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"So [Name]," I once again directed my attention to him. "I'll ask you again but, will you be my girlfriend?"

I quickly choke on my last bite of tiramisu cake I was munching. "A-Again?" I wiped my mouth and drank my latte.

He just gave a smirk, "I'm persistent."

I pouted and sighed, "I've told you before, but no. I've only got.. a year and a bit more to live." I mumble out, seeing my own reflection from my cup.

"How can you be so sure? It might be a coincidence."

My grip tightened, "I don't know. I just know it." I whisper out. "I dreamed of when he, I don't know whoever he is, making a wish and agreed to that price!" I unconsciously raised my voice.

Seeing the look of the people around, I shrunk in my seat, "S-Sorry.." I mumble out.

"Don't mind them." Reborn mumble out and wrapped my hands. "It's fine."

I shook my head, "It's not fine." I look at him. "I don't want to be in a relationship if I know I'll leave my partner away soon."

"You also deserves to be happy." He reasoned out. "And if it's still a year, you can leave something for your partner." He whisper out. "A child.. perhaps?" He playfully say with a sly face.

I bit my lips, "I can't." I whimper out.

I can feel his hands stiffen, "What do you mean?"

"I have an MKRH* syndrome." I whisper out, tears threathening to fall.

His breath hitched, "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to-"

"It's okay. It's not your fault," I breathed out, sucking back my tears. "That's one of the reason as of why I didn't accept your, nor Tsuna's confession." I voice out. "I can't be that selfish."

"And who said that?"

My eyes widen in surprise, "What?" I mumble out in confusion.

Reborn scoffs, "I ask you who said you can't be selfish? You only live once, enjoy your life to the fullest." He explained. "If everyone can be happy, why can't you?"

"I don't want to hurt others." I told him. "I'm only be able to be happy for a while, and then I'll leave." I retorts, looking into his onyx eyes. "After I left, everyone I'm close too will be hurted! That's why I wish no one will be attached to me. So no one will be hurt when I die."

"But at least, you'll be happy right?"

"I'm already happy!" I raised my voice, slamming my hands at the table. "I'm happy that you, Reborn, and Tsuna came to me as if you've known me from a long time! I'm happy we get to spend time together, once in a while. Being with you two were my most happiest time!" My voice trembles a bit. My hands stings a bit, and I can feel my tears are already flowing out. "I would love to spend a lot of times with you and Tsuna. But I can't! I'm- My family is cursed!"

Reborn just shadowed his eyes.

I regain my composure and tried to calm down. "I want to be with you two, but I don't want you two to be hurt when I leave." I sobbed out.

Wiping my tears with my sleeve, I didn't direct my attention to anywhere else but Reborn. "I'm sorry."

"It's also my fault, don't mind it." He replied shortly. "You've been through a lot haven't you?" He then whisper soothingly.

My eyes slowly darted away from Reborn's face, unable to keep up my confidence to see him in the face. "I don't know, I barely remember my childhood memories." I mumble out.

"Pehaps it'll be better for you and Tsuna to just distance yourselves with me. I wouldn't want you two to be hurted when I leave." I shakily voice out.

"That would be impossible. You know we two have feelings for you."

"I know. That's also why." I can feel my body trembling. "I also already feel attached to the both of you." I whimper out. "I don't want to leave you two.."

His hand reached mine once again, and he grasp it. He brought it closer to him and cupped it. "Then don't. I and Tsuna will search for a way so that you won't die."

I gave a weak smile of gratitude, "I doubt you'll find any. I've tried."

He smirks, "your connection compared to mine is different. I'll surely find out that curse your family have."

I bit my lip, "There's not enough time." His finger brush soothingly against my finger. "I have accepted my fate. I'm one hell unluckiest person in the world aren't I?" Considering my paralyzed legs and fate to die at the age of 25.

He chuckle, "At least I'm lucky to meet you."

"How sweet." He shruggs.

I've calmed myself down, and spent the rest of the chatting some more with Reborn like Tsuna did. He insisted on paying too, and as time passes he sent me back to the hospital.

Seems like he had gotten closer to the nurses as well.

Afterward, he left me and told he'll come back again.


*MKRH syndrome.

Mayer-Rokitansky-Küster-Hauser (MRKH) syndrome is a disorder that occurs in females and mainly affects the Anatomy of the female reproductive system. The organs in the female reproductive system include the uterus, ovaries, fallopian tubes, cervix, and vagina. The uterus has a muscular outer layer called the myometrium and an inner lining called the endometrium.

This condition causes the vagina and uterus to be underdeveloped or absent, although external genitalia are normal. Affected women usually do not have menstrual periods due to the absent uterus. Often, the first noticeable sign of MRKH syndrome is that menstruation does not begin by age 16 (primary amenorrhea). Women with MRKH syndrome have a female chromosome pattern (46,XX) and normally functioning ovaries. They also have normal breast and pubic hair development. Although women with this condition are usually unable to carry a pregnancy, they may be able to have children through assisted reproduction.

When only reproductive organs are affected, the condition is classified as MRKH syndrome type 1.
Some women with MRKH syndrome also have abnormalities in other parts of the body; in these cases, the condition is classified as MRKH syndrome type 2. In this form of the condition, the Anatomy of the female urinary system showing the kidneys, ureters, bladder, and urethra.

Credit: https://ghr.nlm.nih.gov/condition/mayer-rokitansky-kuster-hauser-syndrome


So the idea of this girl who can't get pregnant is from a real story where I heard a counselor who came to give a talk about free sexs and stuff in my school.

That story is about a girl, around 14 or so? who's dating someone and had sex, and she's pregnant. But the boy wouldn't take responsible and told her to abort(?) the child and so they all are searching for a way.

Mind you the boy is like, a bad boy- he doesn't give a damn about the girl but he just wants her to abort the child so he doesn't need to take responsible.

And then the boy told her that he heard about a massage which can make the child inside to die. He said it's a massage but from what the counselor said, it's just an abuse. He kicks the girl's stomach in hope for the baby to come out? Maybe? Kicking and not caring actions were made which actually made the girl suffer more.

In the end, the boy failed and he and his friends abandoned the girl somewhere quite faraway. Thankfully she was found and sent to the hospital. She got a surgery, but of course, her child didn't made it and she got her womb taken (because her womb was ripped from the abuse action by the boy), thus resulting her to be unable to carry another child for the rest of her life.

and if I'm not wrong I heard the fucking bastard onky got jailed for a year?-

Yes, this is a true story. I doubt a counselor would lie-

It's actually sad to hear about the girl, but I'm glad she's well now. I actually hope for the bastard boy to rot in hell-

Well that's all, thanks for reading! Hope you understand it- My mother tongue is not English so it's a bit difficult to translate them tbh--

.11 January 2020

And yes, apologises for OOC Reborn?

Published 1 February 2020

Mature content for those explanations and my cursing- Sorry for cursing :"

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