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"Who was that girl?" The hooded woman, Viper or Mammon questioned as she sat down in one of the seat.

Yuni gave a smile, "Tsunayoshi-kun's crush." The said brunette quickly flushed.


Yuni grins, "And also Un--" She froze when she felt the stare and sweatdrops. "Alright, her name is [Full Name] and well, as I've said she's Tsunayoshi-kun's crush." She told.

"Un?" The green haired scientist flicked his glasses as he flashed a glance towards a certain hitman. "I see." He hummed.

"So this brat finally found a crush huh." The failure Arcobaleno, Lal Mirch commented huffing.

"Why is she in a wheelchair though? Did she got caught into an accident?" Immortal Skull questioned.

Tsunayoshi frowns, "I heard she's been in a wheelchair since she's a child." He explained.

Skull quickly knew he made a mistake, "I'm sorry."

"Anyway moving on, let's start our reunion shall we?" The calmest one, Fon stated with a kind smile.

Yuni return the smile and nodded, "Yes."

-------[Name]'s POV-------

"Please, don't leave me Celeine!"

Ah, I know this. It's this dream again.

"Please anyone, please!! Celeine! She still needs to live! She's still 15 years old!"

I stare boredly at the hysterical yells the man yelled out infront of a girl who's in the bed. The heart rate is weak, nearing to being flat. She's going to die.

"State your wish, mortal one.
I, Kosutsune shall grant it."

And here comes the girl who granted his wish.

"I'll do anything! Just please, let Celeine live."

How selfish. I don't know who this Celeine is but if it is her time to leave why don't you let her leave?

"I shall cut her and her descendants' life.
They will all die around the age of 25."

And this too, doesn't make any sense.

"Do we have a deal,
mortal one?"

I mean, why not just that Celeine's life? Why must her descendants suffer too?

"Alright. As long as Celeine gets to live."

And isn't he stupid? He doesn't exactly love this Celeine does he? Wouldn't you be willing to sacrifice yourself for your loved ones?

"We have our deal then."

I stared at the scene which starts to fade.

I still don't get it. Just what is this? It's a weird deal isn't it? I mean that's absurb, no?

"I will do as I like." I flinched and gasped when I heard a familiar voice. I looked behind to see a girl wearing dark orange kimono and wearing a mask which covers her upper face. It's the girl who granted that man's wish.

"Wha? Who? Why-"

"I feel quite bothered by your little thoughts so I came for a visit." She exclaim before sitting down elegantly, where a chair suddenly appears along with a table and some cakes with two teas.

"Y-You're the one who appeared in my dream earlier.." I thought for a while, "Wait, isn't this still a dream..?"

"It is." She sipped her tea.

"Why.. What are you doing here?" I question warily.

She looked at me, "I had told you. I feel quite bothered by your thoughts." She replied. "Although it is also almost the end of the passing time. I'm thinking you may have a question.. regarding your ancestor, Celeine Rua." The mood turn serious.

It seems that she looks like a child, but she's actually mature. "Celeine.." I mumble out. "So you are the one who.." I trailed out. I'm quite confused on how I should say it.

"Yes I am. I am known as Kosutsune." She shortly introduces herself? "As for a little explaining.. You can say I saved your ancestor's life and for a price, I wanted her and her descendants to only live for more or less 25 years."

I licked my lip, "..why?"

Her hand reached for her chin, "I wonder why. I said that on a whim." She mumble out.

Somehow it irked me.

"I grant mortal's wishes as a passing time." She looked at me once again. "I grant it with a price of course, though the price is what I think as equal, or whatever comes into my mind." She shrugs it off easily.

She really irked me off.

I slammed my hand at the table, "How can you easily say that!? Are you not human?" I raged.

She seems unfazed. "I am."

This took me back, she's not?

She then looked behind and stood up. "This is why I'm not fond of mortals." She sighed. "It seems that it's time." She turns around.


"I have to say that I'll be waiting forward for the completion of the payment." She smirks lightly as she stole a glance to me one last time before disappearing. "I guess it'll be completed soon."

My eyes widen in surprise and I'm feeling angry. 'Unbelieveable!' I huffed in annoyance.

"I hate this." I mumble out, rubbing the rings in my neck.

-------End of [Name]'s POV-------

"At the garden?" Tsuna frown lightly as he felt a headache. This gain everyone's attention, as they're walking in the hall.

"What's wrong?"

Tsuna shook his head, "Nothing dangerous, but still it's a warning." He mumble out, started to walk again towards the garden, "I'll check it out."

The Arcobalenos nodded, following behind.

They arrived at the garden and found a certain (h/c) girl dozing off in the middle of the garden. "Oh.. [Name].." Yuni voice out while Tsuna quickly went beside her with a fond smile.

The said girl stirred a bit before her eyes flutter open. "[Name]? Are you okay?" The girl, still in a daze looks towards Tsuna who asked her.

She nodded slowly, rubbing her eyes. "I fell asleep.." She whisper out. "Sorry."

"It's fine, would you just like to go home today?" Tsunayoshi asked.

She moved her gaze to Yuni and the arcobalenos. This made her fully awake, eyes observing the 6 new people. Her eyes then shone, "You must be Reborn's friends as Yuni have said!" She exclaimed, attempting to come closer to them.

The attempt failed as Reborn appeared behind [Name]'s wheelchair, locking it from going anywhere.

[Name] turns around and pouted as she realise what Reborn did. "Reborn, what are you doing?" Reborn didn't respond.

She huffed, turning around. "Seems like I can't come closer but pleased to meet you. My name is [Full Name]." She bowed a bit.

Fon gave a smile, "It is a pleasure to meet you, Signora [Name]." He replied. "My name is Fon."

[Name] smiled gratitudely at the respond.

One by one the arcobalenos introduces themselves with their own types of greeting. [Name] is quite delighted by how they have also interesting and unique characteristic that's different from Tsuna's friends too.

She concluded that Tsuna and Reborn have the oddest, yet unique friends she had ever met.


1 February 2020

Published 7 February 2020

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