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As we finishes eating I asked for a little walk around the garden while Tsuna and Reborn went back to see how the others are doing.. Leaving me with Chrome.

"So Chrome, was it? Is it okay if I call you that?" I asked to the girl. It's a bit awkward since I don't have any friends with the same age of mine..-

"A-Ah yes, it is fine." She shyly replied with a smile.

I replied an awkward smile, "Then Chrome it is.. You can call me [Name] as well if you want.." I told. "Can I ask a few questions?"

She nodded, "Y-Yes, [Name]-san, a-ah, I mean [Name].." She blushed at her mistake.

I blinked, -san, Japanese? "It's okay. Are you also from Japan like Tsuna originally was?"

She shyly shook her head, "Y-Yes.. I am originally from Japan, same as Bossu." She explained.

"I see, so you're close to Tsunayoshi."

"U-Um, I think Gokudera-san and Yamamoto-san is closest to Bossu. Although Reborn-san's bond is perhaps the strongest." Chrome explained.

I hummed, "I can see that.." I looked around the garden. "You all seem to have gone through a lot together." I fondly smile at the scene in front of me.

Chrome fidgetted, "[Name]-san, are you Bossu and Reborn-san's-" I shook my head.

"I'm not." I quickly told. "They did confessed to me, but I rejected the both of them." I gave an apologetic smile to her.

"I see.." Chrome whisper out. "Why did you reject them? If I may ask.." She shyly asked.

I gave a sad smile, "How do I say it.." I look at my lap, "I don't think I deserve any of them so I rejected them but well, they're quite persistent," I gave a nervous laugh.

"D-Do you really think so?"

I looked at her confusely. "Why do you say so?"

"I think you suits Bossu and Reborn-san very much." She told me. I unconsciously blush from the statement. "The three of you look happy earlier.. I've rarely seen Bossu and Reborn-san's face that happy. More like, we rarely do." She gave a sincere smile, "It's been a while since I saw Bossu so happy."


"Yes, of course they're happy but not so much as how they are when they spent time with you," Chrome explains. "It made me happy as well to see them this happy."

I gave her a smile, "That's glad to hear too then." I giggle lightly, "I shall make them more happy while I'm still here."

Restarting the meeting, I'm led to the living room and this time everyone is docile sitting down.

I bow down a bit, "I'm sorry if I'm bothering your holiday but I'm going to intrude you for today. As you've know, I'm [Full Name], pleased to meet you." I gave them a smile.

They then gave their own replies. I just smiled at their responses.

"Now then, what do you want to do, [Name]?" Tsuna questioned.

I blink tilting my head, "You all can just act as how you are all usually," I told them. "I'm here because I wanted to see how you all are usually." I scratchs my cheek.

"..." I blink confusedly at their silence.

"Well this is awkward, haha." Yamamoto broke the silence and following is Gokudera. They two started an argument and Sasagawa followed by yelling as well.

I guess they're usually like this.

"I'll go then." Hibari stated, going outside.

Unsociable as I've thought. I sweatdropped.

"Kufufu~" I turn around to see Rokudo.

I flinch lightly as I was startled, "I-Is something wrong?" I asked.

"No." He chuckle lightly. "I find you amusing." He reached for my hair, in which I blush at the sudden contact.

Before he get to touch my hair, another hand pulled his hand and pulled me closer to him. I looked to see a pouting Tsuna. "Mukuro, I would like it if you don't lay a hand on [Name]." He glared.

"Kufufu~ I apologise then Vongola." Rokudo pulled back with a light smirk. "I shall leave now then." He stated before indigo color covers him and he disappeared..!?

"W-Wha-" I can see Tsuna facepalmed.

I can literally see Tsuna tried to explain, but I can't help but to be fascinated, "He disappeared!" I gasp out, eyes sparkling. "Is he a magician? That's so cool!!" I squeal out.

I never thought someone could actually disappear! He must be a proffesional magician. I thought he was a creepy guy but you can't judge a book by its cover after all!

"Do you like magicians, [Name]-san?" I turn my head towards Chrome and nodded.

"Yes! They're so cool! I mean, they can do the impossible!" I explained excitedly explained. "Isn't that amazing?"

Chrome formed a small shy smile, "I guess it is.." She lightly giggles before her hand moved infront of me. "[Name]-san, do you have anything you want?"

I tilted, "Not exactly.." I thought for a while.

"Then how about this..?" She moved her hand before a flower popped out.

I gasp out, "Chrome, you can do magic too?!" I look at her in surprise.

"Yes, although I'm still nowhere near Mukuro-sama.." She whisper out, giving the flower, an alstroemeria flower to me.

"This flower.." I took the flower and gave a smile, "It's meaning..  friendship isn't it?" Chrome nodded. "Thank you."

"Your welcome."

