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Dear Kyuubi,

Ugh, older brothers can be so annoying sometimes. Always going on about "fabulous" this "fabulous" that. I swear one day I will get revenge on him for making me listen to his stupid rants about fabulousness.

You have any older/younger siblings? If you do I wouldn't be surprised if our siblings were alike. Also, I know it's kinda late for this, but can I just call you Kurama instead? Kyuubi....I don't know. The name just makes me feel shaky. Anyway, do you like cats?



Dear Raven,

At least your brother doesn't use Glam! its kinda like how your brother is using fabulous, mines just using glam. Its.....Annoying so to speak. And i'm with you on the revenge part, and yes. I do have a older brother. Not speaking his name for reasons that you already know. But yes, you may call me Kurama if that helps with your shakyness. '

Cats are....Okay, Im not very good with them because I always end up scratched in the end. (Its hard to deal with cat cuts) But I do love foxes. I eve- wait nope. Never mind. Just don't mind that (I don't have a freaking eraser..) So now my question.

Do you like anime (Who knows, we might be in an anime world.)


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