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John B should have learned a long time ago not to listen to his friend - JJ. He agreed to follow his plan so The Pouges would be able to figure out why the marsh is closed. The boy snuck in the Cameron's boat, he was working on and stole the scuba gear they needed. Victoria tried to warn him for the last time, before he hopped on the HMS Pouge in order to steal the gear, but he didn't listen.

Currently the group could be seen sitting in HMS Pouge, getting their backs burned from the sun. The sunken wreck resting just below their boat. Victoria was resting her back against Pope's shoulder, slightly judging John B's and JJ's actions.

"One's quarter full." Kie informed disappointed, while checking the oxygen tanks. "It's enough for one of us."

"Love it when a plan comes together." Pope said sarcastically from the seat in front of the wheel of the boat.

Victoria pursued her lips. "So... does anybody know how to dive?" She questioned the group, receiving confused look from JJ.

"It's kind of a Kook sport." He replied.

"Well... I've read about it." Pope offered, stammering on his words slightly.

Kiara snorted and clapped her hands in disbelief. "Great. Pope read about it, so someone's gonna die." She stated nervously.

"Look, y-you put the thing in your mouth and breathe. How hard could it be?" The blonde boy argued, showing how uneducated he was on diving.

"I don't think that's how it works, JJ." Victoria started. "If you come up too fast the nitrogen gets into your blood and you get the bends." She explained calmly.

"Bends like, bend over and..." He said and bent over slightly to visualize what he was talking about. Victoria laughed quietly, earning scolding look from Pope. JJ looked over at her with a grin, happy that he got the girl to laugh finally.

"The bends kill you." Pope stated bluntly.

The boy freezed at his friend's words, the smile on his face slowly fading away as he straightened his posture. He nodded at sat right next to Victoria, looking away so they don't make an eye contact.

"I can- I can dive." John B lied, although everyone could see on his face that he was scared to death.

JJ shrugged his arms and leaned against the side of the boat, placing his hand on Victoria's right thigh. "You can dive. I'm cool with that "

"Let me do some calculations real quick." Pope told them and got up from his seat, grabbing a piece of paper and a pen. "That boat's about 30 feet down, so it'll take 25 minutes at that depth. Which means you need to make your safety stop at about... ten feet, for two minutes." He explained to John B, the boy nodding at his words.

Suddenly Kie raised her arms and pulled her shirt over the top of her head, just to jump into the water. The group looked at each other in confusion.

JJ cleared his throat and breathed out loudly. "Uh, when you're down there, you look for the cargo hold and stick this thing inside and twist and pull, okay?"

"Hey! I tied my T-shirt to the anchor chain about ten feet down." Kiara exclaimed as she pulled herself up from the water.

John B nodded. "Cool."

"Just be careful, John B and make sure you have enough air to decompress." Victoria stood up and placed her hand on her friend's shoulder in a comforting manner.

Suddenly JJ pushed the boy to the edge of the boat, patting his back. "Hurry your ass up." He mumbled.

"Diver down?" John B said, smirking at Victoria.

"Diver down." She nodded, leaning her back against the side of the boat.

The boy jumped off the boat, straight into the water. A small splash erupted from the water due to the weight of his body and the oxygen tank. Victoria looked over at the blonde boy, who was looking at her, confusion written on his face.

"What was that?" He asked suddenly, catching the girl off of guard.

She turned around to face him, furrowing her eyebrows. "What was what?" She asked, not clearly sure what the boy was talking about.

" 'Be careful, John B!' " He mimicked her with annoyance written on his face.

Victoria sighed. "I just told him to be careful, you know how he can be sometimes." She replied, dragging her hand up and down his back.

It only took a few minutes for police to arrive at the marsh. The comfortable silence was interrupted by the sudden sounds of cop sirens blaring in their ears. The group turned around to see the police boat making their way to the HMS Pouge. Victoria turned her head around, quietly cursing under her breath and getting up from her seat.

"Just act normal." Victoria hissed and sent a nervous smile to Pope.

"Evening, officers." Pope greeted the police as they pulled in next to them.

The officer took off his sunglasses and looked at the teenagers. "How you kids doin'? You know the marsh is closed?" He asked.

Victoria shrugged her arms, squinting as if she was trying to figure out something. "Why is it closed?" She asked, acting completely clueless.

"Well, we're conducting a search out here. Boat went down." The cop informed them as he looked at each and every one of them. "Seen anything?"

"No boats, no." The girl replied, frowning.

