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After our little reunion, Tsuna and Reborn would occasionally show up at the hospital for me. I hate to say that during those time I had to.. well, leave Cel, but I also wanted to spend time with the two of them.

Of course I still bring Cel to somewhere else when Tsuna and Reborn didn't visit me, so sometime I arrange time so I can spend time equally with Cel and also Tsuna and Reborn.

At some point they'll bring Yamamoto and Gokudera too and I asked the both of them to play with Cel if unconsciously I ignored her-

After bringing Gokudera and Yamamoto, Tsuna started to bring his friends too. Someone who came as a helper of the doctor, Ryohei Sasagawa. Appearantly he's skilled in medic but decided to follow Tsuna's company? Oh, perhaps he's a doctor in one of Vongola's hospital?

Then there's a really unsociable male, with his looks he attracts attention but he gave everyone coldly, except for Tsuna and Reborn, which I concluded he's Tsuna's friend. His name is Kyoya Hibari if I'm not wrong. He appears to be like an officer as well..

After that someone, well a girl with a shoulder lenght blue hair? She uses a eye patch as well on her right eye, her hair is shaped into a.. pineapple? She once ran towards Tsuna and whipers something and from behind the girl, err Chrome Dokuro, a man version of her I think? With the same hairstyle, his hair is longer and tied, one of his eyes is red, heterochromatic eyes, saying somethings as well. I believe his name is Mukuro Rokudou.

Afterwards another person came, a quite young male with black hair in a cow shirt. His name is Lambo? Lambo Bovino.. wait, Bovino's.. Where did I hear that before-

Anyway, I now know how Tsuna had friends with interesting personalities. Perhaps it's a bit weird and they might be seen as a freak, but I guessed if you get closer to them they're nice.

The past month was eventful. Tsunayoshi's friends are interesting and so I suggested him to bring all of his friends if he could. Reborn grumble under his breath when I suggested it though.

I also wondered if they're Reborn's friends too, since somehow most of them respects Reborn? Don't he have friends as well?

As I wonder about that, at one time Reborn received a phone call from someone named Colonello. A name I don't recognise. Hearing him grumbling and yelling toward the phone made me think that this Colonello is his friend..- should be. right?

I would actually love to meet more new people, but well.. two months left.

As my birthday came closer, I can feel unease. I have a very bad feeling, and it's making me restless and more tired than usual. But being with Reborn and Tsuna, it really helped me to relax.

"---yea, my friends are all available tomorrow." I looked at Tsuna in delight, he gave a fond smile. "I and Reborn will pick you up and take you to the meeting place."

I nodded, "Okay!" With that the two left me so I can rest.

I can feel myself grinning happily, 'I can't wait for tomorrow..-' I felt a tug on my shirt to see Cel whose eyes are red.

My face quickly changes, "What's wrong, Cel?"

She rubbed her eyes as she sniffs, she didn't say anything as she hugged my leg. I gave a soft sigh as I rubbed her back, telling it'll be fine. But.. what made her cry?

'Did someone bully her?'

I called for a nurse and she quickly came, silently as she then took care of Cel who had fallen asleep.

I frown, 'What's wrong Cel..?'


I gulped as I saw the well.. gorgeous limo parking at the hospital's back, thankfully it didn't attract much because it's behind the hospital-

"Uh- where are we going..?" I decided to ask.

"To the mansion." Reborn answered right away, pulling my body from my hand and carried me bridal style.

I blushed at the sudden action, "M-Mansion..!?" I gaped.

Reborn carries me and placed me inside the limousine. "Yes, well my friends are.. trouble when they meet up so it's safer to be inside the mansion.." Tsuna replied as he taken care of my wheelchair and told the driver to put it inside the car.

Reborn and Tsuna then sat, with Reborn on my left and Tsuna on my right. "This is awesome." was all I could say when I glance inside the limo.

It all seems very much expensive.

The two male beside me chuckles, "Relax."

I stiffly shook my head, "How do you expect me to relax here..!?" I voice out.

"You'll get used to it.." Huh? Are they planning to take me to the mansion again at other day- Seriously?

I heaved a light sigh as I made myself comfortable inside the limo, moving my hand to the necklace and rubbed the two rings. Somehow I've made the rings as my charm and it really made me reassure and safe.

The drive was short, we arrived..? I gaped once more as I saw the mansion- 'Isn't it more of a castle than a mansion!?'

This time Tsuna carried me out, bridal style and placed me on my wheelchair. "How rich is Vongola again?" I can't help but ask that.

Hearing the question Tsuna chuckle nervously, "Very. Appearantly." He replied with a sweatdrop.

I looked at him dumbfoundedly, "Uhuh, and you're the boss."

He looked at the other way, "..Yeah."

He then push the wheelchair inside the mansion, where the door opened from the inside since there's a butler who greet Tsuna and Reborn. Followed by countless of maids and butlers.

