❝ I Just Died In Your Arms, Must've Been Something You Said ❞

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"I, I just died in your arms tonight, must have been something you said"

"Should've walked away, should've walked away!"

Bonjour everybody!

Hope we are doing alright and having a good December! I am not quite sure if my December is going good or not but... Yeah.

We are 16 chapters away from fifty and you know what that means... Art contest .DD

We have a lot to cover today so let's get started, shall we?

First up!

It's been a long time since I have redrew a scene since I often have a hard time ... Finding shit so call me surprised when I found TWO things that seemed interesting and fun!!

This redraw is dedicated to FatYoshi5 since his persona Nacht is the main focus ❤️

I missed drawing your persona and I couldn't help but feel motivated to redraw this since:
1.) Christmas related
2.) Christmas pun ... And the song is German so????

Sorry, was too lazy to crop and besides, if you don't get the pun, could always read it in the screenshot.

And here is my go at it! I kept the same outfit since ... He honestly looked REALLY adorable in it and I couldn't help it!!

Made the picture much more bigger since this dood is on his own separate page and yeah! .DD

I really like the old one but this one is cute as well!

If any of you saw in the original picture a middle finger being flipped, then you have discovered the second redraw of this art dump!

I am a Grinch x Scrooge lovechild when it comes to this time of year but hey! Could you blame me??

I am 110% happy with how this redraw turned out!

Fate's hair looks fluffier, the eyes look much more better and the pose. The pose is honestly my favorite part of this drawing.

I drew a small xmas tree because I was bored and I can ... The devil horns 🔥👌

I am really happy about these two Christmas drawings! I have a bad habit of not doing a lot of things associated with the holiday but at least you guys can't yell at me that I don't do anything to celebrate it!! .D

Also. Lowkey proud that I kept it traditional since I always seem to want to turn it digital to fLEX my skills but I think this looks better traditional.

The next thing that involves me tagging someone is a redesign - art trade I did with pastelchromist!

Pastel really liked the purple and wanted a fluffy theme for da boi and I decided to work my ✨ magic ✨ and I honestly like how much of a bean they turned out to be like!

The stripes in the sweater were honestly and rEALLY last minute thing but I think it looks cool here?? I gave them a fluffy hat since I was ✨ bored✨ (✨x2)

I didn't know if you were gonna change the species or whatnot, so I made them more on the human side of things.

Anyways, enjoy your redesign! 💛

I am sure everybody LOVES when I say this word:
Reference updates!

... Yep.
Any of you surprised?

This first one was going to be something completely random and just pose based but it rEALLY fit Maple so it stuck!

All I did was just change the plaid circle to a heart and everything remained the same. Still have the plaid parts, fluffy boots, fluffy sweater and iconic red-white striped scarf: so fierce! He looks so cute!

The background was honestly simple and easy to do?? All I did was use a brush and it surprisingly went well and yes, those are some lazy ass trees!!

Next one up is the playboy, fucker himself: Roman!

Lowkey loving the little handflip he is doing, it just?? Fits him sUPER wELL. He literally looks like he is about to go:
"Gurl, you look fuckin' ugly in that spotted dress. Gross girlfriend."

In the original reference picture, he has shoes but I felt like it would fit if he didn't... For this picture 😭

All my ocs have shoes and shit, okay?? Sometimes I just... Havent designed them yet cause I am too lazy and they end up looking the EXACT SAME WAY.

Before we jump into the majority of the art dump, ship art.

I have been going through a lot, it's no surprise, we all go through shit. My mental health has gone down the drain so I have been drawing these two and ... Majority of the art dump will be these two fUCKERS.

Traditional shipart?? HELL YEAH.

I couldn't help myself when one of my friends recommended I draw Angel and I ended up drawing the whole family!

The family is out in the woods, Buck is being a giant tease (which he usually isn't, no offense-) and Mitch is a flusteted mess: he learned that from Archie.

This is probably my favorite shipart I have ever created! Of course, there are the mistakes where Mitch's hand is phasing through his bandanna and Buck is ... Accidentally thicc but hey! I like it! .D

.... Now onto the six drawings of Buck & Mitch because I have NO LIFE ✨

Here is Buck's reference sheet! This picture was originally just gonna be traditional but the old Buck reference was... ATROCIOUS.

I didn't change any of his design since... It was ALREADY amazing and honestly, quite proud of it... He may get some wardrobe clothing here and there but it isn't changing ANY time soon.

We are going to alternate between Buck and Mitch so let's head onto Mitch's reference !

Mitch's old reference was... GARBAGE... I AM SORRY—

So this definently was an improvement! I got the fading of the blue and black correctly without it looking like trash and I am quite proud of how Mitch turned out digitally since it usually is hit-or-miss, imo

I also put a face with his exposed eye color since... I always seem to make it into something else 😭😭

Back to Buck!

