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I feel restless. It's here.

My birthday.

I couldn't sleep last night, explaining the panda eyes.

Yesterday I spent the night at Vongola Mansion, with the hospital's permission of course. I believe Tsunayoshi and Reborn persuaded them.. with the name Vongola-

That's why I'm now at the said mansion.

One thing I have to say, the way they do this sucks.

First thing first, I could already hear the loud yelling voices which belong to Tsunayoshi's friends. Since last night. Perhaps it's one of the reason I can't sleep-

But it's also soothing to hear someone else's voice.

Second, the whole night, the door of the room creaks opens and closed, then opened and closed. Like hell? I pretended to sleep while they place I don't know, presents?

It's a bit disturbing as to I saw a dress? flower bouquets.. flowers in general- some candies and sweets (perhaps from Lambo?), wait is that an espresso maker and a bag?

I face palmed at all of those presents.

Well good thing there's no jewellery nor anymore rings-

It made me feel like a princess, to be honest. With me in a room like this from the start already gave me the vibes-

It's not bad to be a princess or spoilt, but aren't I a bit too old?

I heaved a sigh before I heard some knocks from the door. "Good morning, Signora [Name]." Of course, maids.

"Just call me [Name]." I told them which made them flustered on how inapporpriate it is.

It's making me tired.

Wait, I am still tired.

I groaned lightly shaking my head.

Somehow I had a bad feeling for today...-


I finally convinced the maid that I could shower myself and change clothes by myself. They reluctantly waited for me and called out for me once in a while when I was inside the bathroom.

It is a bit hard, but I can manage.

I then was lead towards the dining room.

The halls were eerily silent with some butlers and maid rushing here and there and flinched when they saw me and quickly ran away.

Just who am I in their eyes?

The door of the dining room creaks loudly before confettis pops out. "Buon compleano [Name]!" Everyone shouted.

Oh well..

I gave them a smile, "Grazie."

The party started from breakfast to a bit after lunch. Approximately 6 hours. We had breakfast while chattering, cutting the cake, blowing the candle, every birthday traditions.

After the breakfast Reborn announced we would have a show, Vongola Style.

Tsunayoshi gulped and sighs but nodded agreeing to the said show.

Appearantly I'll be the judge and the winner would have their wish granted with the power of Vongola...

I sweatdrop, 'well, Vongola is a strong influence.'-

Everyone will give gifts for me or do some talent show and I will rate them. It's an easy task, I guess.

It is not.

First to come up infront was Sasagawa. He was working out infront. I have the urge of face palm and question what kind of show this is again, but held it in.

"He never changes." I heard Tsuna commented with a sweatdrop.

"You don't have to hold yourself. Just point them as you see it right." Reborn advised.

I heaved a sigh and gave a small soft smile. "30 points." I gave him a straight face.

He protested but was held back by the others.

The second one is Yamamoto. "Well my specialities are with sushis!" He proudly announce, throwing fishes upward and filleting them beautifully and accurately with his sword.

This made me fascinated and clapped, "Wow!" He then gave me a plate of sushis. I picked up one and ate it delightfully. "It's delicious!"

He gave me a wide grin. "80 points!"

He made a peace sign. "Yay!" He laughed proudly.

Gokudera grunts before going up front. "Let's do this, Uri." He voiced out as a cat jumps to my lap, nibbling my fingers. Perhaps because I just touched a fish?

I giggled and rubbed the cat, Uri's head. "Why hello there."

Gokudera screeched, "Uri!!"

Uri just hissed towards Gokudera before continuing to nibble my finger. I let out a soft laugh as they looked so cute, fighting each other. "60 points!" Uri meowed as a response, while Gokudera slumps down.

I giggled.

"If Bakadera can do it, I can too!" Lambo loudly declares. "Behold, Gyuudon!" He called out where suddenly a ball, huge green ball appeared. There seems to be some statics- before the ball disappears and a black bull appeared.

"Woah!! So cool." I clapped at the magic. Now that I think about it, a lot of Tsunayoshi's friends could do magic huh? "Let's see.. how about 70.. oh 75 points!"

