Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

Pearls POV

The couch wasn't as comfortable as my bed back home but it would do.

I can't believe I would see humans walk on water! Okay, maybe not walk on water but something like that.

I haven't really seen humans closer than the rock, but I heard there is another rock which is good...I think.

Eagerness bubbled up inside of me. I can't wait.

I opened my eyes.

Pale was crashed on the bed, snoring as loud as a giant.

She wasn't waking up.

I pulled the thin blanket of the couch and swam to the door.

My hand gripped the gold handle and I opened the door.

I began to swim down the hallway.

"Pearl?" A voice said behind me, it didn't sound like Pale, not that I was expecting that.

I turned around.

Matthew was standing there.

"What are you doing here?" Matthew asked.

"What are you doing here?" I asked him.

"I'm a boy," Matthew said. "I know what's good for me.

"No, you don't because your not a boy, your a merman," I sassed.

"Fine, I'm a merman and I know what's good for me."

I nodded. "And I'm a mermaid and I know what's good for me."

His emerald green fish tail sparkled in the vague light of the seascrapers that never seem to sleep.

I heard the soft pitter-patter above my head.

"It's raining in the human world," I said.

"How can you tell that?" Matthew said his eyes wide with amazement.

"I have stronger ears than humans to interpret underwater language. Your ears are still a bit human, you can't hear the rain yet and I doubt Pale can too," I said.

"Of course Pale can't hear the rain," Matthew said. "Her snore sounds like rolling thunder."

I rolled my eyes.

"Well, good night Pearl," Matthew said as he swam past me.

I returned to my sleep quarters just at dawn.

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