𝖛𝖎. giant ant-man

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ASTRID LANG told her father to do never do one thing, but did he listen? No. This brings us to where we are now.

The younger Lang stared at her father blankly. She could've sworn he was a normal size just moments earlier. She still had the Spider's web shooter, he just eventually gave up and left.

"I don't get paid to deal with this." She mumbled.

"You get paid?" The spider came up to her, causing Astrid to jump. She huffed, a frown forming.

"I have an allowance." Astrid explained. "It's only like 2 dollars though..." She shrugged, making Peter to nod in understanding. "Bye."

"I didn't get your—." He began. "name." Peter stared at Astrid for a second, before listening to what Tony had told him to do. Astrid, on the other hand, had went to lay down. After a few moments had passed, Peter landed next to Astrid, who was laying down.

"You alright?" Astrid glanced at him for a split second, turning her attention back to her book.

"Yeah." And then Peter decided to introduce himself. "H—" He cleared his throat before continuing. "Hey, I'm Peter."

"Astrid." Astrid nodded.

"What are you doing down here?" He raised an eyebrow.

"Reading. What are you doing down here?" She responded, looking at him.

"I'm—I'm taking a break." He lowered his voice in a shy manner.


"Yeah." Peter whispered. "Cool. I'm pretty sure Mr. Stark is coming towards me right now."

"He is."

"Oh, well that's just great." Peter huffed. "Your dad is back to a normal size."

"I know." She nodded. "I told him to never do that, but he didn't listen." She shrugged.

"Kid, you alright?" Tony asked when Peter didn't speak to Astrid for a minute. He raised a questioning eyebrow towards her, so she decided to return it. Peter gasped, trying to get released from Tony's grip that he had on Peter's wrist. "Same side. Guess who. Hi. It's me."

"Hey, man." Peter let out a sigh.


"Oh, that was scary." Peter nodded softly.

"Yeah. You're done, alright. Yeah, good job." Tony stated firmly.

"What? I'm good, I'm fine."

"You did a good job. Stay down. Stay down."

"No, it's good. I gotta get him back."

"You're going home or I'll call Aunt May!" Tony pointed his finger towards him. "You're done!"

"Wait." Peter said quietly, while Tony flew away. "Mr. Stark, wait. I'm not done. I'm not..." Peter groaned, getting up and then laying down immediately. "Okay, I'm done. I'm done."

═ ∘◦❦◦∘ ═

Astrid sighed, packing up her room at Scott's house. She was on the phone with her mother, seeing as her father had been captured.

"Do I have to live with Peter? I barely even know him." She walked up to the web shooter she had displayed, grabbing it and putting it in the box. "Plus, why can't I live with you?"

"There's no room, sweetie. I would love to have you back but the spare room got destroyed." Astrid sighed.

"But, Peter?" She made a disgusted face.

"He goes to a great school! It would be good for you!" Her mother nodded, causing Astrid to slowly nod.


author speaks!
the temptation to end this story
on a bad note is tempting me rn

astrid's corner!
first part of my story is
done 😧

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