Lambo still having his proud looks, "At least I'm greater than Bakadera." He seems quite satisfied.

The girls, I-Pin, Kyoko, Haru, Yuni, and Chrome then all stood up. Chrome made a small shy smile before indigo color swirls infront of me and suddenly a table fully decorated with some varieties of teas, some handmade dolls which looks like me, the girls, Tsuna and Reborn, a cloth folded well- or is it a dress? and also a bracelet. Matching bracelets with the girls.

"These are all lovely. Thank you so much!" I told them with my most happiest smile. They returned the smile and we had a group hug. I took the bracelet and placed it in my wrist. "Perfect score, 100!" I loudly announce with a huge grin.

The girls high touched and celebrated.

Hibari and Mukuro forfeited in the ridiculous show- they quoted. I just shrugs and nodded, already feeling happy they even joined the party.

This left Reborn and Tsunayoshi.

I have to say I don't exactly expect anything since last year the both did gave me promise rings-

I doubt they would buy anything else that's more expensive, right?

"Okay then, my turn." Reborn mumble out walking towards me. He then gestured Leon, his chameleon to crawl to my hand, and I saw something shone, a chain? "Since in the end you just wore it as a necklace, I bought you a proper necklace now." He told.

Leon untangled himself from the chains that wraps him and when he succeeded, he licked my hand before crawling a bit backward to reveal the necklace which had my name's initial in it.

I smiled in gratitude, "Thank you, Reborn. Would you help me wearing it?" He nodded, taking the necklace and I held my hair up so he can easily access my neck.

Feeling it is placed, and secured I gently put back my hair down and smiled. I tried hard to ignore the girls' squeals.

I can see Tsuna pouting on the sidelines, slowly making his way infront of me. I sweatdrops at his childish antics, 'Didn't he also did it last year?' I heaved a sigh with a small smile.

"S-Since I gave you a necklace last year, I got you bracelet this time..-" I blinked when he pulled a box and opened it. Oh, bracelet- did he get jealous because I already got bracelet from the girls?

I looked at the bracelet and see my name initials were engraved in it too. He gently took the bracelet and asked for my right hand. I gave him my hand and he placed the bracelet.

The girls' bracelet were put on my left hand since I saw they all had it on their left hand-

I looked at the bracelet with a smile, "Thank you, Tsuna." I told him.

Today is a great day.

The winner were anonimously became Tsunayoshi and Reborn's. The girls announced it loudly and cheerfully, making me quite confused.

"Aren't I the judge-"

They all shrugs, "Don't mind the small details!" The girls giggles happily.

I facepalmed, 'It's not small at all.' I heaved a sigh, but smiled at their antics.

Afterward we ate lunch with another chatter and also the cakes. We all had a good time until I thought of spending some times and sparing my happiness to Cel who's at the hospital.

The clock shows it's around 3 in the noon, and today I believe Cel had rehab until past 5? That's two more hours..

I voiced out my plans and they decided we'll leave before or a little bit after 4 and stroll around the town while waiting for the time.

After voicing my plans I could see Haru smirking whispering somethings with Yuni and Kyoko- the rest of the girls actually. They all nodded and their whispers spreads to the males who also nodded afterwards.

"Well then! I'll need to go back fast before Gamma starts nagging me because I left Byakuran back in the mansion." Yuni told with a smile.

"Ah! Then I'll go too. It's been a while since I saw Aria-san and the others!" Haru declares.

Kyoko nodded as well, "That's true. Let's go." She smiled.

"I-Pin will come too!"

"I will.. too.." and with that the girls bid goodbyes and left the dining room.

I silently sighed, knowing well it's planned.

Hibari didn't say anything and left as well. Rokudou gave me a happy birthday and disappears again like last time. Lambo was dragged by Gokudera, Yamamoto, and Sasagawa outside saying they had things to do as well.

They all suck at lying for Christ's sake.

I just heaved a tired sigh.

"Oh well." I shrugged.

"I thought Hayato Takeshi and the others were free though,," I sweatdropped at how dense Tsuna is, while Reborn just shook his head.


3 February 2020

Published 8 February 2020

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