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They sent me back to the hospital when it's getting darker. They bid their goodbyes and a see you.

I just nodded at their kindness, and said "Thank you."

The nurses helped me to my bed, telling me to rest up. Defying the nurses won't end nice so I just nodded and tried to sleep.

The next few days passes by quickly, with me having my usual check ups for my paralyzed legs, me roaming through the not-changing hospital and its surrounding.

I don't feel like going out for those days so I just wheeled around the hospital.

Without knowing it's been a week, I've been trying to think of something else than the two's confession.

I also still don't even know their names.

I'm happy by their confession, to be honest. Since it's the first time I felt I'm actually wanted. I mean I am almost always alone for the past 23 years, in the hospital, just roaming around this and there.. all alone.

My hand tightened as I closed my eyes, shooking my head to shook off my thoughts.

"Hi.." I look to see only the brunette today.

"Hi." I gave him a smile. "How unusual, you would always be together." I commented.

He rubbed his cheeks, "Well we decided to go visit you alone ever since we.. confessed.." He shyly replied.

I blushed as I remembered their confession. "I see.." I replied.

It became awkward for a while, I didn't know what to do. He seems to be nervous too and fidgetting and all.

"Uh, well.." He started looking around, "where are you going today?" He awkwardly asks.

I gave a soft smile, "Why don't we go to your favourite place today?" I suggested before he blushes.

"Uh, really? I mean- I don't mind but-" He flushed, panicking.

I giggle at his action. "I don't mind going anywhere you want." I stated to him.

He looked at me before nodding, "Okay.." He then started to think. "Ah! How about that sweets shop-"

I just smiled at him. "Let's go then. Lead the way."

But he walked to my back and pushed my wheelchair. "Sure."

It's a bit late, but despite his small body, he is strong. He often pushed my wheelchair when we go out, the three of us. Sometimes the fedora one would too, but well.

"Oh right. It's our sixth meeting but I never catch your, nor your friend's name. I've never told you my name either." I brought up. "And you even confessed when you don't even know my name.."

He blushes at the mention of the confess, and I actually found it adorable. "R-Right. My name is Tsunayoshi." He then introduced himself with a shy smile. "You can call me Tsuna."

I nodded, "I'm [Full Name]. Pleased to meet you, Tsuna."

He seemed quite happy and nodded.

And he's seriously cute.

We've arrived to the said sweets shop. As we entered, I can smell some delicious scents, whirling and merged with other scents.

As we took our seats, he gave the menu to me. "I'll treat you for today." He announce with a bright smile.

"You don't have to, Tsuna. I can pay.." I retorts but he shook his head, insisting he will pay.

I reluctantly sigh and gave in. He's stubborn isn't he?

"Oh my, Decimo. It's been a while." A waitress then came by and started a talk with the brunette, Tsuna.

Wait, Decimo?

He gave his smile and nodded, "Yes it has been."

She then took his pen, "I'm guessing you would take the usual?"

"Of course."

Hmm, so he have been here a lot..

"I'll take a tiramisu slice cake and hmm.." I'm surprise they sell an espresso here. But it's too bitter to my liking.. I've never tried other coffees too.. But if I don't drink it, it'll be a waste.


"Hm?" I look to see Tsuna's -quite- worried face. "Ah I'm sorry, I haven't decided.."

He shook his head, "It's fine. You can take your time." He gave a smile. "Don't think too hard, this is just a sweets shop after all." He gave a light chuckle.

I blushed and nodded before looking at the menu once again. I saw one which caught my eye, Chai Latte. 'A mix of caramel, orange blossom and honey huh?'

"And Chai Latte please."

The waitress noted it and nodded. She verified our orders before excusing herself.

I gave a sigh and my tension disappears. Realising what I'm doing, Tsuna chuckle once again.

"Don't be so tense."

I pouted, "I rarely go inside shops this good." I mumble out looking outside the window. "I've always been outside all of the time, with minimal money and life style."

His looks turned gloomy. "Ah no worries, since I managed to live on by my parents' money. I used just enough because I don't see the point of using it all.. And I also have a lot to pay, espescially the hospital."

I gave him a smile, twirling my hand at the table. "I have no other relatives except from my mother, who died when I was 4 years old. And I've always been in the hospital so.."

He gave a sad look, "Like I've said, don't worry. I forgot most of my childhood memories anyway." I tried to lighten up the mood.

"Anyway, earlier the waitress called you Decimo." I changed the topic. "Are you perhaps an heir of a company?" He seems to flinch. I joked a bit, "Ah, perhaps that rumoured Vongola-?"

He sweats a lot. "Huh? No way-" I lightly gasp as he didn't deny my words.

He gave a sheepish laugh, "T-That's right.."

I've actually guessed it right.


5 January 2020

Published : 25 January 2020
Happy Chinese New Year!!

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