"Where's your friend you always hang with? He here?" The cop asked as Kiara tried to avoid looking at him.

She sent him a forced smile. "He's working." Her eyes now focused on the second cop, looking at him skeptically.

He hummed and hopped on their boat. "I'm gonna check your little boat out." The cop told them as he looked around the back, before bending down and picking up a life jacket. " Uh... you got another one?" He questioned, glaring at JJ.

"Yeah, it's, uh... it's in the hold." JJ replied and grabbed an orange life jacket, waving it in front of the cop's face.

"All right." He nodded and hopped off the HMS Pouge, putting his sunglasses on. "Let us know if you see anything on your way out." The cop told them, still glaring at JJ.

"Will do. Will do." Victoria saluted and glanced at the blonde boy in the corner of her eye.

As soon as the police drove away from them, the group ran over to the side of the boat, praying that John B was stil alive.

"He's definitely out of air." Pope exclaimed as they looked into the water in hope of John B's head popping out of the water.

Suddenly the curly haired boy popped his head out of the water and took off his mask. Teenagers laughed in relief, shaking their heads. "Did I find anything?" John B asked, before throwing a bag onto the boat.

"That's my boy!" JJ grinned.

"I ran out of air." The boy panted as he tried to hop on the boat.

Victoria grabbed his hand and helped him to get on. "We figured it out, but you scared the shit out of me." She said, smiling at her friend.

"The cops were up here, but, uh... took care of 'em." Pope told the tanned boy as he leaned against the side of the boat.

"Hey, guys?" Kiara said, catching the group's attention. "Guys, bogey, two o'clock." She informed them.

The boys and Victoria looked in the direction, Kiara was looking at, their eyes catching another boat that was driving closer to them. Victoria squinted, already sensing that it wasn't police, since this boat didn't have any sirens on. Two strangers were standing in the boat, wearing dark clothing and their stern gaze was locked on the teenagers.

"What are they doing here? The marsh is closed." Victoria questioned, her gaze seated now on Kiara, who was as confused as her. "We should go." She quickly said as she saw one stranger bend down and pull something out of his bag.

"JJ, get the bowline."

JJ nodded in response before beginning to pull the anchor back up into the boat. Pope headed over to the stern so they could drive away from the marsh. Victoria sat down in her seat, her eyes still focused on the two strangers.

"I don't like this." Victoria muttered under her breath, furrowing her eyebrows. "Um... I think they're following us." She warned the group, receiving worried looks from the group.

"Dude, you gotta go faster." JJ told John B. "Gun it!"

They started to freak out as the white speedboat drove faster and closer to them. And all of sudden, a gunshot could be heard. More bullets continue to be fired towards the group as it fires through the air with the intention to harm them.

Everyone besides John B who was driving the boat, dropped down the the floor to avoid getting shot. Victoria raised her arm in attempt to grab JJ's head and push it to the floor. She felt a sharp pain, making her hiss and groan in the result. JJ shuffled closer to the girl, wrapping his arm around her torso in a protective manner.

"We're gonna die!" Pope shouted, terrified by the sound of the bullets firing in the air.

Suddenly Kiara lifted herself up from the floor, before grabbing the fishing net. Just as John B made a sharp turn around the corner, she rose to her feet and launched it forwards into the water. The net clogged into the motor, causing the boat to stop in the marsh.

"That was insane!" Kiara shouted, laughing loudly. She grabbed her shirt from the anchor as they docked the boat. JJ tied the boat to the dock and the group hopped out, a black bag in his hands.

"What do you guys think it is?" Kiara asked excitedly, brushing her hair out of her face.

"Gotta be money of something right?" John B asked, smirking.

"Can we just open the bag, please?" Pope blurted out, making the group look at him, amused. "You guys are literally killing me with anticipation, so open the bag." He burst out, leaving Victoria and JJ completely in shock.

John B zipped the bag open, pulling out a large silver box. With furrowed eyebrows, the boy peeled the lid off and poured out the goods. A metal compass dropped down into the palm of his hand. The group started complaining, their excitement fading away as each second passed by. They were disappointed, they expected much more than that.

Victoria scoffed, shaking her head in disbelief. She didn't want to believe the fact, they found a compass. All for a compass? "Wow. That's just... great. We found a fucking compass." She commented with sarcasm lacing her voice.

The blonde boy threw his hat onto the ground, sighing. "Dude, what? It's not worth anything." He spoke.

"What is it, John B?" The girl asked as she saw the way the curly haired boy looked at it.

"This was my father's." He breathed out, leaving the group silent.




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