I sweatdrop, 'I thought this kind of situation only happen in animes?-' I'm quite thankful no one actually stares at me as they greet Tsuna, as the Decimo and also Reborn.

I guess they all respect their boss and Reborn? Although with a boss like Tsuna, I know how they would feel.

"The guardians are now having lunch. Would you join them?" The butler, the one who opened the huge door questioned.

"Of course, Nay." The butler, Nay nodded and bowed to excuse himself.

From the conversation, I can guess we're heading to the dining room. I can finally guess which door we are going to because now there's only a door infront.

I guess I won't be able to roam this place freely unless I want to be lost-

Infront of the door stood a butler, different from Nay but wearing similiar butler clothes as Nay flashing a smile before opening the door. "Signore Decimo, Signore Reborn, and Signora [Name] has arrived." He loudly announce before standing beside one of the door.

Since I'm in the wheelchair, I came in first and well.. I swear I saw hell.

Food scattered around the floor and the table. There were also plates that shattered at the floor, a lot of fork spoon types everywhere.

Gokudera, who's usually quite calm when talking to Tsuna is yelling, seemingly angry.

Yamamoto laughs while telling Gokudera to calm down, which led to the one-sided argument.

Sasagawa also yelled from across the room to Gokudera and it turn into Gokudera and Sasagawa's fight of yelling.

Lambo's face is inside a plate, which probably mean he's asleep..?

Chrome is trying to wake Lambo up while shaking him.

Hibari and Rokudo on the other side of the room, glaring at each other and clashing with.. tonfa and trident..?

...well, is it hell?

I can hear a sigh slipping out from Reborn's mouth. "Take care of your guardians, Dame-Tsuna." He mumble out, ticking his fedora.

I look towards Tsuna who's eyes were shadowed by his bangs. But I could clearly feel his angry aura, which is scary. I shuddered lightly as I saw Tsuna went pass me and stopped when he's infront of me.

Chrome's the only one who seem to realise we came, and ran to Tsuna's side. "Bossu.. Erm, earlier Lambo slipped and accidently threw his grape juice to Storm's shirt, and that made Storm mad and hitted Lambo which resulted in Lambo passing out there.."

I blink in confusion. 'Storm?'

"After that Rain tried to calm Storm down but Sun ended up yelling and it ticked Storm up which ended into that.."

'What's with the weather names? But calming down.. Which mean Rain is Yamamoto? Then.. storm is Gokudera and sun is Sasagawa?' I looked at the three who's still yelling at each other.

"Meanwhile Cloud uhm, ate a pineapple and Mukuro-sama felt insulted which results into that.."

'Cloud is Hibari?'

After explaining Chrome quickly went behind Tsuna, and aknowledging me with a nod. I replied with a nod and a smile.

"Are you guys done?" Tsuna finally said something.

The atmosphere quickly change, I can feel it. The room quickly became silent as they all shudder looking towards Tsuna. I can feel my self shivering as well.

"Clean this mess at once. I believe I had told you we have guest today," Tsuna stated. I can really feel pressured from the word. It held so much authority in which I felt I can die if I defy it. "Ray, prepare lunch for me, Reborn, and [Name] at the garden please." He turn to the butler which opened the door.

The butler bow down, "Sì, Decimo." Before leaving his place.

Tsuna once again look at the dining room, "I expect this place to be spotless when we finish our lunch," He warn one last time before Reborn took over my wheelchair and turn me around.

I can still feel my heart rate speeding up from the pressure Tsuna's words gave, I clutched into the rings in my necklace. "Surprising isn't it? That timid Tsuna to be scary." Reborn then told me.

I shakily nodded, "Yes., I guess." I bit my lip.

"Sorry to scare you.. [Name]." Tsuna then ran after us. "I didn't mean to..-"

I gave a soft smile, "It's okay. It's just surprising." I told him. "You look cool anyway." I gave him a toothful grin.

He blushed up looking away. "T-Thanks."

I giggle lightly at his actions.

Reborn led me to the garden, and I have to say it's very beautiful. The flowers are blooming and they all made the garden colorful.

"It's beautiful.." I gasp out.

"Isn't it? Tsuna's the one in charge for this garden. It's his garden after all." Reborn shortly explained.

"Really? Even though he's busy with his job already?" I look at the embarrased Tsuna and gave him a smile. "So cool~"

"It's nothing really.. hehe." Tsuna replied, scratching his cheeks. "A-Anyway, let's eat lunch." Reborn stopped and adjust me infront of the table.

The two then sat down as well, both infront of me. The food came revealing spaghetti, soup, and some breads. We ate with some chattery and the scenery somehow made the food even more delicious.

As expected spending time with these two are the most fun time. I can't help but to smile all the time.


25 January 2020

Published 7 February

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