Traditional Buck!

This sketch was REALLY old, back from September 8th so I gave it a bit of an update lmao!

I quite love how Buck just ... Looks so cute here!! Literally ❤️👌

Let's move to traditional Mitch!

I really love how this one turned out?? GAWDDD

I can't even describe it?? I was worried coloring this was going to ruin it but honestly, enhanced it a lot!

And let's go to the last Buck picture!

This was an old, unfinished sketch from back in August and I finally decided to flesh it out and update the style and turn it into something!

If any of you remember the picture with Buck staring dreamily while Mitch took a picture... This is pretty similar to that!

It's how Buck would be on a date!
Into it

Lowkey love.

And last picture of Mitch before I go onto something else!


This one is kind of a guilty pleasure.
This is based on a song that has NO right on being super catchy and good 😭

Damn, Gravy you so vicious
You so clean, so delicious
How come you ain't got no misses ?
Count that paper, count the riches

If you're curious about the song:


... Shirtless Mitch BAHAHAHHSJDIENSB
He's flustered and embarrassed

New oc.

I was talking to my friend Pastel and I have finally made a hierarchy of how my world is gonna go!!

The two god/goddess
— King Lex - God of Night
— Queen Angela - Goddess of Day

They have a child and her name is Dione! She is the goddess of creation and made HOD while the fake prophet tried to replicate Dione's power and ended up making EOTUF—

With creation, there is death... This dood just fizzled into creation

Don't give me too much credit for the colors, all that goes to pastelchromist, they are a sweetheart! 💛

So everybody welcome Kerraelas! K is the God of Death and Dione simps for this dood since she is into depressed Dads since *cOUGH*

I love this dood... I love his colors, his pose, the small things that help add to his job and just tell us more about this dood... Yeah! I just adore him

If you expected Dione to be next, you are (hAH) dead wroNG—

We have a redesign that I am quite proud to share with you guys!!

If you got the impression that this was Belgium, you are correct. I was looking at Adam for awhile now and honestly, I hate his design.

Wreaks of a dumb stereotype and I am positive we all don't need the reminder of Belgian Waffles?? So this dumb joke is finally getting laid to rest.

Everybody welcome the new individual that is replacing Adam

His name is Aaron! His name is kind of a homage to an individual that means a lot to me and their personalities are similar as well... Dayum, projecting much?? 👉👈

But anyways, his colors are REALLY nice to look at, I just?? He is so aesthetically pleasing and nice to look at??

I decided to make Aaron look more like Sterling by giving him the strawberry blond (or a tryhard color of it) and decided to give him blue eyes so he fits in with his bros!

He looks so fruity and I just cAN'T.

If you get a chance, I reccomend looking at his updated bio (yes, my oc book gets updated) and let me know if you like the change from being a loud party animal to a calm & positive individual... I know I love the change!

If you thought I was done with Aaron you are dEAD wrong

I had to draw the three brothers together!! It would have been a sin if I didn't

So we have Milas on the far left and the 7'6" bITCH got a bit of an update! Instead of giving Milas his half sleeves, decided to just five him fingerless gloves and a T-shirt... It fit better that way, honestly

Lovely Aaron! He's just vibing and having a good time with his brothers!

And Sterling! I am glad the lineart makes him look more "there" compared to his (eWW) character reference ...

Sterling and Milas are gonna get new references soon!

Moving away from siblings, let's go onto a small PSA.

I made this for AP Psy since we are learning about cognitive function and autism was in the unit I learned about so I had to make a small project for it!

I decided to use my two ocs that have autism (and who are on the different sides of the spectrum) with the quote:

"No matter where one is on the Autism spectrum, you are worth it 110%!" 

You are all valid no matter if you have autism or not but I wanted to spread a lil positivity to those who have it and think they're a burden, you guys aren't!

Lastly, let's go with a stupid oc thing

Yep! The old artwork hURTS

Stands there awkwardly
- Tobias
- Buck
Like brother, like brother

Flirts back like a normal, functioning person
- Paris
- Mitch he is a mixture of this and flustered

Flirts back in the most ridiculous way possible
- Roman

Immediately shuts it down
- Sergei

Becomes a total mess , like whatever you're imagining, but so much worse
- István
- Archie

Totally oblivious , too a nearly comical extent
- Maple ... He's oblivious but like, not to the comical extent LMAO

Stay hydrated!
Stay safe!
Have a good day / night! 💛

❤️️ Suggestions / tips ? ❤️

Ibis paint (phone) welcomed !

🧡 requests 🧡

💛 art trades 💛

💚 customs 💚

💙 redesigns 💙

💜 waiting list ? 💜

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