Chapter 9

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You read chapter 8 right ok I'm gonna start this chapter with when Loki pulled Percy into a kiss after she accepted to being his girlfriend and also Percy will have hobbies no one except her mom knew about enjoy the chapter😁

Loki POV
I pulled Percy into a kiss after she said yes to being my girlfriend. I pulled back and gazed into her eyes noticing her shivering from the cold air. "You should go change into some clothes" "nah really" "ah,yes my old friend Viper persassy has returned" I opened the elevator door and waited for it to get to the 25th floor. The music was playing imagine dragons warrior

As a child, you would wait
And watch from far away
But you always knew that you'd
Be the one to work while they all play
And you,you lay,awake at night and scheme
Of all the things that you would change,
But it was just a dream
Here we are, don't turn away now,
We are the warriors that built this town
Here we are, don't turn away now,
We are the warriors that built this town from dust
The time will come, when you will have to rise
Above the best and prove yourself,
Your spirit never dies!

Farewell, I've gone to take my throne above,
But don't weep for me
'Cause this will be
The labor of my love

Here we are, don't turn away now,
We are the warriors that built this town.
Here we are, don't turn away now,
We are the warriors that built this town
From dust

Here we are, don't turn away now,
We are the warriors that built this town.
Here we are, don't turn away now,
We are the warriors that built this town
From dust
*song finishes*

Sometime during the beginning Percy started singing along causing me and the avengers who were all in the family room to stare. I stared because she was the one singing in the tree and I didn't know she could sing. The avengers were staring at Percy,one because she was in a bathing suit and two they could hear her through the metal elevator doors. She opens her eyes and asks " what are you staring at?" She glanced down and closed her eyes. In a flash of light instead of a bathing suit she was wearing comfortable looking sweatpants and a shoulder strap shirt with the picture below on it

Percy POV 

I opened my eyes to see everyone staring at me and looked down and imagined a T-shirt with a picture of Loki saying "do you not understand I am a god" and hulk smashing Loki saying "nope not one f*ck given" and below that picture another showing Loki lying on the ground with the caption : conquer the earth they said, it'll be fun they said"the Clint and Tony outright doubled over laughing Steve,Natasha and Thor were smiling Bruce was blushing from embarrassment Loki just looked like someone told he was a vampire while staring at the shirt. Andy stopped laughing first and came forward pausing in front of me. I read her mind and found what she wanted to ask me since apparently while I was gone Andy asked the avengers if she could join and all of them agreed except Steve and Bruce. Andy opened her mouth to speak but before she said anything I said "no" "but you don't know what I was going to ask" "you're not joining the avengers" the avengers stared mouths open while Andy was starting to say something "no and that's final I'm not letting my only sister join a team at 10 years old and lose her like every other person I ever cared about" "but you don't understand" "I understand perfectly well and I'm pretty sure auntie Sally wouldn't want you joining a team of people who fight bad guys for a living" by now I was mad so I summoned sassy and Lupin mentally and a bag full of supplies like clothes and other stuff entering the elevator pressing the first floor button and leaving the building.

Loki POV

"Well you got her angry" I said after Percy stomped out with her cat and wolf. "Should we be worried about her" Steve asked "she can take care of herself but how long she'll be gone I don't know,it could be hours,days,weeks or a month at the highest"Andy said while still staring sadly at the elevator "what does she do and where does she go?"Stark asked "she never tells anyone except Alex and mom"

To be continued

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