The rest of the day is filled with fun and happy atmosphere. I'm fascinated by how deep their friendship is. They're very close, more like of a family than friendship.

I'm kind of envious.-

When I came back to the hospital I went past Cel's room and see bags under her eyes, and it's still puffy and red. I frown, 'What happen to Cel..?' Since it's night I decided to just ask her tomorrow when she's awake.

The next day, Cel still had bags under her eyes. It's worrying. When I talked to her she smiled just a bit, but it didn't reached her eyes. She seems tired. 'A nightmare perhaps?'

I decided to play and cheer her up for now. Today Tsuna and Reborn won't come so I had all day for her. But she won't show her sincere smile. She seems so down..

The next day is my check up day. Which is pretty much useless. After that I wanted to play with Cel but today is also her check up time, and also rehab time. I asked the nurses if they know anything about Cel, as to why she's sad and down but no one knew. Although one said she had a nightmare the other day. Perhaps that's the cause..

The next few days were all full with check ups and rehabs, for me and also Cel. We didn't get to meet each other. I only get to saw her sleeping, still looking tired. Even though she's still so young.

After those check ups were done and the doctor allowed me to do things again, Tsunayoshi and Reborn came and led me once again to the mansion. This time the others were the one to summon me, mostly Chrome.

It has been a while so I decided to go.

I had a nice girls talk with Chrome, and also made some new friends with the other girls. One is from China, I-Pin, and also two of Tsunayoshi's friends as well. Kyoko Sasagawa and Haru Miura. Appearantly Kyoko is Sasagawa's, I mean Ryohei Sasagawa's younger sister. Then there's also another girl, Yuni GiglioNero from the Giglio Nero company.

Well, it's another huge company so I suppose it's normal for Tsuna to be friends with her. She came with Byakuran Gesso from the Gesso company. We exchanged some greetings and after that the five of us girls had a nice chat in the garden while having tea and cakes.

Right right, Yuni called Reborn as an 'Uncle' which surprises me! Reborn then explained to me that her grandmother was his acquintance..- grandmother,, how old is Reborn exactly!?

Anyway, Yuni told me that she's staying over and wanted me to come over again tomorrow. I was about to refuse to have time with Cel, but when she said there will be Reborn friends coming, I can't help but to feel interested. I quickly agreed coming.

And so here I am again today.

I gulped as I look at Yuni, "Are you sure it's okay for me to be here?" I questioned.

We're currently at the meeting room, where a group consisting seve people namely Arcobaleno, which Yuni and Reborn is in will be using.

"Don't worry, it's just a small reunion after all. Tsunayoshi-kun and Byakuran will be here too anyway." Yuni explained shortly, where Tsuna patted my shoulder afterward and Byakuran waved. I nodded unsure as I turn my gaze towards Reborn who seems unhappy.

"On second thought, I should just wait outside-" I was cutted off when the door opened.

"The former-Arcobaleno has arrived." The butler, Ray announced.

I could feel intimidated by their presence, and I do really want to run away now. "Y-Yuni.. I'll wait outside after all.." I whisper out. I do feel scared, but it's also a reunion so.. I think I'm quite unwelcome?

Yuni lightly pout, "Alright.." She sighs in disappointment. "Uh..,,," She looks around and call for a maid, before whispering something. The maid nodded and bow a little infront of me before controling my wheelchair.

I gave a small smile of gratitude towards Yuni as I excuse myself from the four I know and escaped successfully from the meeting room. "U-Um, where do you want to go Signora?" The maid question.

"To the garden please, thank you." I flashed a smile. The maid nodded and directed me towards the garden. "Um, do you know any of Tsunayoshi's friends?"

The maid raised an eyebrow, "Do you mean his guardians?"

Guardians? I guess I heard them being called like that before? I nodded uncertain. "I believe Signore Gokudera is managing the mansion in Venice, Signore Sasagawa is out to another hospital, Signore Hibari is out for a patrol and Signora Dokuro and Signore Bovino is out for a mission." She listed out.

That's almost everyone out..- I heaved a sigh of disappointment.

"Signore Yamamoto and Signore Rokudo should be in either east or west side of the mansion, managing them since Signore Decimo is in a meeting." She finishes mentioning everyone.

I hummed. Guess I'll have to entertain myself then. Should I regret going here?

As we arrived at the garden, the maid anxiously looked at me. I raised an eyebrow, 'Is she waiting for me to dismiss her?' I turned towards her, "Uh, you can leave if you're in a hurry. I'll call for someone else if I need something."

She seems surprised before nodding and bowing down. "Thank you very much, Signora. I'll excuse myself then." She then quickly left me.

I changed my attention towards the garden and starts to walk around.

-----(End of [Name]'s POV)-----


26 January 2020

Published 7 February 2020-
.and two chapters with 1.8k words in a row~

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