Bonuses I

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.A few days after the funeral.

Tsuna's hand taps a few time on the table. He looked at the files infront of him.

He frowns.

Just what's with the files? The names were blank. Wait, scratch that, the whole paper are blank. There's no single ink printed on any of the papers,

What files was this?

He couldn't remember.

He can't.

He had asked all of his guardians, even Reborn! But no one remembers what file was it about.

As if it vanished.

Everything regarding those file gone, wirhout a trace.

Just what the hell happened?

.Exploring his property.

Tsuna stared blankly at the stone.

No name was written, it's a blank stone. But for sure, someone was burried in the area.

The question is who.

He couldn't remember.



.Ten years later.

A brown haired girl run pass the garden with a very cheerful face as she excitedly call out, "Father! Father! Look what I found!" She announced, hand covering something preciously.

The said father, Tsunayoshi Sawada looked softly at her daughter, "What is it?" He asks, giving an apologetic look to his guest, Reborn, his ex-tutor.

"It's a necklace! With rings!" She exclaimed opening her palm to show two rings attached to a chain necklace.

Both Tsunayoshi and Reborn suddenly froze in place, where had they seen those before?

"See! It has names engraved in it!" Tsunayoshi's daughter continued to ramble on, showing where the said names. "Oh! One is gold colored and one is silver.. It's so beautiful!"

Tsunayoshi reached for the necklace, "Can I borrow it for a moment?"

His daughter looked at her confusedly, "Sure!"

Tsuna gave a thankful smile, "Play over there for a while again okay?"


Tsuna held the necklace closer as he observed the ring. He swore he had saw it somewhere before, but where? He took off both rings as Reborn reached for one of the rings.

They both looked at the trailings of gold and silver lining.

[Full Name]

Suddenly a voice of crash were heard, making both males head rung as memories rushed in.

Tsunayoshi and Reborn unconsciously let their tears fell down freely.

How could they forget the precious one of their heart..?


"[Full Name]?" Tsunayoshi's guardians asked back. "Never heard of it.."

Disappointment crept up to Tsuna's face, "I see.,"

Noticing this, the right hand man quickly suggested, "Shall we look up for this person?" Trying to cheer his boss up.

Tsunayoshi shook his head, "No, it's okay." He quickly told.

'Only I and Reborn remembers [Name].. Perhaps because we were attached to her, even for a while.' Tsuna thought. His finger rubbing with the matching ring he had with [Name]. He used it as a mere accessories so his wife wouldn't be offended,, well hopefully.

"Right, Tsuna." His head snaps toward his rain. "I've been wondering but, what ring is that?"

He looks at the ring, eyes turning sad and glossy.

"Something precious." He replied.

.re-encounter 1.0.

"A-Are you sure..?" A girl with (h/c) fidgets.

The brunette girl nodded enthusiastly, "I'm sure father won't mind! Come on!" She pulled the other girl into her mansion.

"B-But.." The (h/c) girl looked intimidated by the enormous mansion and gulped. "I-I never knew you were this rich!"

The brunette girl giggled at her friend's exclamation. "Appearantly father is the owner of the Vongola in-corporate! He's so cool isn't he?" She told her friend as they both went past the gates. "I'm home!" She then announced when she pushed the door.

"Oh, welcome home!" Takeshi Yamamoto greeted as he waved to the brunette girl. He then raised an eyebrow, "who is she?"

"Uncle Takeshi!" The brunette ran to hug her uncle's leg, "She's my friend! She just transferred from Venice teacher said!" She giggles as she felt her uncle patting her head.

"I see I see. Why don't you tell your father about it first then?"


The (h/c) girl bowed shyly towards the older man before once again being pulled by her friend.

"Father! Father!" The brunette yelled out to the door.

The door opened lightly, "What's wrong?" A tired voice replied.

Tsunayoshi's daughter opened the door with a wide smile, "I'm home and I bought a friend!" She exclaimed.

The said friend flinched and bowed, feeling nervous once again.

"I see," the older man haven't looked up from the papers infront of him. He then put down his pen, rubbing his tired eyes before looking at the two girls.

Where he then quickly stood up in alarm, with wide eyes in disbelief. "[N-Name]..?" He mumbe out, rushing out from his seat and crouched down infront of the (h/c) girl.

The girl's (e/c) widen in surprise as tears starts to form because of the tightening grip on her arms. "M-My name is not [N-Name], sir..." She whisper out, wincing in pain.

Realising what he had done, he quickly pulled back and recover. "I-I'm sorry for startling you.." Tsuna apologises, rubbing his face. "Why don't you play on the garden then?"

Seemingly confused, Tsuna's daughter complied, "Alright!"

.re-encounter 2.0.

Reborn could only stare at the familiar girl infront of him, who's shedding tears.

"Ah! Uncle Reborn made her cry!" Tsunayoshi's daughter annoyingly commented.

"Who is she, brat?"

The brat stuck her tongue out, "My friend who transferred from Venice!"

Reborn didn't respond anything else except for patting both girls' head. "Have fun playing," he mumble out before Leon crawled from his master's fedora to the (h/c) girl and licked her tears.

Seeing his chameleon he nodded, "I'll lend Leon to you. Take care of him."

.8 February 2020.

.published 9 Feb 2020

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