I-Insanely smart

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Hey! This is in the mortal world at school. Percabeth is in high school. Percabeth is good friends, at that wierd stage of flirting without knowing, they are not together but like each other a lot. Continue my faithful readers!

Percy's POV

"Okay class, please turn in your textbooks to page... 584. This week, we will be learning about the Constitution," Mr. Zagle, my History teacher, began as everyone settled down in their seats.

I was just about to tune out, but I remembered that Annabeth was in this class. I looked up and I saw her, in her usual seat, right in front of me.

"So, does anyone know who wrote the Bill of Rights?" Mr. Zagle asked looking out to the class with an expectant look.

Of course, Annabeth's hand shot straight into the air along with a few hesitant hands, including mine.

"Mr. Jackson," crap he chose me, "Who wrote the Bill of Rights?"

"Uhh... Thomas Jefferson?" My answer came out slightly as a question.

"No, in fact it was not Thomas Jefferson. Anyone else?" The other hands went down. Apparently everyone else thought it was Thomas Jefferson too.

"Well... Okay, Miss Chase, who wrote the Bill of Righ-"

"James Madison," she said cutting him of matter of factly.

"Yes, it was James Madison. Now, who first defended the new constitution?"

Again, Annabeth's hand flew into the air. "Yes?"

"John Jay, James Madison, and Alexander Hamilton wrote 85 essays labeled The Federalist Papers which defended the new constitution. John Jay wrote 5, James Madison wrote 29, and Alexander Hamilton wrote 51 essays." Snickers from the class were erupting at Mr. Zagle's shocked face.

"Uh, yes. That's absolutely correct," he was hilariously stunned.

School dragged along at a maddeningly slow pace. Finally, it was last period.

Art. Thank God. (Remember the mortal world)

Since we were still working in class on our latest art project, we were allowed to talk, but quietly.

I sat next to Annabeth in this class so we set off to work and made idle chit chat while we worked.

"So, Annabeth."


"How did you know all that stuff about the Constitution back there?"

"Haha! Oh that? Haven't you ever heard of the best musical to ever exist?"

"Dear Evan Hansen?"

"No! Hamilton!" Annabeth was wide-eyed but she was smiling.

"Oh, well, I wouldn't say it's the best to EVER exist, but it's good," Percy started plainly.

"Are you serious?! Ya know what, nevermind, I'll just put my highly strong evidence to back up my opinion in a PowerPoint and show it to you tomorrow."

Percy was laughing as he choked out, "A PowerPoint? Alright, Wise Girl. You do you."

It was Annabeth's turn to laugh, "Wise Girl? Why?"

"Because! You are too wise for your own good, and you're INSANELY smart. Plus you're a girl."

"Whatever you say, Seaweed Brain." Percy chuckled but said nothing.

You know the rest of their story after that.

Sorry guys, this took way way way WAY too long, but it's here now! I'll start working on the next one! C y'all on the flip flop!

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