Every Week

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I just created a song and uploaded it. The song was inspired by a dear friend who does not own a Wattpad account. She introduced me to an app that I used to produce the song, and she's just amazing. Then, she inspired me to make a story. Not a fanfiction.

I had to stop myself from giving her a bruise on her arm to match her face. "Kassie! What happened this time?!" I groaned, looking at my friend's bruised face.

"Um, I tripped? Hehehe..." Kassie rubbed the back of her neck, blushing hard.

"How?! Your whole face is bruised and swollen up like a bunch of bees stung you!" I rubbed her bruised cheeks harshly, being the good friend I am, causing her to wince away in pain.

"I may or may not have tripped over a rock and onto another one..."

I sighed, gently rubbing the ointment I kept in my locker for emergencies like this on her cheeks. "You gotta be more careful, Kass! One day, you'll show up to school with a missing arm."

I quickly shoved the ointment back into my locker before getting my books for Social Studies, my next class.

Kassie grinned cheekily at me before getting her own stuff from her own locker on the other side of the hallway.

"Yes, I know. You tell me this every week when I show up to school with a minor injury."

I shot Kassie a poker face and headed off to Social Studies, leaving her behind. "A concussion and broken arm isn't a 'minor injury'."

Kassie sighed, catching up with my fast pace. "Fine, I promise I'll be more careful, Allani. Just please, don't kill anyone. You have your pissed face on."

I scowled, pausing at the door of the Social Studies classroom before turning around to face Kassie.

"We'll see about that next week. Bye, Kass."

Kassie waved at me, then headed off to Math class right across the hall.

The next week, Kassie showed up to school in a wheelchair. Apparently she broke her legs during skiing and couldn't walk without a wheelchair.

Maybe I should reconsider and give her a bruise to match her face...

It's really short, but I think it's cute. This is dedicated to you, my friend. For you have the power to injure yourself every week when you come back from the weekend. Hope you enjoyed the song and short story guys! Toodles!

Bye, my little mockingjays!

~The Huntress :)

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