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After guessing it right, we stayed in the awkward silent.

Vongola corporation, one of the oldest and richess corporation in Italy. It supports most of Italy and they already have lots of branchs around the world.

There are lots of rumours of the new heir, the Decimo finally decided to move to Italy from Japan, where they said he was raised.

No one knows how the said Decimo's appearance. Everyone has a tight lip, perhaps being threathened by the Vongola? Or perhaps no one, who loves to gossip met with the said Vongola.

And that very person is actually the person infront of me, and confessed to me.

"Thank you for the wait. Here are your orders, Decimo's usual set, Tiramisu slice cake and a Chai Latte. Enjoy." The waitress excused herself after putting down our orders.

I mumble out a short thanks before looking the beautifully decorated slice cakes. "How beautiful." I lightly gasp. "It's almost a bit of a waste to eat it."

Tsuna lightly chuckle at my comment. "It is beautiful." He nodded, taking a fork and sliced a bit of his strawberry cake. "Though you're more beautiful for me." He gave a grin while leaning on his hand, looking at me.

I instantly blush up from his comment. "I didn't think of you to be this kind of person," I manage to voice out, covering my face in embarrasment.

"W-Well, I tried," He coughed fakely while looking the other way. His ears are red though.

So he's also embarrased by what he said.

I giggled, "How adorable."

"A-Anyway, let's eat. It's also a waste to not eat it." He changed the topic and greedily savoured the cake. His face quickly lighten up as he melt from the taste. "As expected, it's delicious." He praised with a delighted face.

I gave a fond smile, "Alright then." I pick up my fork and sliced a bit of the cake.

My face quickly lightened up as well, the taste of tiramisu.. The flavors of cocoa hit me with the perfectly blended coffee.. or is it perhaps espresso? The cream cheese and layer sponge cake are blending perfectly in harmony with the taste of espresso and cocoa.

I've never taste something so rich flavoured before.

I then heard another chuckle from the brunette infront of me. My face turned red in embarrasment. "D-Did I say that out loud?" I whisper out.

He shook his head, "No, but I can read it from your expressions." He lightly laugh.

I just looked down embarrased.

"Don't be so down, I'm glad you're enjoying yourself."

I pouted lightly, but I'm relieved. At least I am enjoying my last years.

We both finish eating for a while and started a chat once in a while. As time passes, the sun started to set and he sent me back to the hospital.

I told him to not skip his job just to see me, espescially when he came once a week, before when he and the fedora one came.. well including today.

He pouted lightly, "I'll try." He shruggs before leaving me in the hospital.

As I went back and prepares for bed, helped by the nurses, my eyes went to the calender. I'm not so surprised, but it is almost my birthday. My 24th birthday.


A few days after, the fedora one came alone. Well Tsuna had told me they'll come alone from now on?

Although I prefer the both of them together.


I gave him a smile, "Good morning." He flicked his fedora and quickly took control of my wheel.

"Where should we go today, principessa?"

I blush from the nickname. "Just call me [Name]." I shyly replied to him pouting a bit. "My name's [Full Name]. What's yours?" I decided to ask right away.

He took a short pause, before replying. "It's Reborn."

I nodded in aknowledge. "Alright then Reborn." I started. "Today I would like to go to your favourite place."

He seems quite surprised by my statement. "Alright then."

He quickly direct us to an awfully familiar place. Oh, the sweets shop when I came with Tsuna.

"So you've been here before?"

I look to see his face, "Once." I replied. "With Tsuna, the other day." He pushed me inside the shop and led me to the very same place Tsuna took me before. "It's also his favourite place."

He hummed and sat infront of me. Unlike before, he sat where I sat when I'm with Tsuna. I quickly knew, well.. guessed, that the both of them usually come together.

"Oh my! Signore Reborn." Is it just a coincidence? The waitress is also the same person who served me and Tsuna.. "It's been a while. I've rarely seen you and Decimo together lately." My suspiscion has been confirmed.

"We've been busy." Reborn responded.

"I see. Would you order your usual?" The waitress asks, earning a short nod from him. "Alright, what about you miss? Would you like to order what you ordered before too?"

I'm surprised she remembers what I ordered last time. I'm not even a regular-

"Ah yes, tiramisu slice cake with Chai Latte please."

She wrote them and confirmed our orders, and left us.

"You seem surprised she remembered what you ordered." Reborn started suddenly.

I nodded, "Well, I only came once.. I never thought she would remember my order." I mumble out.

He chuckle at my comment, "Well she might be interested in you since you also came with Tsuna before."

That makes sense. I mean he's the decimo.. "I see, he's the rumoured Decimo after all." I whisper out to myself.

"Oh, you know?"

I look up to Reborn and nodded, "Last time I kind of guessed and it's right?" I lightly shrugg.

"Well Dame-Tsuna sucks at hiding it." He gave a small sigh.


"His nickname." He crossed his legs and look at me, "He's a useless person who can't do anything right when he's in middle school, hence the nickname Dame, which means useless."

"I see.." This also remind me I don't know anything about them. We're practically strangers, but somehow we met and became closer.

I wonder why do I have to meet them when I have so little time left..?


I look at him questionly. "Huh? Yeah?" It's a bit bothering how I can't see his eyes because of those fedora though.

He hummed as he suddenly became silent.

I just continue to look at him, being clueless. Shortly, our orders came. I saw how Reborn only ordered an espresso.

So Tsuna has a sweet tooth for strawberry, while Reborn likes bitter stuff, espresso.

I started to eat the delicious tiramisu slice cake again, and felt my self delighted.


10 January 2020

Published 30 January 2020.

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