoulders.

Quinn went to turn, presumably to walk away, but the Fabray girl stopped short as she saw Luna.

The blonde let out a surprised gasp. "Luna!" She called out.

Now Finn had snapped out of it, his head whipping up to where Quinn was looking. His eyes went wide as they fell on Luna. It was obvious to both guilty parties that they had been caught in the act.

Luna shook her head, clutching her books closer to her chest. She took a few steps closer to where Quinn was standing. Her tardiness worries were now forgotten about in the aftermath of what she had just witnessed go down.

"Luna, uh, how. . ." Quin continued to stutter. "How much of that did you see?"

Luna shot Quinn a wide-eyed look, merely going: "A lot."

She then attempted to brush past them, not wanting to talk anymore about the entire situation. She was not about to get involved in whatever drama this was bound to cause. And it was definitely going to cause some drama.

Unfortunately for her though, Quinn and Finn seemed not to want to just let her carry on to her class.

"That, uh, wasn't what it looked like." Finn tried, causing Luna to scoff.

She turned back to face them. "Do you think I'm dumb?" She asked him, and he shook his head quickly, looking panicked. "You know what, I genuinely do not care about whatever that was." She gestured between the two people in front of her.

"Lu-" Quinn tried again, but Luna held a hand up to stop her.

"I don't want to be involved in this situation." She told her blonde friend, who was nervously playing with her hands. "You can miss me with all that drama. I don't have the mental capacity for it right now." She told them. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm late for class, so I gotta go."

She, again, went to turn and walk away, but was stopped by Quinn's hand on her arm. Luna turned around, now looking extremely irritated. The blonde's eyes were pleading, and the sheer desperation Luna could see in them was the only thing keeping her rooted to the spot she was standing in.

"Look, can you just, please, not tell anybody about that?" Quinn begged her Italian friend. "Especially not Sam, or Lia."

Why not Lia? Luna wanted to ask, but this was neither the time nor place for that.

"Like I said," Luna took her arm out of Quinn's grasp. "I want nothing to do with whatever this is, so just forget I was here."

Finally being able to walk away, Luna let out a loud exhale as she turned her back to the other two. She didn't even stay long enough to gauge Quinn's reaction to what she said. And, if she were entirely honest, she didn't really care for either of their responses. She just wanted to be as far away from the situation as possible.

Just when Luna thought all the drama might be dying down, of course this had to go and happen.



I do not own glee, all rights go to Ryan Murphy, FOX and whomever else made that acid trip of a show that I love so much.

I neither own the gifs in any of my chapters unless stated otherwise, all credits go to the creators of the gifs.


Quinn and Finn: *panicking after they'd just kissed bc they know they've just betrayed Sam and inevitably created a bunch of drama* "luna pls help bestie, we made a big mistake!!"
Luna, who witnessed the kiss but wants nothing to do with any of it:

also, hello besties. i've missed you all sm😭❤️.

i'm sorry it took me so long to write this, but i've been quite busy. you know... working, seeing fa,ily at christmas time, and ofc, getting miss covid 19. love that for me.

i'm all good tho, i've been testing myself everyday and i'm going back to work on tuesday bc my isolation period is done!! so that's fun! but yeah that happened.

also, i feel so bad at the severe lack of jesse lately. i promise he's coming back, in like four or five episodes time. i'm trying to make these chapters as exciting as possible, what with friendship drama and all that.

which, yes, there will be an eventual fallout after luna witnessing the whole fuinn kiss in this chapter. it's gonna be so fun to write! i honestly can't wait.

also, are we enjoying the friendship between Luna and Puck? bc i really am, idk why i like their dynamic so much but they honestly own my whole heart😭💞. did you guys like their duet? i was originally going to have them sing a different song, bc i didn't wanna rip the scene straight from the show, but i feel like i made it different enough from the original scene. i also included the entire song bc i feel like the song as a whole fit luna's current love-life predicament pretty well😂💓.

also, the next few chapters are gonna revolve around a lot of Quinn and Amelia, i'm the aftermath of the fuinn kissed, it's gonna get pretty intense between our two fave sapphics, especially the Comeback episode. so prepare yourselves lol, s2 is a bumpy ride.

but yeah, i PROMISE jesse is coming back soon! and i have so many ideas for the upcoming episodes too! especially Blame It On The Alcohol... spin the bottle anyone😶😶?? ugh i'm so excited for that episode u guys dont even know!

anyways, i'm gonna go for real this time lol💓💓

tysm for reading and i'll see you in the next chapter, for Silly Love Songs!

— jade💖✨

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