ΞΞΞ leo Valdez ΞΞΞ Birthday Party ΞΞΞ

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ΞΞΞ Leo Valdez ΞΞΞ Birthday Party ΞΞΞ

Warning: has kissing. Other then that read on!

Life is hard with Leo being your boyfriend. But it always promises the best birthday presents. Now you were walking blind being guided by Leo to your birthday party, your were turning 19. You were one of the oldest campers that was a demigod of the big three. You were (one of the big three)'s kid.

"Leo, where are we going?" You ask him

"I'm not telling! Just keep walking, I promise I won't let you fall."

"Ok..." Then you here a rolling noise coming closer to you. With the right timing you jump over a skateboard that somebody tried to slide under your feet. You rip off your blindfold and chuck the closest thing at Connor.

"Connor? What was that for!" You scream at him.

"Sorry! That's the last time I get you a present!" He mumbles. You finally take in your surroundings. Your in the (big three parent cabin) all decorated with (favroite color) streamers and (favroite flavor) (favroite color) cupcakes, which is what you threw at Connor. You see a table covered in presents and cards.

"Suprise!" Everyone yells.

You gasp. "You guys! You did this all for me? Thank you so much!" You say.

Percy laughs. "All cuz of Leo here, thank him."

You smirk. "I know the best way to." You turn around and grab Leo by the suspenders and pull him close to you and firmly plant a kiss on his lips. He is a little surprised at first but soon kisses back. You break apart to flash of a camera and see Piper holding a phone.

"Now, where's the cake?" You ask.

You are all siting across the room as you all eat your cupcakes, laughing and chatting with each other. You take another bite but you feel something hard in your cupcake. You pull it out of your mouth and you see it's a ring. It has a (fave color) diamond and a celestial bronze ring. Just then Leo walks up to you and plucks the ring out of your hands. You are about to call him out for it but then he gets down on one knee.

"(Y/n), I know we have only been dating for a year now, but I feel like I could never live without you. Your the moon to my sun, your the ying to my yang, and now I ask you, will you be the ms to my mr? (Y/n), what I mean to say, is will you marry me?" He says and holds up the ring. You push the ring down and he looks disappointed for a second and you here gasps from the crowd, but those turn to gasps of suprise when you kiss leo. When you pull away you smirk.

"Does that awnser your question?" You say as you slip the ring onto your finger. "And if your to dense to understand, that's a yes repair boy."

And the partygoers cheer.

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