Important Update About D&HS

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Hello everyone, 

This might be the last time you will be able to read the book Percabeth: Demigods & High School. 

As you all know, i've written this story when I was in what, 8th? 9th grade? 

I suck at writing then, and until now probably, but I feel like this book has been criticized negatively and positively. Please remember that this was the FIRST ever book i've written. And it is my FIRST  time to actually reach 1 million reads, wth right? 

You probably don't know this but i still read my readers' comments. I skim some and most of them kinda hurt my feelings as a writer. I know I have soooo many errors when it comes to writing; grammar, spelling, the whole characterization, plot, – everything. Some parts might have been unrealistic to the point where it doesn't feel like they are the characters from PJO. Some parts might have been clichè and cringe worthy. Some parts might have been insignificant, i don't know anymore. What I do know is that, I wrote this when i was younger, I wrote this because I just felt like writing and because of my obsession with PJO. I didn't thought of my grammar, my writing style, my plot, and more, at that time. I just wrote. 

When I wrote this story, the only thing in my mind was that: I love pjo, I love writing, so why not make a book that involves the two? 

So please, be mindful. I'm very sorry, but I might need to delete this story by next month. 

I feel sad about myself and the book. 

I feel that I need to re-do everything in this book because of so many mistakes and errors. 

I'm thankful for the readers who appreciate this book though, for those who stuck by me when I had like, 10 readers or something hahaha. I'm thankful for those who read the book and enjoyed it besides the fact there were so many mistakes.

I'm sorry for the readers who hate it, those who criticized it just because of my grammar and what not. 

Again, I am too busy with my life right now and I had so many mental breakdowns because of school and stuff. I just want everything to be okay and when I see some comments on this book that are u know, hurtful, I just want to delete this book. 

So again, this might be the last time you have this book in your libraries bc i'll be deleting it next month. I might fix it and publish a revised book but i'm not 100% sure yet. I don't care about the reads, the comments, or the votes. I care about how I need to improve my writing. 

Thank you for the support of the people who loved and appreciated this book,

All the love,


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